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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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Wendy’s Avatar
Wendy Oct 19, 2016 888 views

What should I study for my journey of becoming a neurosurgeon?

My computer science teacher suggested me to choose a major most related to neurosurgery, but he does not know which majors are most appropriate. #science #medicine #neuroscience

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Oct 18, 2016 5347 views

Is it better to go to law school or get an MBA?

I am a junior in high school. I am looking to apply to colleges next summer and just wanted to get a heads up to see what I was aiming for. #college #business #university #major #business-development #law-school #attorney #lawyers

Trish’s Avatar
Trish Oct 17, 2016 1094 views

Should freshmen look into internships?

I am only a first year in college and am deciding whether to continue with my well paying nannying job or boost my resume with an internship. #jobs #internships #freshman

Marwa’s Avatar
Marwa Oct 14, 2016 1009 views

What can I do to become a doctor?

I'm a college freshman currently majoring in Clinical Lab Science, which is a program under Biology. I know there are jobs out there for my major, but I plan to go to Medical School. I'm hoping to be a psychiatrist. #college #doctor #medical-school

Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine Oct 11, 2016 1069 views

What is the most important thing to focus on while complete college applications?

I will soon be a senior in high school and will need to be filling out lots of applications. I am worried by applications will not impress the people reading applications. #college #students #applications

Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine Oct 11, 2016 755 views

What steps should I take in attempting to become a marine biology?

I am a junior in high school that has an interest in studying marine biology. What should I do to get started? #college #biology #majors #marine

Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine Oct 11, 2016 2028 views

What's the difference between a Ph.D and Psy.D?

I want to become a clinical psychologist but I'm not sure which one of these would be more beneficial? #college #psychology #degree

Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia Oct 04, 2016 956 views

Can you apply for colleges even if you havent completed Fafsa?

I haven't completed my Fafsa application because I don't have the documents I need. Can I still apply to colleges? #college #fafsa

Bridgette’s Avatar
Bridgette Oct 03, 2016 1093 views

What are some possible occupations for someone with a communications major?

Where in the company would one with a communications major fit? #college #business #college-major #communications #human-resources

Lili ’s Avatar
Lili Oct 01, 2016 1286 views

How to become a dental hygienist?

I want to be a dental hygienist and I need to take certain courses before i start with the career, so can I just take those certain course only and finish them and then start with my career or do i have to take other classes? I have already graduated high school. I'm very confused. #college...

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Oct 01, 2016 1071 views

How can someone get into building autonomous cars?

I was wondering about what career path would it be for building and programming autonomous cars. #career-path #programming #automation

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Oct 01, 2016 1430 views

What is the ACT like in terms of how the questions are formatted?

As a rising junior I am considering the ACT's but I wanted to know more about the test itself. I wanted to know if it is something I should take along with the SAT's. Any information about this college admissions test will be very helpful to me. #college #college-admissions #testing...

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 24, 2016 1293 views

Are there typically many people interested in mechanical engineering?

I was wondering if mechanical engineering was a popular interest to look into. I wanted to know if I would encounter many others pursuing mechanical engineering like I am. #career #mechanical-engineering #help #people #interest

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Sep 20, 2016 825 views

which is better, a bachelor's or master's?

which one looks better to employers? #career #masters

Bria’s Avatar
Bria Sep 19, 2016 1160 views

Are there any other ways to volunteer for a cause online beside this one?

I want to get more involved in the world and be able to network, or volunteer for activities around the world. The best way as people to connect to each other is through the internet and I want to see if there are other online volunteer options. #volunteering #networking #social-networking

Mitchell’s Avatar
Mitchell Sep 19, 2016 1546 views

What is the proper way to dress for an interview?

I have had quite a few interviews in the past where I always wore a nice polo collard shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. It was never anything different. However, now that I am graduating and taking on a "real professional" interview I guess we should say, do I need to change up my attire? Do...

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 18, 2016 1000 views

Will it be hard to dorm in college?

I was wondering if by some miracle I can dorm at the college I want to go to, will it be terrifying to go through the new adjustment of going home to a dorm on campus? I want to mentally prepare myself if that actually happens to me. I would like to know if the new change would be very...

Arthur ’s Avatar
Arthur Sep 17, 2016 734 views

What's the first thing to learn in order to be a web developer(accidently thought designer...)

