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Michael’s Avatar
Michael Nov 06, 2015 904 views

how much does a computer engineer get payed ?

Because I want to be the best computer engineer I can be #gaming #devices

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Nov 06, 2015 998 views

how does robotics and stem go hand to hand

I want to know why #robotics

Ralph’s Avatar
Ralph Nov 05, 2015 18965 views

Does it cost money to become a mechanical engineer?

how much money would it be to b a mechanical engineer? #engineering #engineer #mechanical-engineering #mechanical-engineer

Archie’s Avatar
Archie Nov 05, 2015 999 views

what do you put for a cooking resuma

I'm in the 6th grade and we are doing a risuma and I would like to know what cooks put on it
#chef #cooks

Peyton’s Avatar
Peyton Nov 03, 2015 2163 views

How can I become a pro baseball player?

I love baseball i play spring and fall, my name is Peyton #sports #professional-sports #baseball

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Nov 03, 2015 1298 views

What does objective mean in the Pharmacist position?

I'm asking because I am filling out a resume for a class project and I didn't know what it meant. #medicine #people

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Nov 02, 2015 997 views

what is a day like in Bio medical engineering?

I have little knowledge of what it is like. #engineering #medicine #biology

Cooper’s Avatar
Cooper Nov 02, 2015 1551 views

What college should i go to if i want to be a mechanical engineer?

I'm in the 6th grade and i would like to know what colleges are good for becoming a mechanical engineer.

Cooper’s Avatar
Cooper Nov 02, 2015 936 views

How much money does a mechanical engineer make?

Hi i am a 6th grader i searched this question up on the internet and they said it was an average of 41.17 hourly but i just want to check if that is the correct amount of money.

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Nov 02, 2015 1326 views

Can you use Java to program Lego Mind storm EV3

I am in robotics and I want to know if I can use Java for it #programming #lego

Mason’s Avatar
Mason Nov 02, 2015 7156 views

What are some benefits of being a Game Warden?

I am in 6th grade and I would love to be a Game Warden but i want to be able to get enough money to get through life but I want to know if I will get any benefits that will help me through life like extra money or Christmas checks. I would like to be able to pay for a family if I get the chance...

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Nov 02, 2015 984 views

What does a program do to a robot?

Hi I'm Justin and I want to know a lot of robotic programing but I always fail doing so. if you could answer my question that would be great thank you.

Garrett’s Avatar
Garrett Nov 02, 2015 1099 views

how long will you be in college if you want to play profetinal football?

I was wondering if you want to play perfetional football? #college #football

Joshlynn’s Avatar
Joshlynn Nov 02, 2015 1297 views

how can i get a good college

I want to go into a good school to be a nurse I love helping kids and adults #caring

Trenton’s Avatar
Trenton Nov 02, 2015 1487 views

What is a good app to use for animating?

I have been wondering what the best app for animation is #art #animation

Jade’s Avatar
Jade Nov 02, 2015 3988 views

How can i become a zoo keeper and how old do i have to be

Hi I'm in sixth grade and I'm wondering how can I become a zoo keeper I'm asking this question because I have a hart for animals and I love to help them. If you answer this question in the future I can save animal lives.

Kylea’s Avatar
Kylea Oct 30, 2015 2149 views

How long does it take to become a lawyer?

Hi my name is Kylea. I am a 6th grader in middle school doing a project. For this project we are supposed to create a cover letter, resume, and look into jobs we might be interested in becoming. I have asked this question because I am interested in becoming either a doctor or lawyer. I am doing...

Rai'mond’s Avatar
Rai'mond Oct 29, 2015 1092 views

What collage do you want to go

Cause I'm excited to go to collage and learn harder #achievements #learn

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Oct 29, 2015 3092 views

What kinds of cameras do you use for professional photography?

I want to be a photographer when I am older. #photography #cameras #lenses

Amariah’s Avatar
Amariah Oct 29, 2015 1391 views

Where is the best college for being a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

I am interested in being a criminal defense lawyer #college #lawyer #law-school

Cherokee’s Avatar
Cherokee Oct 29, 2015 889 views

what kind of college for hospitals

because i want to work in a hospital #hospital

Rai'mond’s Avatar
Rai'mond Oct 29, 2015 783 views

If you want to build a job where would it be?

To find where are there going to go?

Micah’s Avatar
Micah Oct 29, 2015 1232 views

I need tips on how to open a resturant?

I have always wanted too open my own restaurant but I need tips on how? An advise? #resturant-owner

Rai'mond’s Avatar
Rai'mond Oct 29, 2015 1134 views

How do you get a good paying job

Cause I want a job good paying #jobs #new

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Oct 29, 2015 1559 views

Can i develop games now, for practice? And if so what progams do I use?

Im in 6th, and asked several games question, and recently was wondering if I could develop games as of now, instead of waiting. I'll get some practice when im older, and if i could, is there any special requirements. As In what kind of Progams, Any help will be apprectiated!! #career

Peyton’s Avatar
Peyton Oct 29, 2015 1134 views

do young people need to practice acting for when the get older?

