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Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin Jun 07, 2016 1082 views

What are Industrial-Organizational psychologists?

What would someone expect to do (daily tasks and so on) with a career as an industrial-organizational psychologist? #career #psychology #industrial-organizational

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin Jun 07, 2016 1425 views

How do I get into sports journalism?

Obviously I'd have to go into an English-focused stream, but I was wondering if there is a stream specifically for sports? Or do opportunities (hopefully) open up later in my post-secondary career? #journalism #english #sports-journalism

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin Jun 07, 2016 844 views

Should I go to post-secondary if my heart really isn't in it?

I've never really been a fan of school, but jobs are hard to get and post-secondary degrees are usually the requirement. Is it bad that I'd major in something I don't have a passion for? #jobs #school

farheen’s Avatar
farheen Jun 06, 2016 1284 views

I can't understand biology subject so what should I do to understand this subject

For pass the 10th class

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin Jun 04, 2016 1266 views

Should I be worried that I don't have enough volunteer experience?

I've been wanting to volunteer more but I just do not have the time and energy due to full-time studies and work. Should I be concerned that future employment opportunities will be negatively affected by my lack of volunteer experience? #career #volunteering #employment #volunteer

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin Jun 04, 2016 1782 views

How long does a Master's degree in Psychology take?

I've heard 2-3 years for most people, but never got a definite number. Can it take longer than 3 years? #psychology #graduate-school #masters #graduate-programs

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin Jun 04, 2016 1508 views

Should I apply for student loans?

I do need financial assistance if I attend post-secondary, but I'm worried about the consequences of student loans (accumulating interest if student loans are not paid back in time). Is it a good idea to still apply for loans? #student-loans #loans

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin Jun 02, 2016 13031 views

Can I become a counselor with only a Bachelor's degree?

While I do plan on going for a Master's since I'm hearing that's almost the minimum required level for counselling occupations, I was wondering if it's possible to get a job as a counselor with a Bachelor's? #psychology #counselor #counseling #counselling

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin May 28, 2016 913 views

What's the difference between a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Psychology?

How do they differ and in what way does this affect career choices? #career #psychology #degree #degrees

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin May 28, 2016 974 views

Should I go straight into post-secondary?

Is it recommended/better to just immediately start post-secondary right after high school? #college #university #school

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin May 28, 2016 1812 views

How's the job outlook for an actor?

There's always a bunch of up and coming actors in Hollywood and Broadway, but realistically how does a job look for an actor? #acting #film-acting #actors #movies

Kyera’s Avatar
Kyera May 27, 2016 897 views

What hospital in Texas would be the best to do an internship at?

I am asking to clarify what would be the best hospital to work at prior to me graduating from college, and opening my own hospital. #nurse #pediatric-nursing #nursing-education #medical-assisting

Kyera’s Avatar
Kyera May 27, 2016 1026 views

How many years of college would I have to attend to become a Special Needs Nurse, and own my own Special Needs Hospital?

I am simply asking because that is the profession I would like to partake in. #nursing #nurse #pediatric-nursing #nursing-education #medical-assisting #special-needs

zarah’s Avatar
zarah May 27, 2016 1166 views

What type of jobs does an economics degree lead to?

I am trying to figure out my major for undergraduate studying. #college #professor #economics

zarah’s Avatar
zarah May 27, 2016 1781 views

is it better to work before going to obtain an MBA?

If so, what sort of jobs would help me get into a good graduate business school? #college #business #economics #professors #mba

caitlyn’s Avatar
caitlyn May 27, 2016 1417 views

When you want to become a district attorney will you have to travel? are your living locations limited? How many hours do you work? are you able to work from home?

I am asking these questions because I am doing a choosing a career project and have some questions #lawyer #district-attorney #district #law #law-practice

Kim’s Avatar
Kim May 27, 2016 827 views

How much competition do you have to deal with in criminal studies because it's becoming such a popular major?

Because of cop shows, people take criminal studies, hoping to be like the guys on TV. This would draw a lot of students, so how many people would there be in a typical class and people to compete with jobs for? #criminal-justice #major

Kim’s Avatar
Kim May 27, 2016 808 views

When should you expect a letter about your acceptance or if you've been turned down by a college?

If I was turned down by all of the colleges I applied for, would I have enough time to try to get into another one? How much time is there before senior year ends before I could find out? #college #university

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin May 26, 2016 1381 views

How's the job outlook for voice acting?

Is it easy to get a job as a voice actor? #voice-acting #voice-over

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin May 26, 2016 895 views

Suggested steps for voice acting as a career?

How should I proceed with starting up a career in voice acting? #acting #video-games #voice-acting #voice-over #voiceover

Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany May 26, 2016 849 views

How relevant is a French degree in the US?

I will be studying in France but returning to the US #research #nuclear-engineering

Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany May 26, 2016 757 views

What kind of nuclear waste research is funded in the US?

I am a nuclear engineering graduate student seeking to do research #research #nuclear-engineering #nuclear-science

Evan’s Avatar
Evan May 25, 2016 1995 views

Is it normal for me to feel afraid for not knowing the things to do the job I was hired for?

I want to do software or hardware but am afraid I am going to put in the job with no idea what to do. #engineer #computer #technology #software #computer-hardware #startups

Farhan’s Avatar
Farhan May 25, 2016 915 views

Is the demand for people going into the medical field increasing?

I am a high school senior commited to going into the medical feild and curious about the system #medicine #pre-med #family-medicine #internal-medicine

Farhan’s Avatar
Farhan May 25, 2016 775 views

How rigorous is the post medical school path for someone looking into internal medicine?

I am a High School senior that is very committed to going into the medical field and is curious about different specialties pros and cons #healthcare #health #hospital-and-health-care #family-medicine #internal-medicine #physical-medicine

Cameron’s Avatar
Cameron May 25, 2016 2039 views

Is there any way to be an honest lawyer?

I want to go into the field of law because I believe I am good at debating, but I have heard that to be a lawyer you must have no morals. Is this true? #law #lawyer #humanities

Cameron’s Avatar
Cameron May 25, 2016 1081 views

What are my job options if I major in international relations?

I am planning on majoring in international relations because I have a desire to bring peace between countries. What kinds of jobs are in line with this goal? #law #political-science #politics #international-relations

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda May 25, 2016 800 views

What are ssome courses I need to take to be a missionary?

My boyfriend wants to be a missionary. What are some courses I should take for electives to support this if we decide to marry and go together? I am going for Early Childhood #college #missionary

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda May 25, 2016 1018 views

How do I find grants for opening a nursery school after I finish by BA

I would like to have a nursery school for under 3 years old. I would like to find out how to search for monies to start this business. #business #school #grants #early-childhood-education #owners #private #nursery

Madelyn’s Avatar
Madelyn May 25, 2016 887 views

What other jobs are out there other than being a veterinarian or animal scientist?

I want to work with animals. #veterinarian #veterinary #career-counseling

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