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Helen’s Avatar
Helen Jul 27, 2017 1207 views

#Career Help

I'm not sure what I want to do as far as a career. I love taking pictures drawing and writing stories, I'm great at organizing I like working with other people as a team, I love animals, helping other people I'm very creative I like clerical office work I think history is interesting, I'm a...

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Jul 16, 2017 1123 views

What are some common problems people have that can be solved with mobile apps?

Hi everyone, I wanted to know what are some problems you have experienced before because I am interested in creating a unique app, through coding, targeted to solving some of your problems. However, I am stuck and would like to know some of your input. #tech #technology #science #coding...

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Jun 23, 2017 2184 views

Best method to studying for SAT and ACT at the same time?

I am planning to take the ACT in September and SAT in October and I would like to know how I can study for both simultaneously and receive the best scores I possibly can. Any advice? Have any of you done the same before? #college #testing #ivy-league #sat #act

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Jun 03, 2017 1055 views

Is it possible to be accepted into competitive art schools without art extracirriculars?

Not that I necessarily want to go to an art school, but I would like to look at all possible options. I have always loved art and am self taught--where though I never had lessons or took classes, I was able to be accepted to a competitive high school to study art. However, I chose to go to a...

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Jun 03, 2017 1053 views

If you want to be a veterinarian, how many years of schooling would that be?

Would it be the same amount of years as becoming a doctor? Can you go to regular colleges for education and then proceed to med schools? -- I was just wondering since I have always loved animals though I have never really considered it as a career (or a number one choice of a career)....

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Jun 02, 2017 1672 views

Is it bad to have TOO many extracurriculars on the college app?

Although I am not applying to college yet, I am involved in many extracirriculars because I have a lot of different interests that may not relate to each other like singing, drawing, science, writing, etc. If I continue to do all these extracirriculars (simply because I will enjoy them), would...

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine May 25, 2017 1025 views

What is the best way to self study for SATs and ACTs over the summer?

I'm planning on taking the SAT and ACT after the summer and I am planing to self study. What are some of the most effective ways of studying and what are some tips so that I can do well? Which is less challenging one in your opinion? #college #science #math #writing #testing #sat

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine May 25, 2017 1093 views

If you know coding, what high paying jobs are there?

I will be doing a coding internship over the summer and I was wondering if someone was to pursue it, what jobs can they land and if it gives good pay? #tech #coding #computers

Esther’s Avatar
Esther May 24, 2017 3084 views

What do you do working as an intern in a CPA firm?

I got an internship at a CPA firm, but am very nervous to start something so professional. Thus, I was wondering as an assistant/intern what would some of the usual and main responsibilities be at the CPA firm? #accounting #internships #accountant #cpa #quickbooks #career-details

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine May 17, 2017 1634 views

How is studying abroad?

When I go to college I would like to study abroad, most likely in Europe or Australia. If anyone has ever studied abroad, what was your experience? Did you make a lot of friends? Was it scary? How expensive? #college #school #travel #study #abroad #world #europe #vacation

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine May 17, 2017 1458 views

Would it be hard to pursue a career that you did not major in in college? Can they do it?

Hi, I was just wondering if someone were to change their career path to a whole new field and did not figure it out until after they graduated, can they still get a great job and they would love? #college #career #major

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine May 16, 2017 1129 views

How do you get to work at Google or any other major companies?

I'm very curious and hope it's as nice as it seems. Also, how much would they pay? #tech #google #career-details #financial-planning

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine May 16, 2017 1102 views

Is there a career that combines technology and scientific research?

I'm very interested in both careers and am lost as to which I would like to pursue. #science #tech #career-details

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine May 07, 2017 1450 views

Jobs in science?

What are some jobs in science that don't require being stuck in a lab all day yet can also pay well for women?

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Apr 27, 2017 1830 views

Unsure about future career?

Hi, I'm currently a sophomore in High School and I'm very indecisive on what career I want to pursue in life because my main interests are split between science and writing. How can I decide? #career #science #writing #english #undecided

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Apr 13, 2017 1782 views

What book genres are the most popular right now?

One of my ultimate goals is to write my own novel and have it published. Of course, I want my book to sell, so picking the right genre is important depending on what people tend to buy. What genres are typically easier to make sales off of? #author #publishing #novels #genre #write #novelist

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Apr 13, 2017 1370 views

How to get your book published

One ultimate goal of mine is to write a novel and have it published. I know this is a very challenging and long process. What is the best way to get your own book published. Should I self-publish or go through a company? #writing #author #publishing #publish #book #novel

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Apr 13, 2017 1309 views

What is it is like being your own boss?

My ultimate goal is to become a speech therapist and help children in elementary schools work on their speech disorders. One reason I job this job is because many times, speech therapists are self-employed, and this is important to me. What is it like being self-employed? #speech-pathology...

