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Eric Packer’s Avatar

Eric Packer

Structural engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Boise, Idaho
91 Answers
127565 Reads
310 Karma

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Marc’s Avatar
Marc Oct 29, 2024 647 views

What skills should I focus on to succeed in a career that combines design and finance?

I wanna know which specific skills in budgeting, accounting, and creativity are most important for my career goals.

Stany’s Avatar
Stany Oct 28, 2024 510 views

What are some common skills for a math/physics based career?

What are some skills that someone could learn and improve to better work for a career in something mathematics related? or possibly something related to engineering and physics based.

Jhosep’s Avatar
Jhosep Oct 28, 2024 710 views

Is there any major that allows me to study mechanical and civil engineer, if so, would it be worth it? #Fall24

I'm a senior who decided to major in an engineering career. Yet, I'm not sure about if I should take one or both since I heard some pros and cons from family and friends in this situation.

Ellerie’s Avatar
Ellerie Oct 10, 2024 793 views

What careers in stem require a lot of knowledge of computer science?

I am interested in pursuing a career in stem and I am wondering how knowledgable I need to be of computer science.

Diego’s Avatar
Diego Oct 09, 2024 725 views

If math is not one of my strengths, should I still try and become an engineer when I grow up??

I am a freshman in highschool wanting to become an engineer but tend to struggle in different math subjects?

Ivan’s Avatar
Ivan Oct 07, 2024 358 views

What types of skills/experiences should I have to pursue a career in mechanical engineering What are the best UC's and opportunities I should look for?

I am interested in careers related to mechanical engineering. What are some skills I should have? Should I be going for mechanical engineering or should I be branching to all types of engineering?

Augusto’s Avatar
Augusto Oct 07, 2024 530 views

How competitive are engineering degrees?

Are engineering degrees highly sought after and what does the environment look like after you get one?

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Oct 06, 2024 479 views

What should I do now to help me get a career in finance?

Is there anything I can do now as a Sophomore in High School to get a career in finance? I am 15 years old and right now I am researching collages and learning to manage stress.

danya’s Avatar
danya Oct 06, 2024 413 views

How to choose a career path?

hello..I'm currently in 11th grade in the PCM (physics,chemistry,maths) group, and I’m struggling to choose a career path after 12th. I’ve lost interest in almost everything and don’t know what to do. Initially, I chose the PCMB group, but i choosed PCM later.I used to be interested in...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Jul 15, 2024 1606 views

Is a job at a bakery okay if I want to be a physician assistant when I am older?

I'm currently 15 years old and an upcoming sophomore in high school. I have an idea of what I want to be but right now to gain work experience I want to work at a bakery. Will this look bad for college if a bakery job I am applying too isn't really related to what I want to pursue.

Amari’s Avatar
Amari Jun 18, 2024 769 views

How to say in a interview that you haven't done something when ask a behavior question ?

behavior question [tell a time when..]

Mayra’s Avatar
Mayra May 23, 2024 528 views

How much was University for you, what do I expect?

I am a first generation student with no money and no financial savings. I would like to know for everyone how was school for all of you? How much did it cost? What would be the starter kit for university?

Jayy’s Avatar
Jayy May 12, 2024 599 views

What advice or steps can I take when I experience some setback in my career?

What advice or steps can I take when I experience some setback in my career.

Felix’s Avatar
Felix Apr 30, 2024 722 views

Which classes/ steps do I have to take in order to get a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering?

Tips for mechanical engineering

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Apr 29, 2024 3146 views

Should I attend Northeastern University or a cheaper state school?

For context, my parents are insistent that I go to Northeastern University, as they're obsessed with acceptance rates. It's 34,000 without federal loans, which is quite outrageous as we are broke. They're insistent that they are able to afford it yet even if were not, I'd rather not spend that...