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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1694 Answers
2255669 Reads
9999 Karma


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Raymond’s Avatar
Raymond Apr 24, 2018 1049 views

How much studying will be required? How much assistance will I get due to my Learning Disability

I have a learning disability and want to make sure I keep up with my classes. I have managed in high school but know it will be different in college. I am enrolling in a college with strong supports for people with learning differences. #educational-technology #online-learning #adhd...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jun 20, 2018 1671 views

Is human resources a good major?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jun 20, 2018 811 views

What is your major in college?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college...

Lauryn’s Avatar
Lauryn Mar 16, 2018 631 views

What opportunities are available for women with Criminal Justice degrees?

Law Enforcement has many components - Police, Lawyer, etc. What particular opportunities are available for women with Criminal Justice degrees? Particularly African-American women. I've read that "the complexity and size of the criminal justice system means an array of opportunities". However,...

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte Jan 22, 2018 742 views

How can you start a career without going to college?

I'm asking this because I'm skeptical about going to a UC. I am going to community college because my dad wants me to because we are broke. But I don't know if I want to continue to go to school after that, and I want to know how I can get a good career that pays good money without going to...

Deana’s Avatar
Deana Jun 22, 2018 786 views

What can I do to prepare for a career in Public Policy?

I am currently in the social work program at my college, with a minor in political science. There are only 3 classes in public policy available at my school, which I plan to take in the next 3 years. I am interested in macro social work and social policy. What can I do as a college student with...

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Jun 19, 2018 1042 views

Should I go to law school?

I am interested in pursuing a career in public policy. A lot of people are telling me I should go to law school, but I don't really have that much interest in actually practicing law; rather, a lot of jobs I am interested in are dominated by former/current lawyers (ex: state legislator). Would...

Arshad’s Avatar
Arshad Jan 18, 2018 899 views

What do you think about using Craigslist for seeking jobs?

I know LinkedIn can be used for headhunting. But I feel it is difficult for me to connect with professionals. So I was thinking of using Craigslist instead as I feel I can get notified of job openings based on my skill sets. Moreover, LinkedIn jobs and other job boards are only flooding my...

Tanya’s Avatar
Tanya Feb 12, 2018 797 views

How are internships from 5-6 years ago still relevant in your resume?

I have started interning for marketing and law firms since at least 5 years ago when I was in middle school, but I'm not sure whether or not to put them on my resume, and if so, how it would contribute to my present day skills.

Are these generally to be avoided?

#resume #law

Kody’s Avatar
Kody May 17, 2018 640 views

If I am interested in becoming an attorney in public-policy making, would it be to my advantage to take off a semester during the 2020 Presidential Elections to work for a viable candidate so I would have that experience on my resume?

#law #public-policy #elections #attorney

Aleisha’s Avatar
Aleisha May 05, 2018 861 views

How much money does a lawyer make in the state of Indiana?

If I am an expert in my field of law; let us say family law, how much am I going to make in Indiana? #female-lawyer

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jun 15, 2018 901 views

What subjects are needed to become a social worker?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college...

K’s Avatar
K Jun 15, 2018 1083 views

Should I go to college if I don't know what to do with what I've studied?

I'd like to go to community college and study business and psychology, but I'm not sure what I'd do with what I've learned. I don't like the idea of becoming a therapist of any kind or a business owner. I have no interest in going to a 4 year college unless what I want to do calls for it. Is...

Tee’s Avatar
Tee Jun 12, 2018 789 views

What is the best way to discover skills to put on resume?

I am currently revamping my resume and I want to add some skills for better search optimization. I was wondering how I can discover skills that will be great for my resume. So far, I have looked at the jobs that I have worked and educational experience and used that for inspiration but I'm...

Shayna’s Avatar
Shayna Jun 10, 2018 1337 views

Is there an area of pharmacy where you help people decrease or stop taking prescriptions by making lifestyle changes?

I am a HUGE advocate for individual healthy lifestyle management rather than fixing problems with a #pill. My #dream is to help people become their own health advocates. I want to teach people lifestyle modifications including #nutrition, #physical activity, and managing medications. I believe...

Patricia’s Avatar
Patricia Jun 10, 2018 886 views

How to propose to professor ready for research?

Next semester I am transferring to a new school as a junior. After e-mailing two professors about an independent research class, one e-mailed back mentioning that while I have a lot of research experience, students in their first semester are not normally approved to do independent research and...