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Apr 13, 2017 1304 views

Where is the typical workplace for a speech pathologist?

I would like to get my masters degree in speech pathology. To my understanding, speech pathologists work in schools, hospitals and other medical offices. I really hope I get the opportunity to work with children. What are my chances of get my job at a school? #speech-pathology #speech...

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Apr 13, 2017 1293 views

What is the best way to stand out to graduate schools?

I am finishing up my bachelor's degree in biology in the spring of 2018. I would like to move on to graduate school and get a masters in speech pathology. What should I make sure I have completed by the end of my undergraduate career in regards to internships, volunteer work, etc? #biology...

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Apr 13, 2017 1103 views

What do entrepreneurs study in college?

To my own understanding, most entrepreneurs study business/entrepreneurship in college. How beneficial is this? Could you have started a business without college? Would it be better to major in the subject matter that the business represents? For example, would someone who wants to innovate new...

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Apr 13, 2017 1271 views

What is the starting salary for a speech pathologist?

I am a junior studying biology in the Boston area, and would like to move on to get my masters in speech pathology. What is the starting pay in my area? #speech-pathology #speech #speech-therapy #speech-language-pathology #financial-planning

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Apr 13, 2017 879 views

What schools in my area offer a degree in speech therapy?

I am currently a junior at a school in North Andover, Mass. studying Biology. I would like to move on and get my masters in speech therapy, but I am having a hard time finding schools that offer it. #speech-pathology #speech-language #speech-therapy #speech-language-pathology #speech-pathologist

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Apr 13, 2017 1167 views

What careers are out there that allow you to travel?

I absolutely love traveling and would love to incorporate into my career in some way. I am a biology major, but open to other fields/topics. #biology #travel #traveling #leisure-and-travel

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Apr 13, 2017 1006 views

What types of jobs are out there for a bachelor's degree in biology?

I am a junior studying biology as my major, chemistry and education as my minor. Although I have a couple paths I am deciding on once I get my bachelors in biology, I am curious how many others options I have. #biology #chemistry #bachelors-degree

Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb Apr 12, 2017 1719 views

How does one decide upon an interest?

When it comes to careers, I generally want to choose a career that interests me. However, I haven't been able to narrow my interests down to a point where I can choose a career path that interests me. Some of my interests include: Biology, Technology, Music, Programming, Psychology, Philosophy,...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Mar 27, 2017 1191 views

Is there a career and major that pertains to both journalism and science?

As a high school student, on my way to college, I find myself oddly interested in journalism and science. Thus, I am wondering are there any jobs/careers that will allow me to perform tasks in both these areas. Additionally, what majors are be best for these interests? #career #science...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Mar 14, 2017 7407 views

Besides a high GPA, what extracurricular or activities do the big 4 firms like to see?

As an accounting major, my target dream employer is of course the big 4 firms. I was told recently that grades are the first thing that they look at before even considering everything else, so I am shifting gear to focus on that. However, I am now wondering what sort of extracurricular or...

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Mar 10, 2017 1245 views

When interviewing for a job, what should you answer when asked about your weaknesses?

Are there answers that show you are thoughtful and honest without ruining the chance of getting the job? What are companies really looking for? #interviews #college-jobs #summer-jobs #interviewing-skills #high-school-jobs

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Mar 04, 2017 1212 views

Does transferring school put you behind the rest of your peers?

I want to plan accordingly to decide if I want to stay or transfer to another school for next semester. However, since a lot of the core classes that I am taking now will not be transferred (I did a little research), I am worried that I will be behind the game if I do transfer. Thus, I hope you...

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Mar 03, 2017 1078 views

Is it better to go to an art college, or an arts and sciences college?

I'm a freshmen in high school, and I'm currently trying to choose between a college specifically for art, or an arts and sciences college. If I wanted to major in illustration, which type of college should I go to? Is it better to go to an arts and sciences college because I will meet different...

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Feb 24, 2017 1005 views

What specific factors affect the chance of a freelance illustrator getting a job offer from a client?

I understand that freelancers have to manage their own money, time, daily schedule, as well as their marketing, and various other things. Because of this, I would like to know the specific actions taken by a **freelance illustrator** (who is looking to get an offer from a client in any...

Nadia’s Avatar
Nadia Feb 23, 2017 1037 views

Is a small college better than a big college?

I'm applying for college and I'd like more insight on the advantages and drawbacks of both small and large campuses. #college #highschool #college-applicatons

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Feb 21, 2017 1197 views

What should I be doing to help my future when I get my undergraduate?

I can't help to think about the impending future which is happening in only 2 years. I want to be as secure as I can be so when I graduate I can find a career that I am interested in. What are some things that I can do to give me an advantage over other prospective employees? #college #career...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Feb 17, 2017 1414 views

How to naturally navigate a conversation with employers during career fair?

