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Sen MP, Ph.D’s Avatar

Sen MP, Ph.D

Life Coach, Mentor & Author
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Protective Service Occupations
Gurugram, Haryana, India
57 Answers
70057 Reads
91 Karma


Civic Duty

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Ching’s Avatar
Ching Apr 02, 2022 488 views

What do you do when your brain is exhausted after an unpleasant coding session?

I am curious how programmers destress themselves and solve problems when they are stuck.

Samyukta’s Avatar
Samyukta Oct 15, 2020 669 views

Can you describe the education and training path to become an Army doctor in India?

I wanted a brief illustration of the career path (after graduating high school), to become a doctor serving in the army in India. Thanks in advance!
#doctor #career-paths #army #India

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 09, 2020 792 views

Can you describe a situation in which you were supposed to work with a person you didn't like and how you handled it?


Derrick’s Avatar
Derrick Apr 29, 2020 795 views

What career do you recommend for a disabled veteran

What career do you recommend for a disabled Veteran #career-counseling

sinna’s Avatar
sinna Apr 01, 2020 1114 views

Career with physics, philosophy, psychology , history or music?

I apologise for how long this post is but, I'm very passionate about physics (especially theoretical like quantum but i do enjoy almost every aspect of physics), music (mostly jazz and classical, but every genre is interesting in its own way), philosophy as well as psychology/neuroscience and...

koray’s Avatar
koray Jan 16, 2018 910 views

What is the benefit of a college degree compared to real life training?

who will have the advantage? someone who spends four years in the work force vs someone who spent 4 years in college to obtain a degree when looking for a career? #college #experience #career-development #career-preparation #working #career-counseling

Fiona’s Avatar
Fiona Mar 07, 2018 836 views

What jobs are available to a student with an Asian Studies BA?

I majored in Asian Studies in college and am graduating soon. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the opportunities out there and am having a hard time narrowing down what I'd like to do. I am interested in religion and have traveled a bit to South Asia. Does anyone have any advice on what to focus in...

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Jan 16, 2018 937 views

I want to be a teacher because I love to interact with people, and kids are easy to understand and it’s great to watch them grow. But can someone give me optimism on the pay, and being able to support a family on the income?

I want to become a teacher, but the pay may not be enough to support a family I might possibly want in the future. #education #teaching #children #working-with-children #salary

Sameer’s Avatar
Sameer Jun 23, 2016 1069 views

I have an interest to learn Robotics. I am currently studying my 11th standard and will be finishing off my 12th next year. what would be the next steps towars getting a professional degree in Robotics.

I am an 11th standard student and am very much fascinated by the robotic world. I vision to make a robot one day. But i have no clue where to head and where to land. Could you please guide me #engineering #engineer #robotics #robotics-engineer #autonomous-robots #human-robot-interaction

Helana’s Avatar
Helana May 16, 2016 1365 views

How do I connect with book publishers?

I am an aspiring author looking for publishers, editors, and agents for my upcoming books and I would love to know how to get connected and into the publishing world. #writing #author #publishing

Bhavan’s Avatar
Bhavan May 07, 2016 1527 views

What is the best college for research engineering in India?

I want be a researcher when I grow up! #college #engineering #researcher #career #academic-advising #career-counseling

deepika’s Avatar
deepika May 05, 2016 854 views

now i m studying in 12 i have lots of confusions because my combination is not having much scope it s HEBA WHAT SHOULD I DO NEXT for better job

there is nothing about me ,this question is because it decides my future plz heip me #career #teaching #teacher #educator

Kira’s Avatar
Kira Mar 18, 2018 939 views

How focused is an economics major on fiance/business?

I'm thinking about majoring in Economics, but I have very little interest in going into a career related to Wall Street, the stock market, etc, or continuing on to business school. I'm most interested in economics research in behavioral economics, and some in policy. To what extent would a...

Kerisha’s Avatar
Kerisha Jan 05, 2017 5315 views

I'm a chemical engineering graduate and I hate this degree. I've always wanted to be a doctor and even after doing well at school, i was unable to get a place to study medicine. Now I'm stuck with this degree and I dont know what to do. Please help.

I initially chose chemical engineering as I thought that I could get into the pharmaceutical engineering side of the industry and I knew that they were sought after in the finance sector. Unfortunately my applications haven't worked out and there's no scope for chem eng in pharmaceuticals in...

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Jul 11, 2016 1098 views

Should you customize yor resume for the career you want?

I would like to know if it is a good idea to customize your resume for the career you are going for. #career-counseling

Isaac’s Avatar
Isaac Jan 16, 2018 1001 views

As a African American how can I Elevate life for all black Americans?

