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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2527684 Reads
11180 Karma


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Kerisha’s Avatar
Kerisha Feb 28, 2017 3100 views

How can i become an actress at 24 when i have a degree in engineering?

I've always wanted to become an actress but since I was academically strong, I chose engineering. However my passion hasn't died down but I don't have much experience either. I'm also an Indian female from South Africa and I haven't had the financial means to pursue acting even as a hobby. I...

Antonio’s Avatar
Antonio Feb 28, 2017 721 views

What do u need to be a officer

To be an officer #united-states-government

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Feb 27, 2017 1169 views

Is volunteering a lot enough to make me stand out when applying to colleges?

I am homeschooled, so I don't have very many extracurricular activity opportunities. I do volunteer a lot, usually 150-200 hours a year. Will that be enough to make me stand out when I apply to colleges, or no? Thanks! #college #business #education #higher-education #volunteering...

Kiran’s Avatar
Kiran Feb 27, 2017 735 views

Does community college required

I want to know does University of the District of Columbia community college required any test to get admission in associate degree? #college #college-admissions #columbia-university

Mounia’s Avatar
Mounia Feb 26, 2017 4852 views

What are alternatives to becoming a career coach/career counselor?

I'm wondering what are similar job titles? #jobs #career-counseling #career-path

montessa’s Avatar
montessa Feb 24, 2017 843 views

Which schools have the best programs for transfer students?

I will be graduating this May with an associate's degree. I'm looking for schools that have human resources or business administration programs that will accept all or most of my 70 credits. I've been looking around at the colleges in my area. I'm asking for a second opinion. #college...

Ockeem’s Avatar
Ockeem Feb 23, 2017 1092 views

Is the military a good place to start your career of becoming a pilot.

I have been presented with the chance of going but i wounder if its a good choice. #airline-industry #pilot #commercial-pilot #airplane

Mounia’s Avatar
Mounia Feb 22, 2017 781 views

What should a college senior make sure they have done before they graduate?

Which resources should I make sure I take advantage of before I graduate? #college #graduate

Nadia’s Avatar
Nadia Feb 23, 2017 1038 views

Is a small college better than a big college?

I'm applying for college and I'd like more insight on the advantages and drawbacks of both small and large campuses. #college #highschool #college-applicatons

ryder’s Avatar
ryder Feb 22, 2017 1156 views

is there a specific age limit you have to be to go to college

hi my name is ryder but i go by cole. i want to be a police officer and i want to know what age i have to be to go to college. #college #career #jobs #college-jobs #police-academy #helping-people

Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany Feb 21, 2017 582 views

What are some of the steps to become a vet . ?

I wanna know what classes I need to take to become a vet ? #college #veterinary

Chris’s Avatar
Chris Feb 19, 2017 5363 views

Should I apply online or in person for a restaurant or retail job?

I need career advice.
Should i apply online or in person its for a job.
I ask maybe someone knows how did you get your first job was it online or in person what would you do? I mean a part time publix walmart mcdonalds restaurant/store job.

Trayquil’s Avatar
Trayquil Feb 20, 2017 707 views

which type of engineering has the most jobs

I'd like to know which type of engineering will give me a better chance of getting a job #engineering #mechanical-engineering

Mounia’s Avatar
Mounia Feb 19, 2017 1009 views

What should a student consider before transferring to a different college?

I am senior and am considering transferring to a different school as I feel unsatisfied with the college culture as well as the teaching methods of many of the professors in my program. #college #college-transfer #transfer

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Feb 16, 2017 1080 views

How do you use a Homeland Security degree in searching for a career?

I am actually still in school for about three more weeks and I am finishing my thesis on Cybercrime. My experience is in Sociology and the Legal field. I am self-motivated and a hard-worker who learns pretty fast. I am anxious to get a career, but I am 41 years old and have been out of work...

De'Asia ’s Avatar
De'Asia Feb 13, 2017 853 views

What do I need to do in order to become a dentist?

What programs/classes do I need to attend? How many years of schooling is required? #college #college-major #dentistry #dental

Destiny ’s Avatar
Destiny Feb 09, 2017 665 views

What college did you go to to become a lawyer?

I plan on going to Duke University #lawyer

Mounia’s Avatar
Mounia Feb 15, 2017 997 views

What are ways to have effective time management when a job seeker and student?