Charisa’s Avatar
Charisa May 31, 2018 650 views

How do you feel when a patient dies in your hands as a surgeon?

I've heard lots of stories about surgeons and their experience when it comes to operating a patient. I'm curious to know how one would feel after realising that a patient just died while still operating him/her?

#medicine #surgeon #healthcare #doctor

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jun 03, 2018 801 views

How hard is it to enter the feild of game and app design with so many people learning these skills?

#Game_Design #programming #coding

Mohammed’s Avatar
Mohammed Jun 04, 2018 1035 views

Does a structural engineer wear business formal to office everyday

What is the dresscode for structural consultant ?
#business #structural engineering

Tee’s Avatar
Tee Jun 06, 2018 878 views

Should I add my job to my resume if I was sexually assaulted there?

I worked at a job for about a few months and I was sexually assaulted on the job by a customer. I worked a couple of jobs before, and it did not take me long to find a job after that incident. My question is should I add that job to my resume or omit the job as I have been doing? I’m wondering...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Jun 06, 2018 1304 views

What picture is appropriate to set as your background on LinkedIn?

While updating my LinkedIn and looking at other people's profiles today, I want to know what background picture is appropriate and unique for my profile. I saw people putting a backdrop of their schools and cities. However, are those the only acceptable pictures? #career-counseling #linkedin...

Destiny’s Avatar
Destiny May 29, 2018 1680 views

How does a lawyer separate personal values from the law when prosecuting or defending?

#law #lawyers #lawyer #law-school #law-practice

Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel May 28, 2018 701 views

What minor would you recommend to go along with a major in English?

I plan on majoring in English and I would like to eventually become a novelist. I have strongly considered doing a Creative Writing minor but have not decided yet #majors-and-minors

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa May 28, 2018 749 views

How easy is it to do work study freshman year?

I need to do work study to pay off my loans and I am wondering if it is easy to handle school and work study. #work #work-life-balance #working

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa May 28, 2018 724 views

Do applying as undeclared hold you back from graduating from a university in four years?

I want to graduate in four years but I feel that applying as undeclared may cause me to spend time and money on classes that won't be useful for my major. #money #colleges #money-management

Tea’s Avatar
Tea May 27, 2018 719 views

What can you do to change a older students attitude towards a class?

During middle school and high school, students tend not to like certain classes and this continues to the end of the year. What can a teacher do to help these students become interested enough in the class that they participate #high-school-classes #classes #high-school and do the class work?...

Carmen’s Avatar
Carmen May 27, 2018 645 views

If I wanted to be a doctor that helps other people with Celiac disease, what type of doctor would I want to become?

Would an Allergist or Immunologist be helping anyone with autoimmune diseases? #Celiac #Coeliac #Doctor #Allergist #Immunologist

rebecca’s Avatar
rebecca May 25, 2018 1250 views

How can a black person win at life?

#life #minority #cantpayforcollege #college #success #career-path #goal

Makayla’s Avatar
Makayla May 26, 2018 525 views

Why is college getting so expensive?

Colleges, nowadays, are becoming incredibly expensive. This may seem like college is not within certain people's reach #college

Amatallah’s Avatar
Amatallah May 26, 2018 520 views

When working in high trauma environments, how do you make sure you aren't becoming desensitized?

I want to become a human rights lawyer. In this field, I will deal with many gruesome human rights violations. How do I make sure I am not desensitized to these types of things? #humanrightslawyer #law

Amatallah’s Avatar
Amatallah May 26, 2018 647 views

In a fast pace environment, how can you ask for a place to pray?

Because of my religion, I pray at certain times of the day. When my mother asked for a place to pray during an interview, she was no longer considered. How do I make sure I still have to pray in a high stress, fast pace environment? #law

Cayla’s Avatar
Cayla May 26, 2018 821 views

What are some regrets from your Under-grad?

Just looking for some hindsight #advice

Haley’s Avatar
Haley May 26, 2018 427 views

When I enroll in college, should I have morning classes or classes later in the day?

I am not a morning person but I have heard that having morning classes can come with benefits. What do you guys think?


Sara’s Avatar
Sara May 24, 2018 673 views

How can I determine whether or not I should (or even want to) go to Law School?

I've been considering an education in law for years. Ever since I was little, my family would jokingly tell me that I would be a great lawyer because of my confidence in my public speaking and my love of healthy debate. As I grow older, I still receive the same feedback but with the addition of...

