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Sheila Jordan’s Avatar

Sheila Jordan

Lead Network Proj/Prog Manager
Management Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
716 Answers
849729 Reads
1300 Karma


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jose’s Avatar
jose Feb 22, 2018 1977 views

I work for AT&T in retail now, how can i transition to AT&T in IT?

I'm a college senior who is expected to graduate from the Information Technology program in may 2018 and currently I'm an intern as a data quality analyst. I love working for AT&T but i feel like i may have to look else where to get a start in my IT adventure, does anyone have any...

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Apr 17, 2017 2504 views

How do you reply to a interview question that is best answered if you have prior experience? (First job interview)

I have a upcoming Lenovo internship and I am currently preparing for the interview. #computer-science #computer-software #engineering #career #information-technology #job-application

Maiya’s Avatar
Maiya Oct 21, 2020 491 views

What scholarships do you recommend to becoming a Medical Scientist?

I'm a Senior in High School, I want to go to a four-year college to major in biochemistry. #scientist #college-major #scholarships

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 711 views

What are somme online activities I can do now that clubs and other volunteer are being postponed or unavailable?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Oct 22, 2020 492 views

What do I have to do to be come a pediatrician

#computer #pediatrician

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Nov 05, 2020 538 views

How to get into a branch of the army?

#engineers #field #mechanical-engineering

Christian’s Avatar
Christian May 26, 2019 1374 views

Do you really need to take high school classes in preparation to college?

Do you need to take relevant high school classes to your major in college, or will college teach you everything you need to know?
#college #student #college-major #high-school #time-management #college-bound #major #engineering #physics #chemistry #biology #calculus #science #technology #math

Shay’s Avatar
Shay Jan 16, 2018 1120 views

What are some things to keep in mind during the interviewing process?

Is there any pointers for freshly graduated students to stand out during their interview? Is there a method to prepare for the interview questions and what kind of question will the interviewer ask? #teaching #professionals #education #interview

famina’s Avatar
famina May 13, 2016 1236 views

How do I become a photographer?

I know little to nothing about photography but want to begin to learn. #photography #photoshop #art #career

Nick’s Avatar
Nick Oct 27, 2020 548 views

how hard is it to kickstart a photography career?

#photography #career

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Oct 23, 2020 1131 views

What are some good skills to have when becoming an electrician?

I am looking at becoming an electrician after high school and I was wondering what would be some good skills to have when applying for the job? I would like to start developing these skills now to better myself for when I apply for the job.#technology #high-school

grace’s Avatar
grace Oct 30, 2020 544 views

what are the pros and con on becoming a nurse

im a juinor in high school and i still am not to sure on what i want to go to college for but i do know i want to do something in the medical field #high-school #technology

Andrei’s Avatar
Andrei Oct 28, 2020 954 views

How much do computer scientist get paid hourly?

#scientist #computers #technology #information-technology

Karoline’s Avatar
Karoline Aug 26, 2020 939 views

does it matter what college you go to if you want to be a doctor?

#doctor #technology

Laurel’s Avatar
Laurel May 22, 2016 1449 views

Post college, what are some things that need to be considered when looking for jobs?

I want to know some good things to consider when looking and interviewing for jobs after college. #job #job-search #job-market #job-fairs

Chungi’s Avatar
Chungi Mar 08, 2019 501 views

What is job outlook?

I literally don't know what it is. #job #career

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Apr 22, 2019 845 views

The career path of a Veternarian


Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Oct 06, 2020 523 views

how do i become a chef

I am in 9th grade and i want to know more about the process of become a chef. Also i want to know how difficult the job is. #chef #cooking #CEO#Greatest chef of all time

Sammy’s Avatar
Sammy Sep 18, 2020 587 views

What recommended college to be a good pediatrician?

I DREAM OF BEING A PEDIATRICIAN <3 #pediatrician #career

brandon’s Avatar
brandon Jul 26, 2019 472 views

Im trying to find out more about the auto motive industry

I am currently in job corps and I am joining the auto motive trade I have some experience but i just want to know what it takes to make a career. #career

Nathaniel’s Avatar
Nathaniel Oct 14, 2019 414 views

What other certifications will I need to become a better automotive technician?

I'm attending job corps in El Paso I've got my high school diploma and I'm going to advanced training in Utah after I get my AES certificate. #career

Moussa’s Avatar
Moussa Oct 02, 2020 635 views

How do you become a pediatricion.

I am in the 9th grade and interested in becoming a pediatricion.I want to become a pediatricion because I want to help people with their health,mental health,and physical education. #helpothers # #doctor #professionals

Eloy’s Avatar
Eloy Sep 29, 2020 2648 views

How much does an animator make in yearly salary?

Im in animation class in high school. #animation #animator #technology

Ny'eisha’s Avatar
Ny'eisha Oct 05, 2020 579 views

How many years will I have to take in collage to be a Social worker?

My name is Ny'eisha and I'm a freashman in high school and I want to be a Social Worker when i get older. #social-work #high-school

Lavche’s Avatar
Lavche Oct 02, 2020 578 views

How do I get in a good college?

Do your best in high school try and get a 4.0 GPA and do your best and be good in all your classes and make the best choises as you can possible make! #School #college

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 23, 2020 499 views

What is the difference between a fellowship and a residency? Is there a difference?

#medical #career

Sammy’s Avatar
Sammy Sep 24, 2020 435 views

Is it hard to become a pediatrcian?


Marco’s Avatar
Marco Oct 03, 2020 625 views

What are the best Scholarships available?

#law #college#scholarship

Marie’s Avatar
Marie Oct 05, 2020 662 views

Is it easy to learn Spanish?

I want to learn Spanish #student #education #learning but It is really hard and not really easy to understand

Jovany’s Avatar
Jovany Nov 15, 2019 513 views

What are the things that yo struggle the most in auto mechanic?

#job Environment #career