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Johan’s Avatar
Johan May 19, 2016 899 views

How is the business field in college? I have no experience is business but I may like it more than neurology..

I am very excited for college and studying neurology but I'm afraid if I start disliking neurology half way and may want to change my major. How should I have a feel about business filed? #college #business #neurology

Johan’s Avatar
Johan May 19, 2016 803 views

How successful are research psychologists after graduation?

Debating whether I want to major in research psychology or neurology. #graduate #research

Rubylynn’s Avatar
Rubylynn May 19, 2016 872 views

How can I choose field of work that'll assure me that I'll enjoy the rest of my life working?

I am still very young, sixteen years of age, and there is yet anything that sparks my interest in terms of vocation. I'm constantly hearing that every individual inhabits a special talent, perhaps I've yet to find mine, but how can I be certain that eventually I will? This thought constantly...

Brooke ’s Avatar
Brooke May 19, 2016 834 views

How exactly does one become a theatre director?

I want a career in theatre. I've even considered being a drama teacher. I'm curious about directing though. I think I could be good at it if it what I decided to go with. #the-arts

Itay’s Avatar
Itay May 19, 2016 767 views

Is it vey difficult to get a business job in NYC upon graduation

I am interested in working in NYC upon graduation #business

l’s Avatar
l May 19, 2016 1095 views

Is it more sensible to enter an RN program vs a LPN in nursing since the LPN part time is 2 academic years?

Weighing options #nursing #medicine

l’s Avatar
l May 19, 2016 1336 views

Is it common for medical students to enter the medical field and have a nervous reaction to the sight of blood (blood phobia)?

I was accepted into a nursing program which begins at the end of August and am dead set on overcoming the fear. I believe that maybe with enough exposure, you become de-sensitized to it?? #medicine #nursing

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian May 19, 2016 1427 views

How To Be A Leader as A Programmer

As someone who is a natural born leader and likes to be in a position where I can mentor/lead I would like to have a leadership at in my future career. But I understands that right out of college I will be more of a worker than a leader to gain experience so that I can be a great leader in the...

Mark’s Avatar
Mark May 19, 2016 1391 views

How do I manage to find out which type of accounting firm is the right one for me?

Having an accounting job after college is something I am very excited to pursue and work hard for. However, I do not know which types of firms I should apply for. I know I should go and look at all types of firms, but what makes a work-place the "right one"? #business #finance #accounting #economics

Mark’s Avatar
Mark May 19, 2016 1241 views

What are the most efficient ways to obtain an internship in an accounting firm during my college career?

I plan to be an accountant and I want to have as much experience as I can receive to prepare me for my job after college. I want to find out the right path for an accountant major. #business #finance #accounting

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian May 19, 2016 1175 views

Game Programmer Vs App/Software Programmer

I have been in love with computers and technology all of my life and starting next year I am perusing a degree in Computer Science. One of the questions that I still have is how should I go about how to deciding whether if I should be a game programmer or a app/software programmer? The...

Sebastien’s Avatar
Sebastien May 18, 2016 904 views

Is voluntary services in a specific work setting considered as experience to other job hiring officials?

I want a business management minor, but my focus is culinary arts. If I volunteer at a local restaurant, would that time spent be considered as experience in the field to others? #business #volunteering #culinary-arts #volunteer

Meherunisa’s Avatar
Meherunisa May 18, 2016 2451 views

Do you believe accounting is boring (college classes/ career)?

I'm going to be starting college this fall as an accounting major, but now I'm not so sure because everyone's telling me that it's not an interesting field to be in. #accounting #major

BRANDON’s Avatar
BRANDON May 18, 2016 2758 views

What's the average amount of hours Finance Analyst contribute in work on a weekly basis? Do they stay happy?

I heard working as a finance analyst often requires staying in the office for more hours than the average 9-5 worker. Will I have a life if I pursue this career? #business #finance #economics

Meherunisa’s Avatar
Meherunisa May 18, 2016 1537 views

Do you believe accounting is a solid career to pursue/is it in high demand?

I wanted to go into accounting and was wondering if it is a safe career choice.

BRANDON’s Avatar
BRANDON May 18, 2016 1037 views

Is it smart to have a Bachelor's/Master's in business as a backup while you're trying to pursue a career in a different industry (ie. entertainment, music, theater, etc.)?