I want to be a web developer with at least an understanding of computer programming, but I don't know where to begin.

Jenni’s Avatar
Jenni Sep 15, 2016 738 views

When looking to move somewhere other than home after college graduation, what is the best way to network in that new place?

I am graduating college in May and I am looking to branch out. It makes me nervous that I will not have as many resources in a new city. Looking for advice on networking in a new city where no one knows you. #college #graduate #college-jobs #college-grad

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 14, 2016 868 views

Why do I feel so stressed out before I even apply to college?

As a rising junior, I do not even apply to college yet, but I still am stressed. It probably is because there is so much to be done this year. I just want to know how I can keep myself in check with all the crazy things that will have to be done for this year. In your opinion how should I take...

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 14, 2016 938 views

How can someone improve their studying skills for all classes?

I want to improve my studying skills for this year and I wanted to know how you would go about studying for different tests and quizzes that could be given to me on the same day. I want to do my best this year so I just want some new methods that I could try to improve my studying in my...

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jul 22, 2016 3347 views

What is the daily routine of a corporate lawyer?

I was curious about this profession. #law #lawyer #corporate-law

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jul 22, 2016 1791 views

What are the different careers that law school graduates can take part in?

I know there are many options but I am not familiar with them. #law #law-school

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jul 29, 2016 1325 views

What is an actuary and what is the daily routine of an actuary?

I was curious about this occupation. #finance #economics #actuarial-science #actuarial #actuary

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Aug 09, 2016 1090 views

What is the daily job duty of a portfolio manager?

I was curious about this profession. #finance #economics #portfolio-management

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Aug 24, 2016 1319 views

Industrial Design and Environmental Science, can I blend them in my studies and make it a career?

I have just recently started to think about college because I'm in my junior year of high school right now, and i have really taken an interest in environmental science. And what I really hope is that once I get out of college I can make a career out of what I have learned and I am not super...

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea May 08, 2016 1098 views

Does it matter where you get your undergraduates degree when going into medical school?

I am a sophomore in high school and am looking to become a neurosurgeon. If wanting to get into a good medical school, do I have to go to a well-known university first? #college #medicine #university #graduate #medicine-school #surgery #surgeon #undergraduate

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Aug 10, 2016 1141 views

How do you decide which major to take up in college?

Right now, I'm a junior in high school and of course thinking about colleges, where to apply, and how to stand from my competiton. But my main concern is what I should major in. There are so many courses that sound super interesting to me like anthropology, Spanish, business, etc., but it's so...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Sep 02, 2016 1259 views

Does going to a top college actually affect the success of your future endeavors?

As a junior in high school, I am starting to prepare to apply to colleges. My school is quite small (a total of 175 students only in my grade). Although this is so, previous graduates of my high school have gone out to Columbia, Stanford, NYU, Cornell, Yale, and other elite universities. I am...

Kartik’s Avatar
Kartik Aug 30, 2016 1088 views

Does volunteering in non-technical events help building up profile for student in Information Systems, Business Analysis track?

I am doing the same, as mentioned in the question. #career #career-counseling #career-choice #career-paths #business-analysis

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Aug 30, 2016 937 views

What do you need to sign up for FAFSA and who do they greatly give money to?

I am a junior in high school. I will be applying to colleges next year. I just wanted to get a basic understanding about FAFSA. #college #university #fafsa

Eric’s Avatar
Eric May 19, 2016 1549 views

How do you juggle being a full-time student and working part-time?

I am a full-time college student who also works part time in the I.T. field. I am curious to hear how others properly juggle receiving an education full-time all the while gaining work experience by working part-time. #college #education #student #working #full-time

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Aug 29, 2016 990 views

Would it be foolish to start a business and work for myself after graduating?

I will be graduating with a degree in computer information technology at the end of this semester. At the start of college, my post-graduation plan was to pursue full-time work as a programmer; however, lately I have been considering starting a business of my own instead. I currently work as an...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 28, 2016 1066 views

What are some career opportunities that are located in the Greater New York City area?

I am a student going into my junior year of high school. I live around the Greater New York City area and was wondering if there were any job opportunities that I would potentially be interested in taking up in the city. I know the business/economic side is booming in that region of the world...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 29, 2016 1462 views

How do I apply for scholarships?