I am having trouble finding a balance between school and looking for employment. I find that school takes up most of my time and doesn't allow for me to spend very much time on job seeking. Should I set lower expectations for the time I look for a job, and focus on consistency, even if my...

Mounia’s Avatar
Mounia Feb 15, 2017 1047 views

How does recruiting and career counseling differ?

I am thinking about becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor so that I may specialize in career counseling. Originally, I wanted to be a career coach, but figured that specializing in other areas makes me more marketable. My main goal is to assist people with career knowledge and help them...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Feb 15, 2017 6872 views

What are the benefits of being a boy scout?

A few of my friends have recently gotten involved in scouting, and it seems like it takes up a lot of their time. Some of them tell me that they are doing it so they can put in on their college applications. Do colleges value boy scouts (or eagle scouts, for that matter)? Is it something that I...

Olivea’s Avatar
Olivea Feb 12, 2017 910 views

What is the best way to find colleges that best suit you?

I am a Sophomore in high school who is very nervous about college. I don't know much about the how to find the best college for me. Many of my friends already know there dream schools, but I only know a couple colleges. How do I go about researching colleges and how do I choose ones that best...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Feb 13, 2017 809 views

How much schooling is required for an engineering career?

I would like to pursue an engineering career. Before completely deciding on it, I would like to know how much schooling is needed to have a successful and good-paying engineering career. #college #engineering #college-major #college-selection

Deborah’s Avatar
Deborah Feb 11, 2017 991 views

How can I make the right connections if I want to be a teacher?

I want to be a teacher when I graduate from York University #teaching #teacher #career-choice #school #career-path #career-development #learning #connections

Lyndsey’s Avatar
Lyndsey Feb 10, 2017 1800 views

How many years of college is it to become a pediatric physical therapist?

I would like to have a plan for those years of my life. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #health #physical-therapy #medicine-education #life-coach

Tre'Beon’s Avatar
Tre'Beon Feb 10, 2017 869 views

What's The Lowest Level Of Education You Can Have To Become A Mechanical Engineer

To See What Level Of Education I Need #engineering

Mounia’s Avatar
Mounia Feb 09, 2017 1023 views

How vital is it to participate in student organizations in college?

I am a undergrad and I am interested in joining student clubs and organizations. I am also wondering how joining student clubs and organizations can be beneficial to my career in the long run? #college #career-counseling #career-paths #networking #student-affairs

Nolan’s Avatar
Nolan Feb 09, 2017 785 views

What colleges allow this major?

I was curious to what colleges in North Carolina that give good majors for entrepreneurship. #college #university #entrepreneurship #buisness

Tristan’s Avatar
Tristan Feb 09, 2017 1192 views

What jobs are good for an electrical or mechanical engineer?

I want to have a good job with engineering. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #electrical-engineering

Elton’s Avatar
Elton Feb 08, 2017 961 views

As a Engineer do you enjoy your job?

I am a high school student wanting to learn about this job #engineering

shirley’s Avatar
shirley Feb 08, 2017 1329 views

How do you answer situation based questions?

These questions are normally asked in graduate training scheme? #college #human-resources #recruiting #human

Nolan’s Avatar
Nolan Feb 08, 2017 900 views

Can you go to a four-year college for this?

In a cosmetology field are there colleges that teach four years of it? #colleges #cosmetology #cosmetics #hair-stylist

Armine’s Avatar
Armine Feb 07, 2017 1109 views

How can you apply for internships as a college freshman?

Hi, I am graduating high school this year and I wanted to apply for some internships at companies and/or hospitals. I would love to find out about some internships and how I can apply for them. #college #business #career #internships #entrepreneurship #job-search #college-jobs #applying

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Feb 03, 2017 957 views

What is the different settings social workers work in?

I am a psychology major in college #psychology #social-work #clinical-research

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Feb 07, 2017 800 views

How to get a summer internship in the psychology field?

I am a Psychology major and an upper junior. #career #psychology #career-counseling #internships

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Feb 06, 2017 1832 views

Is having a career possible without attending college?

Do you have to go to college to be successful? #college #career

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Feb 06, 2017 1986 views

Is there a negative stigma with online degrees?