#Passion #Dream #PanAfrican #social-activism #race #community #equality

Hadi’s Avatar
Hadi Feb 15, 2017 1440 views

What should be done to have a PhD in International Trade area?

I consider working as an academic. In this regard, I have a bachelor degree of International Trade and Logistic. I need some suggestion about it. #phd #logistics #academia #international-trade #logistics #academic

priyanka’s Avatar
priyanka May 20, 2016 1637 views

I want to become an army officer. What can I do to become an army officer?

I am Priyanka from Bangalore . Now am in 10th std . When I go to college I should not get confused on what I want to take to become army officer. So I am asking this question #military #army

Kat’s Avatar
Kat Jan 17, 2018 1169 views

How do I know what sort of job suits me?

I'm not sure if I'd fit best into a sit down job or one with lots of hustle, I do well in school sitting down all day but I also excel in work that has me up and moving
#job-search-strategies #career-advice #career-counseling #career-development

Mahpara’s Avatar
Mahpara Apr 27, 2018 974 views

Will my parents be happy with the choices i'm making for my future?

Ever since dad has passed and mom has lost her voice since his loss , there has only been silence among them. I have no idea where my future is going or where it will be. All I want to know is if they will be happy. Thats all. #family

Hanan’s Avatar
Hanan Apr 02, 2018 1181 views

How do I balance everything while managing my stress?

Currently, I'm a sophomore in high school who is studying for the SAT, AP Government, and AP Language exams at the same time. I'm an extremely competitive person and am trying to get top scores on all three exams while maintaining a very high GPA as well. Recently, I had a breakdown because I...

Shardae’s Avatar
Shardae Feb 14, 2017 945 views

What do you see yourself doing five years from now?

future refrence #career-planning

Kennedy’s Avatar
Kennedy Jan 17, 2018 633 views

How do I get into a college overseas?

I know it’ll be a really good opportunity but I’m worried that they won’t take students from other countries or that it would be too costly. #overseas #college #college-admissions #study-abroad

Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle Mar 12, 2017 1117 views

How long did it take you to find your career calling? How did you define the should and must of life?

I know someone who is stuck at the crossroad of should and must. He dropped out during 3rd year university, and he quit his insurance broker job. He is currently doing nothing, and I know he's looking for his calling. How long does this take? I know it doesn't come at a snap. I just want to see...

Eshwari ’s Avatar
Eshwari May 09, 2016 1169 views

What courses should I take to join the army in India?

I am choosing between arts, commerce and science but am not sure what would help me join the army. #educator #general #army #college #career #government

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jan 16, 2018 688 views

Do I need a Masters Degree to work in Higher Education?

I work as an adjunct instructor teaching photography, do I need my masters degree to continue doing this and to possibly work in professional development/instructional design/educational technology going forward? #higher education #technology #instructional-design

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Feb 17, 2017 1560 views

How to naturally navigate a conversation with employers during career fair?

I have attended my first career fair as a freshman last fall. I prepared myself by searching about the main firms that I am interested in. However, after introducing myself, I was struggling to naturally ask questions about the company like their stocks and current events that I have researched...

francisco’s Avatar
francisco Jan 26, 2018 896 views

Should I stay with my job or find a new one?

I've been working lately for this company online, but they are "rude and unpleasant". I wanna get a job where it's not as shady to work with people, but it would mean that I would work for less. #career-counseling

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly May 18, 2016 1044 views

Do you feel that we as graduates fit your qualifications upon completion of college? Is there areas you see that needs to improve.?

I am currently working on an essay for my english 101 and wonder what your feelings on todays liberal education in our school system and seeing if we are not reaching your qualifications. #career-counseling #school-counseling #english-literature

NISARG’s Avatar
NISARG Mar 17, 2017 1015 views

I am an international student, pursuing a Master's Degree in Electrical & Computer Engineer Carleton University.Is there any technical job which requires least coding?

Reason is that I am good at analytics, calculation , maths but bad at programming so I have a fear of note getting job due to my poor programming skills and I also think there might be many students like me who have same problem. #career-counseling #job-search #electrical-engineering...

Margaret’s Avatar
Margaret Mar 27, 2018 1073 views

How can I have more faith in my dreams than my fears?

I want to be the best in my field that I can be, but I am struggling to see if my goals are unrealistic an crazy or something in my reach. #career #career-counseling #career-development #confidence

chinnappadas’s Avatar
chinnappadas May 03, 2016 1425 views

How do I become an IAS officer?

I want to become an IAS officer and would love to know the types of course I should be taking to do so. #ias #government #military #education #career #college #career-counseling

Cade’s Avatar
Cade Mar 23, 2018 627 views

How do you keep from overloading yourself?

