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N’s Avatar
N Mar 26, 2018 821 views

What major in the business field will be in most demand in the future?

I am an undecided business major right now and don't know which major to choose.

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Mar 25, 2018 525 views

What jobs are open to psych majors?

I'm interested in my psych AP class, but not sure I want to be a psychiatrist or a therapist. I know people can get into any job, but i'm wondering what types of non-psych jobs tend to be good fits for psych majors? Any real world examples? #psychology #job-search

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Mar 25, 2018 693 views

Do people find Vet opportunities near their home town or do you have to relocate

I'm potentially interested in veterinary medicine but unsure of the opportunities after college graduation and vet school. Do people often relocate for jobs or do you find enough opportunities near your home town vicinity? #veterinary #jobs

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Mar 20, 2018 932 views

How can I make an impact on the world?

I have always wanted to make an impact in the world. I lived for it as a child (16 years and going in the Girl Scouts, NHS Scholar, etc), but doing it with established organizations is different than doing it on your own.
#nonprofits #social-change #career #philanthropy

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Mar 20, 2018 1014 views

How do I know that the major I am in is the best for me?

I am currently a theatre major, but I have my associates in Criminal Justice. Everyone says that the arts are not the best programs to go into since they do not "contribute anything to you in the long run." How do I know that getting this degree will not burn me in the end? #collegemajor...

Racheal’s Avatar
Racheal Mar 18, 2018 1161 views

Is a career in meteorology worth it?

#meteorology #career-counseling #post-college

Racheal’s Avatar
Racheal Mar 18, 2018 1747 views

How early is too early to apply for graduate school?

I'm currently in my junior year of college with a projected graduation date of Fall 2019. How soon should I start applying for graduate school and taking the required tests for a science program?

#science #graduate-school

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Mar 13, 2018 831 views

How important are internships during college?

While researching which college to attend, it seems some colleges have mandatory internships while others don't. What are the pros and cons to internships? #ToInternOrNot #sports-management

Adele’s Avatar
Adele Mar 13, 2018 477 views

What can be done as a college student to prepare for your career? #student

What can be done as a college student to prepare for your career? #student

Adele’s Avatar
Adele Mar 13, 2018 572 views

how does someone make connections / network effectively in their field of interest? #networking

how does someone make connections / network effectively in their field of interest? #networking

Lisette’s Avatar
Lisette Mar 13, 2018 871 views

What classes should I try and attend to in high school if I am intrested in Chemical Engineering?

I'm about to be a freshman in high school, and I have been thinking about what classes and electives I should take if I eventually want to be a Chemical Engineer or Environmental Engineer. Or what colleges I should eventually try and apply to if I want too pursue that career. Do you have and...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 22, 2018 758 views

What happens after I graduate college?

Once I graduate with a degree in Criminal Justice (concentration in crime scene investigation) what are my next steps? I either want to go into just crime scene investigation or if possible blood spatter analysis more specifically. What kind of training or other things must I accomplish once I...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 22, 2018 1780 views

How difficult will it be for me to get into blood spatter analysis?

I am currently working on my bachelors in criminal justice with a concentration in crime scene investigation. If I graduate with just this how difficult will it be to go into the field of blood spatter analysis later on? Should I work on getting anything else regarding just the education...

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jan 21, 2018 860 views

what are some minor studies that would enhance biomedical engineering major?

#engineering #biomedical-engineering

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jan 21, 2018 671 views

In the Northeast, what are the top comapnies for prosthetic design?

#technology #engineering #prosthetics

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jan 21, 2018 617 views

In the field of biomedical engineering, what are th epros and cons of going straight from undergrad to a master's degee vs going out into the work force?

I go to a school with a strong coop program. I am wondering if it is fiscally responsible to go straight to master's degree, or get a job with a bachelor's degree.
#grad school

Andres’s Avatar
Andres Jan 17, 2018 1844 views

How do I grow my self confidence in order to talk to new people?

College is all about starting a new chapter in your life. You may go off to a different state or even internationally in order to get your education. Inevitably, this means leaving behind old friends in high school. As a shy person I was wondering how one may go about building up some self...

Terryn’s Avatar
Terryn Jan 17, 2018 1070 views

How difficult is it to transition from Android to Apple application development?

I have developed several Android and Amazon applications but am interested in releasing on the Apple Store as well. #android #apply #technology #programming #swift #java

Terryn’s Avatar
Terryn Jan 17, 2018 830 views

How can I get my work in Android development noticed by prospective users?