I have attended my first career fair as a freshman last fall. I prepared myself by searching about the main firms that I am interested in. However, after introducing myself, I was struggling to naturally ask questions about the company like their stocks and current events that I have researched...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Feb 04, 2017 1343 views

What is the difference between finance and accounting? Is one more favorable in the job market?

Stuck between Accounting and Finance, I cannot tell the difference between these two majors after visiting so many different websites. All the websites state that both would deal with budgeting and analysis. I am now wondering what are the main differences between an accounting and finance...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Feb 04, 2017 1260 views

What aspects on a college's resume can stand out to employers for internships?

Currently a freshman in college, I am wondering what activities I should be pursuing to appeal more to employers for internships recruitment. Are there some activities that are more heavily weighed than others? #resume #college-jobs #job-coaching #recruiting #resume-writing #college-recruiting...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Jan 18, 2017 7415 views

Does an accountant get to travel a lot?

I am currently an accounting major and one thing that I desire to do is travel and work aboard. Thus, I am wondering if accountants get to travel often? What type/focus of accountants usually gets to travel? #accounting #travel #accountant #financial-accounting #traveling

Karla’s Avatar
Karla Jan 16, 2017 858 views

How do I choose my major that I will acquire a succesful career in?

I currently can't decide if the major I am choosing will result in a good career or whether I should change my major. #college-major #choosing-a-major

Karla’s Avatar
Karla Jan 16, 2017 1121 views

How will changing my major prolong my graduation time?

When I applied to college I was a political science major, but now I'm thinking about changing my major to finance. I want to change it but I am scared that changing my major will set me back another year or so. #college-major #finance #political-science #switches

Karla’s Avatar
Karla Jan 15, 2017 2163 views

How do I get a credit card with no credit history?

I'm a freshman in my second semester of college and I have been looking at credit cards that will help me start a credit history. #finance #credit

Anastasia’s Avatar
Anastasia Jan 10, 2017 871 views

What other doctoral degrees include just 4 years after undergrad?

Im a junior in high school, trying to narrow down my career choices. I know i want to do something medical, and im willing to put in the time for something im passionate about. However, it becomes a problem of money and tuition for 10-15 years. I also cant really imagine studying generalized...

Talha’s Avatar
Talha Jan 10, 2017 1617 views

How many volunteering hours should any high school student put in to get a decent acceptance to a college?

I am currently in 11th grade and I have put in about 130-145 hours of volunteering work. I was wondering if that would be enough but I am not sure. I know good grades are a factor but I was wondering what the most a child can put in? #college #science #health #school #college-admissions...

Violetta’s Avatar
Violetta Jan 07, 2017 903 views

I plan to major in International Relations, and I would like to hear what that major entails from someone who's studied it.

I love the idea of helping people by being a diplomat, working in government, or for a not-for-profit. I just don't know anyone who's majored in this field and I'd love to hear what it's like! #international-relations

Talha’s Avatar
Talha Jan 06, 2017 993 views

What importance does a PhD hold?

Why are PhD field members get higher pay? Why is it such a respectable stand? Should I aim for a PhD in biomedical engineering? #biology #biomedical-engineering #science-phd

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Jan 03, 2017 860 views

Does commuting strip a person of their college experience?

My sister who is a dormer has always lamented to me how important it is to dorm and move away from home. She emphasized on the key phrase "college experience." Instead of listening to her, I am opting to commute because of the internships available for my major in the city. I am wondering if...

Shyanne’s Avatar
Shyanne Jan 03, 2017 903 views

Switching professions?

Hi, my dream as a child was to become a famous singer, and I'm also very known to have a beautiful voice etc. but my father was telling me that it wouldn't be a stable career as a start off and I should choose a career that would, like a doctor. And after I finish med school, I can go off and...

Shyanne’s Avatar
Shyanne Jan 02, 2017 1403 views

Is it possible to switch your profession from a doctor to a famous singer?

Hi, my dream as a child was to become a famous singer, and I'm also very known to have a beautiful voice etc. but my father was telling me that it wouldn't be a stable career as a start off and I should choose a career that would, like a doctor. And after I finish med school, I can go off and...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Dec 17, 2016 2509 views

What is the difference between public and private accounting firms?

Whenever I hear the word "accounting," my mind would immediately think of the four big four firms. I never fully understood what is the difference between the big four (public firms) and private firms that makes the big four, distinguished targeted employers. I learned before that private...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Dec 12, 2016 991 views

How do you manage school, work, and extracurriculars at the same time ?

I am currently working, and I go to college full time, how can I manage all of these 3 things at the same time while also being successful in them ? #career #school #work #life #full-time

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