I am worried that when I register for my classes that I'm going to take too many hard classes and not make the grades I want or possibly even fail.
#picking-classes #registration

Sowmiya’s Avatar
Sowmiya May 06, 2016 1042 views

How do I become a science teacher?

Hi,I am sowmiya.I am studying in 11 career is an science teacher. #college #science #teacher #higher-education

Saul’s Avatar
Saul Oct 29, 2016 1786 views

Can a doctor live a fulfilling life as a doctor and as a parent?

I am asking this because out of all the doctors I have met throughout my time, they have said that they are extremely busy and barely go home. I am curious on how doctors manage their career and family life. Since I want to have children, this always gets me thinking at times. #medicine...

Meghan’s Avatar
Meghan Mar 11, 2018 663 views

What can you do to stay focused on your studies?

I've always had an issue keeping focused on my studies. I was just trying to find some ways that I won't get distracted while studying? #studyingproblems

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Mar 07, 2018 622 views

How do I become a sports medicine therapist?

I want to know what I need to major in, what degree, how long, and what schools can I attend
#sports medicine therpist

Tamseel M’s Avatar
Tamseel M Jan 23, 2018 965 views

Can the wireless communication devices co-exist with the smart grids for a long duration in the future?

As we know the energy levels used by wireless communication equipment and power electricity grid devices are hugely variant, do you think the clash in the energy levels will hamper the future of this co-existence. #technology

Maya’s Avatar
Maya Jan 08, 2018 2609 views

How to improve my CV as a computer Engineering student?

I'm a third year engineering student, and I studied different courses like (java, data structure, networking, mobile apps, AI, micro, electronics, and other topics ), but the issue is that when I want to apply for an internship or a research program especially internationally I have nothing...

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Jan 16, 2018 734 views

How do you handle stress?

I get very stressed out especially during exam time. I still haven’t found a way to relieve some of that stress. What are some ways that you do?

Brooke’s Avatar
Brooke Mar 03, 2018 741 views

How can I be sure I'm choosing the right college?

There are so many options! I've applied to six colleges, but how do I know which one to choose? Aside from financial aid, what are some things I should be looking for? #college-applications #deciding #choosing-a-college

victoria’s Avatar
victoria Nov 23, 2017 1040 views

What should I pursue?

I've always had trouble figuring out who I wanted to be and am always changing what it is that I really want to do. One reason why its so difficult is because I've never found anything that incorporates all my skills and passions because they're just so diverse. To give a bit more insight I...

Sairam’s Avatar
Sairam May 02, 2016 1326 views

How do I score good marks in the SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)?

I want to score high marks on my SSLC test and was wondering if anybody had any tips for studying/preparation. #teaching #teacher #students #experts #education #college #career-counseling

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 21, 2018 839 views

What is the best way to deal with people misunderstanding your field?

I'm studying Linguistics, and I've seen many businesses post openings for a "linguist" when what they actually want is a translator. Since people often misunderstand the relevance of the work that linguists do, what is a good way to counteract that and find jobs relevant to what I'm actually...

Mackenzie’s Avatar
Mackenzie Jan 18, 2018 724 views

How do I most effectively help people in my career?

As a biomedical engineer, I want to adequately develop prosthetic organs to make patients live the best quality of life possible. However, this is a very subjective issue. Therefore, I would like insight on how to reassure myself I am helping people for the better, and that engineers are able...

Cassidy’s Avatar
Cassidy Jan 13, 2018 1042 views

Which college should I go to?

I am deciding between Harding University and the University of Alabama. Harding is smaller and farther away, but it simply feels like home and I know a lot of people there that would make my college experience more fun and comfortable. My best friend and brother go there as well. However, there...

Paul’s Avatar
Paul Dec 13, 2016 907 views

Do top companies care about what college you came from?

Do students who graduate from elite schools such as Ivy Leagues get higher priority than students who come from moderate schools when applying to top companies like Google and Microsoft? #human-resources

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Dec 21, 2016 1598 views

What traits does a hiring manager look for in a graduating student who does not have years of work experience?

I am about to head into my last semester of college and have not yet found an internship. I may have to move after graduating, and was wondering what traits help an applicant/candidate get a job when they do not have the years of work experience behind them. #human-resources #hiring

Ali’s Avatar
Ali May 08, 2016 5985 views

What is the hardest thing about being a manager?

I would really like to be a manager or CEO one day. What is the hardest part about managing a team? What do you like best about it?

Thank you! #technology #management #leadership #human-resources

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Mar 25, 2017 1200 views

How does a professional in an office job deal with anxiety attacks or major depressive days?

I am a university student dealing with a General Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression. I have had to take a reduced course load this semester in order to take care of my mental health. I am worried about oversleeping or having panic attacks at work once I graduate and start an entry-level job....