Are online degrees and certificates looked down upon or considered less than traditional education? #college #degrees #online-learning #online-college

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Feb 06, 2017 1299 views

How can I make myself a stellar employee?

What sorts of qualities set one employee from another? What habits and attitudes make a good employee? #college #career #jobs #resume

Raeann’s Avatar
Raeann Feb 06, 2017 1273 views

Do AP classes really help your college applications?

Will having Advanced Placement courses really help my college applications? Do you think getting a B in an AP class will look better or worse to people evaluating your application? Is an AP class really worth it? #college #college-applications #ap #advance-placement

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Jan 25, 2017 894 views

If you could tell a nursing student one piece of advice, what would it be?

I am hoping to become a nurse someday, and I was wondering what advice you would have for me? #nursing #medicine #nurse #healthcare #registered-nurses #medicine-school

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Feb 04, 2017 1402 views

What do you wear to an interview?

I have a few interviews coming up in the following two weeks, and I'm not entirely sure what I should wear to it. I was planning on wearing dress shirt, a tie, khakis, and dress shoes, but I'm afraid it might be too informal. I'm not sure if I will be afford a suit or where I would be able to...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Feb 03, 2017 1080 views

What is a phone interview, and how do I prepare for it?

I'm a sophomore in college, and I recently went to a technical fair and talked to a lot of recruiters, and many of them have gotten back to me and said that they wanted to set up a phone interview with me. However, I have little experience in interviews and I'm not sure what I should expect...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Feb 02, 2017 773 views

Are there any good websites that let you "search" degree types?

Maybe one that lets you select your interests and it generates possible degree types (majors or specializations) similar to it?

If this doesn't exist, careervillage should make a start-up! #college #science #college-major #graduate-school #interest #thesis

Raeann’s Avatar
Raeann Feb 02, 2017 946 views

Should I work while being a college student?

Hello, I am a senior this year, and college is coming rapidly. I know money will be tight in college, but I also know I will be extremely busy going to class and studying. I am thinking I will likely get some kind of simple teenager-ish part-time job (fast-food, retail, etc.) while going to...

dennis’s Avatar
dennis Feb 02, 2017 1057 views

nanotechnology bachelors-careers in usa

i want to pursue nanotechnology bachelors in usa,i have 10thousand us dollars,how to approach this impossible dream ? #electrical-engineering #nanotechnology #electro-mechanical #automotive-electronics #nanotechnologist #nanofabrication #nanomaterials #nanotech

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Feb 01, 2017 1508 views

Are there any online resources that can aid me in deciding a career, or field or job?

I was wondering if there is any online help in deciding what to do in the future after studying, or to help decide what further studies I want to go into? #career #career-counseling #career-choice #career-path #job-search #career-paths #job-search-strategies #job-searching

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Feb 01, 2017 1117 views

Is taking a year out of university/college to gain a year of experience in industry really necessary?

Obviously gaining industry experience before graduating is great but how important would you rate it? Would it strongly differentiate between two potential candidates? How valued for a graduate job would it be? Even if the experience isn't completely relevant to the job. Are graduates looked...

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Feb 01, 2017 2846 views

How is it working as a female in a predominantly male environment?

Studying computer science, 95% of the students are male and it isn't rare to be talked down to by male students on the occasion. I was wondering how it is in the workplace if it is mainly a male environment? #computer-science #career #technology #job #graduate #female #workplace

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 30, 2017 1381 views

How do you follow up with a recruiter?

I'm a sophomore in college, and I attended a career fair a few days ago. I talked to a lot of recruiters and many of them gave me their business cards so I could keep in touch in them or ask them any questions. I'm not sure how I would follow up with them, or what I should say, and I would love...

Sharon’s Avatar
Sharon Jan 27, 2017 1371 views

What are the benefits of getting an after degree?

Lately, I have been thinking about an after degree in education (hypothetically). How would this benefit me? Does an after degree expand my career options? #career #education #career-counseling #school #interviews #degree #after-college

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra Jan 24, 2017 1265 views

What do International Marketing job description?

I am currently entering my sophomore year of college, and right now my major is International business but I want to specialize in International marketing. Currently I do not know what I want to market but I'm in-between the hotel industry and doing something in technology. #technology...