I am going into my junior year of high school and I need to start preparing for college very soon. My family isn't well off and so I will definitely have to take out student loans in order to pay off my college debt. I am not too familiar with how scholarships work. My brother is 4 years older...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 29, 2016 1114 views

How can I expand my knowledge on colleges I will potentially be attending?

I am going into my junior year of high school, a big year for many students who are planning to attend college after graduating. I have to study for the SATs, take the SATs, start applying for scholarships and to colleges/universities. Before I start applying to colleges though, I would like to...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 26, 2016 1361 views

How can I get more job responses?

It seems as if there is a very unlikely chance that jobs will call me back if I apply online, but the only way to apply is through different websites. How can I get more job responses /interviews back to the jobs that I apply to?

Anita’s Avatar
Anita Aug 25, 2016 1298 views

What extracuricular activities/volunteering should I do in Highschool?

Hey there! So, I'm going to become a freshman in a few days and I'm really lost on what I should do with my extracuricular activities/volunteering. I'm not apart of a sports team because I do not enjoy sports like others. And I'm not apart of a program (AVID, Theater, Sport Teams, etc.). What I...

Kerissa’s Avatar
Kerissa Aug 25, 2016 559 views

Is it wise to take a loan to go to college?

I know a lot of people who regret taking loans to go to college because they have a hard time paying it back since there is a lack of jobs for them to take advantage of. What happens if you know you just can't pay it back?

Jaylin’s Avatar
Jaylin Aug 20, 2016 961 views

Do I need up to 9hrs of sleep to get through college

People tell me the more sleep the better but I really don't get much sleep. Im always late to bed early to rise because i like studying at night but need to get up early for practice so sleep doesn't come when needed. #help #time-management #sleeping

Jaylin’s Avatar
Jaylin Aug 20, 2016 2304 views

What's the best way to manage time when you are in college?

I'm not the best at time management and could use some advice. #college #engineering #time-management

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 1223 views

What role does competition play in your career?

Although I have not yet started a career, competition has arose to be a challenging factor as a high school student. I see myself trying to do the best that I can do in my classes, but once I see someone else doing a little better than me, I don't find myself trying to outpace the other. I have...

Stephaniep’s Avatar
Stephaniep Aug 20, 2016 1571 views

Im in a wrong major and now my grades are falling and i feel guilty about it, what should i do?

Im a medstud, im goin in 3rd year right now. I was feeling that meds isnt for me since the begining, but i kept going bcause i dont want to let my parents down. I went through myfirst year good enough, 3.1 GPA and during second year i just couldnt bear it anymore and i got depress. I never...

elijah’s Avatar
elijah Aug 20, 2016 716 views

What are some tips and resources available for getting into a good college

news like scholarships, grants or application tips. #college

Mingdong’s Avatar
Mingdong Aug 21, 2016 773 views

What are things to consider when choosing college majors?

I'm a current sophomore in high school and it's about time for me to start thinking or at least considering what I want to do for the rest of my life after graduating for college. However, you might not always get to choose what you're passionate about as a job since you have to make a living...

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Aug 20, 2016 918 views

What is the best way to find good internship opportunities once you are in college?

One of the first things I ask college counselors is the internship opportunities they are able to connect students with, but a lot of my favorite schools seem to leave that up to the students all together. So what can I do to make sure I am placing myself in the best position to obtain an...

Paige’s Avatar
Paige May 13, 2016 1241 views

How much will having a job in college help with student loans?

I've been working hard on scholarships, but I did not receive any state or federal aid, and my parents are not paying for my education. I know that I will have a lot of debt, but I definitely plan to get a job on campus. How much will it help? Will on campus jobs pay as well as off campus jobs?...

Josiah’s Avatar
Josiah Aug 18, 2016 653 views

What Liberal Arts school would you recommend for someone who would like to pursue a career in law?

I aspire to be a lawyer. I am currently in my 2nd year of high school (10th grade). Not sure which college to pick for my undergrad. I would prefer one in the North East region, since I live in Maryland. #college #teacher #law #criminal-justice

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 03, 2016 918 views

Does the high school you go to affect your chances getting into the college you want.

I go to Roxborough High school and I don't know why but when I tell people sometimes they tell me its a bad school to go to when its really not.Im just wondering if colleges will do the same thing and look over my application because of it. #college

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 17, 2016 828 views

Are graphic design and web design related

I want to persue a career in graphic design but I am currently taking a web design a wondering if this it well help me in my future career path #career