I have a strong passion for performing arts, specifically theatre. However, I know being an actor does not always guarantee a stable job every moment of your life. Therefore, people have told me to have a Plan B career and I've chosen on that to be Finance. I was just wondering if I'd have to...

Senad’s Avatar
Senad May 18, 2016 981 views

What is the best way to find a good internship or externship for business?

I want to gain experience in what I'm trying to do in the future. #business #marketing

Lily ’s Avatar
Lily May 18, 2016 996 views

How do I go about finding internships in my college years pertaining to psychology?

I am very interested in psychology and the human brain and how we act and behave. I would like to start working with psychologists during my college years to get a feel of what it will be like for me. #psychology #clinical-psychology #psychologist

Senad’s Avatar
Senad May 18, 2016 1825 views

Is marketing a good major?

My name is Senad and I'm a senior in high school and soon graduating. I know what I want to do in the future and I'm trying to take the right steps to get there, I'm asking this question because I have an idea where I should start but don't know if it's the best way to start on my path to...

Kenna’s Avatar
Kenna May 17, 2016 843 views

If I want to teach Theatre on the Hish School level, what should I minor/double major in?

Ap/honors student who has been active in Theatre since the age of 7. I have recently been accepted into the Theatre Studies program at Chapman University #education #theatre

Kenna’s Avatar
Kenna May 17, 2016 833 views

I want to teach Theatre. Is it harder to get a job teaching on the High School or College level?

I am an AP/Honors student who has been active in Theatre since the age of 7. I was recently admitted into the Theatre Studies program at Chapman University #education #theatre

Jodie-Ann’s Avatar
Jodie-Ann May 17, 2016 810 views

What is the next big thing after touch screens?

Recently I've been seeing post and articles including pictures of holograms and devices where a touch of a fingertip is not necessary for it work. The touch screen was a big step ahead from the previous button touching but how much more can technologists push? I would like to be an innovator...

Tristen’s Avatar
Tristen May 17, 2016 685 views

I am going to college for Mechanical Engineering in the fall. I want to know what type of minor if any would be good to get me ahead for the work force.

I want to know so that i optimize time in college. #engineering #mechanical

Tristen’s Avatar
Tristen May 17, 2016 855 views

I want to know if going on to graduate school would be a good option or not? What are the benefits for paying for another two or four years of school in mechanical engineering?

I want to make the best decisions after my bachelors degree is completed. #engineer #professor #mechanical

Nathaniel’s Avatar
Nathaniel May 16, 2016 2797 views

Would Electrical Engineering be considered a stressful career?

I plan to graduate college with a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and would like to know how stressful it can be so that I can research ways to relax in this career.

Nathaniel’s Avatar
Nathaniel May 16, 2016 1252 views

What would a daily schedule mostly likely be like for an Electrical Engineer?

I am currently a high school senior who will be graduating June 5, 2016. I will be attending Baker College this fall. I would like to know what a typical schedule would be like for an Electrical Engineer so that I may adjust myself as such. #electrical-engineering #electrical-engineer

Jules Benjamin’s Avatar
Jules Benjamin May 15, 2016 1102 views

Which field of engineering gives me the greatest opportunities for advancement and flexibility to evolve/grow?

I wish to major in engineering but am unsure about what subspecialty, for example, chemical, mechanical, etc. #professor #manager #or #project

Jules Benjamin’s Avatar
Jules Benjamin May 15, 2016 1272 views

What field of engineering leads to the greatest number of start-ups?

I also want to start my own business one day. #entrepreneur #start-ups #science #college #engineering #career #career-counseling

Kaya’s Avatar
Kaya May 15, 2016 1845 views

How do i know i am cut out to be a doctor when i am the first in my family to persue medical school?

i am a tenth grader who wants to be a surgeon.Wanted a job in the medical career is highly rare in my family let alone a surgeon. This question has been on my mind a lot lately and it would be extremly helpful if i can get an answer back #doctor #health #medicare

Brett’s Avatar
Brett May 15, 2016 995 views

How can I educate myself and learn to manage my finances (Bills, taxes, insurance, etc.) ?

I was recently employed and was wondering how can I start to learn about my finances. I am do not know much about organizing and paying bills, taxes and things of that nature. #finance

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