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Angel S’s Avatar

Angel S

UI/UX Design Aspirant
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
21 Answers
3130 Reads
2 Karma
Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Oct 11 628 views

Does working to get a dual or double major take up a lot of your free time?

I'm in high school currently. I am interested in both Criminology and Forensic Science and I haven't been able to find a major/career that incorporates both, so I am thinking of double or dual majoring.

Lyla (Lyl)’s Avatar
Lyla (Lyl) Oct 11 399 views

how time consuming can being a CSI or forensic technician be?

asking all CSIs! how time consuming is being a CSI or a forensic technitions? the movies and TV shows (like the CSI series from the 2000s if anyone knows of that) seem to glamorize it a little and I was wondering what the real world version would be. When I'm older I would like to have two cats...

Mathias’s Avatar
Mathias Oct 10 376 views

Which Age can I retire at working as a Welder?

Hello so I just started at job corps and this is my second week so far I was thinking of which trade of picking to do and welding was on my list of trades to decide from and I was interested at what age am I able to retire as a welder?

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Oct 10 432 views

What do bosses look for in their employees for armed security?

And how can I apply the values and traits needed for that position?

Sung’s Avatar
Sung Oct 10 213 views

How to become pro in desining and start a career?

How to become pro in designing and start a career?

Angelle’s Avatar
Angelle Oct 09 230 views

What are the potential job positions if I decide to study fashon desing?

I want to know what could I work in if I study fashon desing.