I have developed several Android applications (one of which is released on the Google Play Store) but am having trouble acquiring new users. I am looking for ways to increase my user base without spending money on advertising, etc. #android #technology #programming

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Jan 16, 2018 708 views

What club or activity would help me to meet people at my new college? I am the only student who speak french and I would like to get to know more people

#french this is my first year in college and the fact that I am the only person speaking french as a first language makes me feel apart of the rest a little. #friends #meeting-new-people #college #life-transitions

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Jan 16, 2018 807 views

What would be a good major to do with International Business if I am applying to a Business School?

Want to study International but I feel if I study only one major I will have too much free time. #business #international-business #college #college-major

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Jan 16, 2018 499 views

Is there any scholarships that International students can get without applying to 58272918392 websites

I’m an International student and I feel all the essays and questions I answered won’t help me. Like if I was doing all this work for nothing. #scholarshipsearch

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Jan 16, 2018 916 views

What would be a good major to combine with Safety and Occupational Health security to make more money when you graduate?

I’ve been considering this major but I feel
If I only do this one alone I will have too much free time... please give me your advise
#occupational-health #safety #college-major #college

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Jan 16, 2018 541 views

Is English Literature a difficult field to start out in considering how popular it is to teach?

I am working on an English literature degree but I wonder if I will be limiting my career options. #teachenglish

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Jan 16, 2018 957 views

what specific roadblocks do I nerd to navigate around when starting anew at age 50?

Going back to school to complete my education degree. #educationcareer

Amberlynn’s Avatar
Amberlynn Jan 16, 2018 883 views

On average, how expensive is pursuing a PhD?

I am really interested in pursuing higher education and excited for the possibility of completing such a high level of study. My concern is that it most likely will not be an affordable course of action; which might barre me from pursuing education at that level. Is there any way to make that...

Amberlynn’s Avatar
Amberlynn Jan 16, 2018 702 views

How is the field of Neuroscience expected to change in the near future?

I am extremely interested in pursuing a degree in Neuroscience because of how vast the field is and the fact that the field encompasses biology and psychology. I don't really know what to expect from pursuing this field of study, and I was hoping someone could help me see how this field is...

Andres’s Avatar
Andres Jan 16, 2018 1522 views

What is credit and how do I build good credit?

Going into college you are confronted with lots of ways to pay for tuition, including loans. Typically, everyone is charged around the same interest for their loans because there tends to be little to no credit history among young individuals . I know that this may not be the case for any...

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Jan 16, 2018 1590 views

What are the best things for your resume?

After college, getting a job can be very competitive. How do you make yourself stand out from the crowd? What are ways to boost your resume? What are employers, especially in business, looking to see? #business #resume #resume-building #evaluating-resumes #job-search-strategies #job-market...

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Jan 16, 2018 1034 views

With all the expenses that come with adulthood (bills, food, rent, etc.), how do you balance them all and anticipate surprise costs?

All of these expenses add on top of your student debt, so how do you handle them for a stable financial future? #student-loans #student-debt #debt #financial-planning #financial-aid #financial-services #scholarships #money-management

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Jan 16, 2018 863 views

Do you have to major in criminal justice if you want to pursue a career in law-enforcement?

Trying to determine the best major for me #college-major #criminal-justice #criminology #law-enforcement

Cole’s Avatar
Cole Jan 16, 2018 1037 views

Regarding a roomate, what would be the proper etiquette on who should bring what?

Rooming with another person is a big change, so I was curious on how to best assign duties. #dorms #college #college-advice #Roommates #Housing #On-campus

Cole’s Avatar
Cole Jan 16, 2018 1142 views

In terms of the political science field, what should be expected in potential job opportunities?

I am going to school for political science, and I am currently curious in what options I may have following graduation. #polysci #political-science #college-major #college #politics

NICOLE’s Avatar
NICOLE Jan 16, 2018 531 views

Will BSN graduates need to obtain their master's degree in order to remain an RN in the future?

There are many programs that focus on current RNs going back to school to get their BSN. This is to ensure that all registered nurses hold a bachelor's degree. During my job searches, I have seen almost all nursing positions require a bachelor's degree, rather than an associate's or a nursing...

NICOLE’s Avatar
NICOLE Jan 16, 2018 899 views

What role will nurse practitioners likely have in the next 20 years?

Becoming a nurse practitioner is a field that seems to be growing, and there is more and more need. With medical school graduates continually choosing specialities rather than primary care routes, will that lead nurse practitioners to fulfill that gap? Or will nurse practitioners continue to...