Rebekah’s Avatar
Rebekah May 25, 2018 722 views

How important are extracurricular activities?

I'm an active member of several clubs, but I'm not a leader or president or anything. I want to build my resume, but I'm not exactly sure what stands out. The clubs I'm apart of are: Model UN, Forensics, FBLA and Science Club. (And I'm not participating to get into college, I'm doing them...

Jason’s Avatar
Jason May 25, 2018 1222 views

Should I focus on academics or extracurricular activities?

I will start a one year graduate program this fall. I am also active as a volunteer and leader in several organizations that match my interests and later career goals. If my academic responsibilities and my responsibilities due to my positions in these organizations conflict, can it make sense...

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe May 24, 2018 586 views

Pre-Law Studies

Picking a major can be difficult! I feel like I would be trapped choosing one that limits my ability to branch out into other professional areas that I am passionate about. For example, I really want to pursue law and I thought that pre-law studies was the best pathway to go. However, I am...

Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne May 21, 2018 838 views

In what ways could I better prepare for law enforcement or fire academy?

I am preparing to go into both police and fire academy (one after the other). I have a degree in Criminology and have taken fire science courses at my college. I attend a weekly workout program through a local agency. Do you have any other suggestions on ways to prepare or different subjects to...

Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne May 21, 2018 869 views

How do you handle conflict surrounding the job?

I am in the application process for a couple of different law enforcement agencies. I still live at home and have family members who are current or retired law enforcement. I have tried being open about the process and how it will work after I graduate from academy, but there is no way I'm...

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander May 21, 2018 756 views

Is it better to wait a few years before going into graduate school?

In planning my future, I'm not sure as to whether it is best to just give myself time in the professional world before jumping back into school or if it's okay to do that. I want to know what is the best move for this. #graduate # #school

Ja-Ia’s Avatar
Ja-Ia May 18, 2018 715 views

How do I convince my uptight parents to let me go to a university out of state?

I am the only daughter in my family. My family is very protective about my because of my gender, therefore I have some restrictions. I want to be able to study and work without my parents interfering so often. I also want to simply live my life and focus on my priorities without having someone...

Hope’s Avatar
Hope May 17, 2018 754 views

What are some good study habits for college students?

#college #study

Maya’s Avatar
Maya May 17, 2018 510 views

Is there any benefit to getting a degree beyond a Bachelor's for a law enforcement career?

I want to eventually work my way up to become a Chief of Police in a large city, for example. I'm wondering if I need a Master's of any kind.
#law enforcement

Maya’s Avatar
Maya May 17, 2018 668 views

Does a Criminology major require any math?

I have such a hard time with math. I can't imagine it making sense or being enjoyable, or relevant to my career.
#law enforcement

Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne May 17, 2018 809 views

What specific jobs can a degree in sociology be used for?

My major is currently sociology and I absolutely love the subject. However, as I learn more about the major it does not seem to have a very specific job field. #sociology

Hong An’s Avatar
Hong An May 16, 2018 717 views

Can I take only general education courses the first couple years of college?

I am unsure about what career I want and am currently debating between going into the education or medical field. I'm thinking about focusing on fulfilling the general education requirements first before going into any specific required classes. If this is possible, what classes should I take...

Clare’s Avatar
Clare May 15, 2018 608 views

What expenses do new college students need to consider after tuition, board, meals and book?

Looking for more budget information on expenses I might not think of upfront.

Paulina Vanessa’s Avatar
Paulina Vanessa May 13, 2018 978 views

How is a high school transcript made?

I am an international student and I made my first year of high school in a different school from where I am now. Recently, I went there to ask for a transcript of my last year there but they told me they had no idea of what was that. Therefore, I would like to know which are the contents that...

Kaitlin’s Avatar
Kaitlin May 11, 2018 1127 views

What are some good qualities to have as a D.O. (doctor of osteopathic medicine)?

I am considering becoming a D.O., and I would like to know if I am a good fit for the career. I am well-suited academically, but I would like to make sure I am suited personality-wise. #DO #careers #medicine #osteopathic

Saul’s Avatar
Saul May 12, 2018 552 views

What are criminal justice career options for someone with impaired hearing?

Im a criminal justice major student and I applied to the State Corrections Department, but I was unable to pass my hearing test due to an ear surgery that I had early in my childhood. I understand many other career options require proper hearing, but I would still love to continue with criminal...