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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 17, 2016 1282 views

Is college useless?

I've heard that many believe college is almost similar to a high school degree to an extent. I don't want to end up in debt living a minimum wage job. If I want to earn a good living, is college recommended? Is graduating college and going to a grad school make your chances of success better?...

Erin’s Avatar
Erin Aug 16, 2016 1194 views

How do you stand out in a masculine field of work?

As a girl, I would like to know what will help me to stand out in such a male dominant field of practice because that is what gets you to success, to stand out. #engineering #biomedical-engineering #chemical-engineering

Britney’s Avatar
Britney Aug 15, 2016 963 views

What were some entrepreneurial classes that helped you through your journey?

My cousin focused on taking classes related to business & finance while in high school. He also joined clubs dealing with entrepreneurship. So what did you do? #business #finance #entrepreneurship #social #classes #entrepreneur #clubs #focused

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 14, 2016 788 views

How can I balance work life, school life, and extracurricular clubs?

I want to do everything, yet it seems like there is not enough time to do all things at once. How can I be in clubs while working part time and also going to school ? #college #school

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Aug 13, 2016 1247 views

When it comes to going to different colleges is it more beneficial to go to a four year college or a two year college?

I'm just curious to know which one is more effective and beneficial overall. #college #education

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Aug 07, 2016 1010 views

CalTech-Dream School

My dream school is CalTech i want to become a robotics or electrical engineer. Im an incoming Junior what are some tips to begin preparing or some things that i should look out for? #university #electrical-engineering #university-applications #robotics-engineer #school-counseling

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 11, 2016 905 views

What is the most important thing when choosing a right major/minor?

It is hard to understand which major is the right one that is suitable for me when there are so many different types of fields out there. How can I choose the best ones for my passions and interests? #college #major #college-minor

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Aug 09, 2016 1130 views

What is the day-to-day routine of an architect?

I don't know much about this profession. #career #architecture #architect

Hollie’s Avatar
Hollie Aug 09, 2016 809 views

what is the career of a cultural anthropologist looks like?

I would like to know what it's like to work as a socio-cultural anthropologist other than teaching at school. #career #anthropology #anthropologist

Hollie’s Avatar
Hollie Jul 31, 2016 969 views

What should I do if I discover that my college major is not something that I truly like after upon graduation?

I heard quite a few people saying that their majors are actually not what they want or like after graduation, and that this scared them since they have put some much money, time, and effort in college life. I wonder how should one cope with such situation? #college-major #career-path...

Abby Lupi’s Avatar
Abby Jul 19, 2016 1660 views

How do I select what to put on my resumé?

I understand that it often depends on where it is being distributed. However, I seem to have too much pertinent information to fit on a single page. In general, is it better to include diverse aspects of your being, or focalize around that field in which you are interested? #resume...

Abby Lupi’s Avatar
Abby Aug 09, 2016 1648 views

Can I ask someone who isn't my teacher for a recommendation?

I'm currently interning within a research program. Just curious if I can ask the professor who accepted me for a college recommendation, or if they're typically only written by one's teachers. #college #teaching #teacher #professor #college-bound #recommendation

Abby Lupi’s Avatar
Abby Aug 09, 2016 823 views

Is it typically cheaper to live off-campus?

In college, that is. #college #college-major #money #college-bound #money-management #expense-management

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 06, 2016 757 views

What are good time management strategies?

I want to be involved, get good grades, maintain social relationships during college. How can I do this is a way that won't be too stressful? #college #work #life

naomi’s Avatar
naomi Aug 05, 2016 1063 views

How to get a job after graduating with an associates in accounting

I just obtained my associates degree in accounting and have been having a hard time finding a job that doesn't require previous experience #college #business #finance #accounting #graduate #college-jobs

Nim’s Avatar
Nim Aug 02, 2016 685 views

Carrer village has engineers in logistics?

I´m student of engineerig logistics... #engineer

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 02, 2016 992 views

Is maintaining a relationship with your professors in college important?

would it be a good idea to ask them for help, or introduce yourself when class first starts to give a good impression? Does it matter? #college #school

Anina’s Avatar
Anina Aug 02, 2016 958 views

How do you get scholarships?

I applied for 30+ scholarships in my senior year of high school, and never won any of them. I'm wondering if there are any tips or tricks you know to get scholarships.

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah May 18, 2016 1461 views

When attending college are your professors easily accessible to get extra help?

What if a topic doesn't come easy? Can extra time be set up with a professor? #college #nursing #professor #extracurriculars

Miracle’s Avatar
Miracle May 18, 2016 2848 views

What is the best major and minor to have if you want to go to graduate school for Occupational therapy.

I am asking because I plan to go to school for Occupational therapy but I have no idea what I should major in and you must obtain a bachelor's degree before you can apply for an occupational therapy program. #college #majors #counselor #college-minor #occupational-therapy #majors-and-minors...

Adaeze’s Avatar
Adaeze May 18, 2016 1043 views

Can I still apply for scholarships while I'm still in college?

I just wanted to know for future reference. #college

Juan’s Avatar
Juan May 18, 2016 984 views

As competition increases nowadays, how can one keep his or her core values such as integrity protected?

I experience this a lot in high school. From small pop quizes, to final exams, some individuals will always cheat, creating a sense of unfairness and a loss of balance. As I go off to college and become a professional, I know such hobbies will become a profession for those who have the talent....

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren May 18, 2016 816 views

What is it like to go to a Greek-heavy school and not be a part of Greek life?

The school I'm going to says it's really welcoming even if you're not in Greek life, but a huge majority of the students are in sororities or fraternities. Just wondering if it's super exclusive or not. #greek-life #sororities

Joshua Joseph’s Avatar
Joshua Joseph May 17, 2016 1235 views

What is the worth of a bachelor's degree today?

Students today are looking at the costs of education as if they're picking out luxury cars. Given that, how much do people (more specifically, hiring managers) put into consideration not only the school in which they received their degree (Harvard vs. Arizona State) but as well the type (B.S....

Joshua Joseph’s Avatar
Joshua Joseph May 19, 2016 2712 views

Is it better to be "well rounded" or "specialized"?

All around, we are told to take classes in which we have no interest in, yet do so anyway due to wanting to be "well-rounded" Do colleges and universities want to see a "spike" in terms of academics and extracurriculars (meaning a specialty, such as if you have a passion for science, then a...

Sydnee’s Avatar
Sydnee May 19, 2016 1473 views

Industrial Engineering

I was wondering if someone could expound on the thought of industrial engineering? I've tried getting as much information on the true definition of what an industrial engineer does. Also, what are common jobs that industrial engineers fall into after graduating college that best fit their...

Mikala’s Avatar
Mikala May 19, 2016 1096 views

Should I get a job during the first semester of freshman year or wait until second semester?

I really need money both for college and for my pockets. I've heard people say not to get a job as soon as you start college and to wait until you get settled in and I've heard the exact opposite.

Mikala’s Avatar
Mikala May 19, 2016 909 views

How do I know if I am choosing the right major for the career path I want to take?

I am currently stuck between three different majors because they are all so similar. I know what career I want to pursue but I also know that it might take a while to get there. I want to make sure that I am choosing the right major so I can have enough versatility and not be at a stand still,...

Bethany’s Avatar
Bethany May 19, 2016 1029 views

What careers can I pursue with a biology degree?

I love science and biology, but I don't really want to go into a medical field. I would like to know if there are jobs I can get with only a biology degree and no further schooling. #biology #jobs

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 01, 2016 1716 views

What should I dress for a career fair?

My school is going to be having those throughout the year and what are some things I should wear? What should I be prepared to do, what should I bring? #career #jobs