Tess’s Avatar
Tess Jan 14, 2018 878 views

Is it bad if I am only considering colleges that have my sport in division 1?

I love my sport and it is a huge stress reliever for me, causing me to only consider schools with great teams. Usually people make sure their major has a great program at the school and THEN sports/hobbies, but I am doing it backwards. Is that okay as long as my college has my major too? #sport...

Tess’s Avatar
Tess Jan 14, 2018 787 views

How do I know if going to college immediately after high school is the right choice for me?

I attend Lexington High School which is very academically stressful and competitive. I was one of the many students that pushed myself throughout my four years there and now it seems as though it is expected of me to continue doing so in college right away but I am afraid of becoming burnt out...

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Jan 12, 2018 553 views

I really want to study Anthropology in college, but I'm scared there aren't any careers that degree fits with that I would actually enjoy. How flexible is an Anthropology degree and would I have many job options with that degree?

I'm asking because I don't know what to major in. #degree #anthropology

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Dec 27, 2017 1721 views

What software do market analysts use?

Hi everyone, I want to invest my winter break into learning a new skill. What softwares do market research analysts use? I know they would use some VBAs and will vary depending on the firm and market they are in, but what would you recommend me to learn over the next three weeks? What online...

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Nov 29, 2017 1260 views

Could I get advice from yoga teachers?

Hi fellow yoga teachers! I'm curious to know where you get your inspiration for music? How do you switch up your sequencing? What are your favorite poses? How do you cater to certain groups? What is your favorite flow to teach? Thank you! Maddie #yoga #mindfulness #music...

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Sep 27, 2017 4036 views

Question for professionals at PwC! What is your favorite part of your job and what is the most challenging part?

What is your favorite part about your job? What is the most challenging part of your job? How do you honestly feel about your job and your career goals? Do you feel satisfied in your life being in the finance industry? How do you contribute to the better whole of society working the job you...

Essynce’s Avatar
Essynce Sep 01, 2017 635 views

Passions vs Hobbies

I am a very diverse high school student who loves to sing and act but also has an interest in medicine. I'm aware that not a lot of people make it in the music industry and something more practical will be more likely to be gauranteed , however, I really love music and I don't think it'll pay...

Danilo’s Avatar
Danilo Sep 01, 2017 1170 views

What is the difference between consulting and finance?

The two both seem popular and I know they're both taught at the business school. #business #consulting #finance

kaitlyn’s Avatar
kaitlyn Sep 01, 2017 882 views

Business or health care management

I really like both majors and I'm interested in both but I feel as though my family is pushing me towards Health Care management and I don't want to decide my future based on only what they want for me rather than what I will be happy doing #business #healthcare-management

Scott’s Avatar
Scott Sep 01, 2017 1635 views

Is it possible to become an astronaut with a mechanical engineering degree?

There doesn't seem to be as many jobs in aerospace engineering as there is in mechanical engineering but my ultimate goal would be to become an astronaut. #engineering

Claudia Michelle’s Avatar
Claudia Michelle Sep 01, 2017 1072 views

Where is the best place to look if I want a job in music therapy?

I'm asking because one of my interested majors is music therapy, and I want to make sure that I know where to search for jobs if I end up choosing that career. #musictherapy #music #music-therapy #therapy

Deniece’s Avatar
Deniece Sep 01, 2017 1397 views

Is a degree in music business worth it?

I'm interested in becoming a successful rapper/producer. I know I have the talent, and I have plenty of time to keep improving my skills, but I'm well aware that you need to know a lot about how the business works, how to network, how to market yourself, etc. But there are a lot of online...

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Jul 02, 2017 1281 views

What is your perspective on self-care?

As a rising sophomore in college, I find that a huge population of my campus do not practice self-care. By self-care, I mean things, activities, etc that nourish's a person's soul. Why do we, as a society, continue to cultivate a work/academic environment of stress and unbalance? What is your...

Clare’s Avatar
Clare May 24, 2017 1140 views

If I want to be a sterile processing tech, where should I begin?

I am interested in health care, but don't have the time, or grades, to do a Nursing Program. #nurse #tech #hospital-and-health-care #processing #sterile #career-details

Susannah’s Avatar
Susannah Apr 14, 2017 3099 views

What types of internships are relevant for English Majors?

I'm a sophomore english major at my university, and this summer I want to start getting experience in my field. The thing is, I'm not sure what kinds of companies need my skills. Where should I start? #college-major #internships #journalism #writing #english #tutoring #college-intern

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