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Lilia’s Avatar
Lilia Jul 31 659 views

Would I be able to use my senior pictures as acting headshots?

I'm a low-income student in Los Angeles, who wants to pursue acting. I'm an incoming senior in high school, and I can't afford getting professional headshots. I'm planning on taking at-home headshots sometime in the next few months, but after receiving my senior pictures back, I saw a few that...

Mira’s Avatar
Mira Jul 31 768 views

I don't know what career to go into. I don't want to get a simple job that you need college for or anything but more like a singer or actor or something.. anyone have any ideas on how i can achieve that?

I am 16 years old and am interested in becoming famous/rich and maybe even help others but I have no idea how to achieve that. I am british and leaving high school going into college now and I have no idea what I am going to do. I panicked and just applied for a travel and tourism course and I...

John’s Avatar
John Jul 31 273 views

How can I get job opportunity after schools?

How can I get job opportunity after schools# Grade 8

Isabel’s Avatar
Isabel Jul 31 695 views

How can I get experience to marketing as a rising high school senior with lack of internships near my area?

My goal is to pursue a career as a marketing specialist, especially at Disney, how can I get more exposure to the industry of marketing if I am only a high school student?

Zoe’s Avatar
Zoe Jul 30 927 views

How do what skills you have affect what steps you will take next?

When you hit a point where you have reached the longtime goal you set for yourself, and everything seems kind of blank what do you do next with the skills you learned on the way to reach that goal? Do you take that skill set and just find some new goal that uses those skills and will teach you...

ashley’s Avatar
ashley Jul 30 504 views

What job should I pursue after graduation?

I'm wondering what my options are jobwise after I graduate? I am a dual major in psychology and human development. In order to complete my degree I also need to intern somewhere and truthfully I don't know what I want to do. I'm thinking about the financial side more and I'm wanting to make...

Daisha’s Avatar
Daisha Jul 30 741 views

What’s hard about becoming a medical assistant ?

What’s hard about becoming a medical assistant with a learning disability??

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Jul 30 393 views

What are some things I can do outside of school if I want to be a physician assistant?

My dream job has been to be a physician assistant for a while now and I have been trying to look into things that I can do outside of school to help benefit my education or college applications. I tried volunteering but I was told I had to wait a couple of months because my age doesn't make me...

Melvin’s Avatar
Melvin Jul 30 520 views

Where should I go to learn more about Computer Science?

I am a incoming second year CS student in college and am still unsure what I want to do with CS. I am confused in what to study and am wanting guidance in languages or skills to practice in order to give myself the best well-rounded knowledge. Thank you

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Jul 30 390 views

How can I make some income?

For reference: I am about to go back to campus, at the end of August. I have applied for some campus jobs, but until then I have been trying to find some online, remote jobs to work for. I just want something part time, until I begin my studies again.

Nicolas’s Avatar
Nicolas Jul 29 446 views

whats the best way to become a boss in a shop?

I'm a student at Job Corps and I'm here for paint and body repair.

Drayden’s Avatar
Drayden Jul 29 404 views

Security Questions

A few questions I have for the security field.
1. Is the work environment usually good?
2. Are employees happy with their work?
3. Career Advancement?

William’s Avatar
William Jul 29 692 views

What do I do if I find myself wanting to pursue many (creative) careers?

I want to pursue acting/voice acting, writing, art/animation, and filmmaking. I hear that acting is a very time-consuming job that requires a lot of commitment, but I also want to do writing and filmmaking, so what do I do about that? Is it possible to juggle all of these careers at the same...

Glennys’s Avatar
Glennys Jul 29 483 views

High school student: Where can I start earning volunteer hours?

Which organizations can help me learn more about my interests or what I want to become when I grow up, such as a view of the working life of different careers, etc. I recently turned 16 if it helps. I am also willing to start working.

Nana Adjoa’s Avatar
Nana Adjoa Jul 29 906 views

Is it possible for a student studying arts in the senior high School pursue associated because the University?

maybe the student at first had no idea about his future career