Hi my name is Peyton i am on 6th grade and I want to be a Movie Director #career #actor #director

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Oct 29, 2015 2157 views

For Microsoft:How much is the Salary?

I want to work for Microsoft to become an game developer, i plant to go to college for gaming and want to work with Microsoft when I gradute, but is the salary ok,good, or terrible? Any question will be apprectiated! #salary #microsoft

Archie’s Avatar
Archie Oct 29, 2015 1404 views

how long are you in college for culinary arts

I like to cook and want to go to college for culinary arts and would like to know how long I have to be in college #professional #students #cooks

Samuel.kendall’s Avatar
Samuel.kendall Oct 29, 2015 2006 views

what's the best college for interior design?

hi my name is Samuel and I'm in 6th grade and I'm getting started in interior design by making a path. and my question is what is the best college for interior design.? #design #arts #interior-design #furniture #recreation

Andre’s Avatar
Andre Oct 29, 2015 959 views

How can I start a career of veteran?

Ever sense I was 4 years old I always wanted to save and protract the animals in need and endanger #texas

Cherokee’s Avatar
Cherokee Oct 28, 2015 2032 views

what kind of college can u go to for a teacher

because i want to be one #college #nurse

Rai'mond’s Avatar
Rai'mond Oct 28, 2015 1062 views

How many players get drafted to the NFL.

Cause I think if they want to sigh up for collage you can live weathy #nfl

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Oct 28, 2015 3731 views

Can you be a docter and a chef at the same time?

I like to cook But I want to be a docter. #doctor #chef

Cherokee’s Avatar
Cherokee Oct 28, 2015 957 views

were is the best college for being a nurse

i want to be a nurse #nurse

Haevyn’s Avatar
Haevyn Oct 28, 2015 1400 views

What do I have to do to be a missionary? Do I need to go to a school/college to be a missionary?

I am a God loving Christian, and I want to travel and spread the word and help (3rd world) countries. #travel #international-development

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Oct 28, 2015 958 views

What is the best college to go to for a doctor?

A doctor saved my sisters life. #doctor #teacher

Claiborne’s Avatar
Claiborne Oct 28, 2015 1414 views

How would i get into a law school?

I want to take up law enforcement #law #law-enforcement

Haevyn’s Avatar
Haevyn Oct 28, 2015 2391 views

What college should I go to if I want to be a vet?

I love animals and always have. I want to know because I loved role playing a vet with my toys and pets, and I want to go to a good school that will give me a good education on how to be a vet. Thank you! #college #veterinary #veterinary-medicine #animals #animal-health #animal-rescue

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Oct 28, 2015 1235 views

Im not sure what my age needs to be in the swat

I really want to know how old do i need to be in the swat team #age

Xzavier’s Avatar
Xzavier Oct 28, 2015 1038 views

What is a good enteractive job if you love math and science?

I am a sixth grader I have all a's and b's I stride for a's I am a very athletic guy and I know that grades come first thank you for your time #mathematics

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Oct 28, 2015 904 views

Do I have to work alone, or in a group to become a game developer?

I've seen Mircosoft and always thought it was a one person thing, then a question popped up Is it better to work alone, or in groups when making games? #groups

Peyton’s Avatar
Peyton Oct 28, 2015 1051 views

Which one gets more money MLB or Movie Directors?

My name is Peyton and I love baseball I play it right now and in spring and I love writing my own movies for the future. #acting

Cooper’s Avatar
Cooper Oct 28, 2015 5518 views

What does an average day in a life of a mechanical engineer look like?

Hi i'm a 6th grader and want to become a mechanical engineer and i would like to know what a day would be like.

Peyton’s Avatar
Peyton Oct 28, 2015 923 views

What is more profered and gets more money actors or movie director

I love these things and my name is Peyton #acting

Ezaan’s Avatar
Ezaan Oct 28, 2015 2011 views

What is the best country to play soccer in?

what is the best country to play soccer in #soccer #professional-sports

Cooper’s Avatar
Cooper Oct 28, 2015 1045 views

how much times does a surgeon have to do a surgery a year?

I'm in 6th grade and I have a question and it is how much times does a surgeon have to do a surgery a year #doctor #surgeon

Wesley’s Avatar
Wesley Oct 28, 2015 1296 views

how do engineers make money

I want to know how engineers make money #engineering #money #fun

Marco’s Avatar
Marco Oct 28, 2015 921 views


games sells #games

Wesley’s Avatar
Wesley Oct 28, 2015 1000 views

how hard is beeing an engineer

I want t know how hard being an engineer is
#skills #fun

Cooper’s Avatar
Cooper Oct 28, 2015 1072 views

how many kind of doctors are there?

I'm in 6th grade and how many types of doctor are there? #doctor #surgeon

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