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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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Charlene’s Avatar
Charlene Jan 24, 2017 1317 views

Why should you apply for an EOF program?

I will be attending college in less than 7 months and I just wanted to know why it is a good choice to apply for the Eductaional Opportunity Fund as an incoming freshman (especially from an impoverished environment such as Newark)? #college #financial-aid

Jerry’s Avatar
Jerry Jun 20, 2016 1807 views

How to ask someone to be a professional reference?

I have a temporary position (a summer job) that I'll have to leave when I go back to college in the fall. I feel like I've done a good job and would like future employers to my achievements here into consideration. How should I go about asking my manager or boss to be my reference? What about...

Kemi’s Avatar
Kemi Jan 16, 2017 898 views

What would examples of good references to put in a job application?

I have never been employed and was wondering what would be good examples of references in my case? #jobs #job-search #first-job

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Jan 21, 2017 955 views

What are some tips for finding a summer job?

What should college students do and not do if they're looking for something to support themselves over the summer? #college #graduates

RonDasha’s Avatar
RonDasha Dec 16, 2016 774 views

How do you decide on a career you want to do but not really sure?

I am a senior in high school and im not really sure what career path to take

RonDasha’s Avatar
RonDasha Jan 21, 2017 1024 views

What is the most important thing to maintain in college?

I am asking this question because I do not want to mess up in college #college #college-major #college-admissions #college-bound #college-recruiting

Shakera’s Avatar
Shakera Jan 21, 2017 1280 views

is social work worth it?

Im currently a junior in high school and i want a career in Mental Heath social work for kids specifically but any age is fine. I curious how i should go about it with colleges. Also if its worth it, i understand that the pay isnt he best but is the personal satisfaction enough? Im thinking od...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 19, 2017 1099 views

Should I take a gap year?

I am a junior in high school, and I will be applying to colleges in the following school year. I am a little lost on what I want to pursue in college, and I've always wanted to take a break from school to figure out what my dreams and aspirations are, as well as explore other opportunities and...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Dec 26, 2016 2510 views

Would saving money and going to a community college for two years be acceptable?

I've been told that doing this is perfectly fine yet a lot of people are also telling me that the first two years of going to a University is where you make all the meaningful connections you will be needing for your career. #college #university #college-admissions #community-college

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Dec 29, 2016 956 views

What are some ways of getting connections while you're in college?

Making connections is very important and something everyone should be doing. Not sure how and where to start networking though. #university #internships #college-bound #networking

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 19, 2017 1183 views

Are AP tests worth taking?

I was told that as a senior in high school, AP Classes won't really help you for college as your applications are already processed and it's better to take the actual classes in college instead of trying to skip them by passing the AP Exams. #college #college-admissions #college-bound...

Rawaf’s Avatar
Rawaf Jan 19, 2017 1270 views

How to manage your time in the first year of college?

Freshmen nowadays get confused on how to manage their work life and studying and having fun. Any advice to help them to be more organize? #college #management #time-management #freshmen #scheduling #study #first-year #time

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 17, 2017 1146 views

What are some 'remote' jobs college students can do to build skills?

I have noticed that there are a lot of remote jobs available nowadays, like freelance writing or helping out with data. Are these jobs good to build resume skills? If I don't have time for a full-time job, could these be useful for cash and testing professional skills? #college #career...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 17, 2017 853 views

How do I go to a college as a non-degree seeking student?

After I graduate (with a Bachelors and Masters Degree), I need to re-take a few courses and take a few new ones to prepare for my next applications. But, how does one go to a 4 year college as non-degree seeking? Is the admissions process the same as undergrad? Do I have to apply or do I just...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 18, 2017 1339 views

How to network and build connections?

I could use some ways to build professional connections. I recently made a LinkedIn account--but, is this site really effective at building connections? #college #career #resume #networking #linkedin #job-application #personal-development

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 15, 2017 1419 views

Is it a good idea to work part-time in college?

I'm currently thinking about getting a part-time job or participating in a work-study while I'm at school. I could use the money to help pay for my textbooks and for my living expenses, but I'm concerned that my grades will suffer as a consequence. What was your experience working part-time...

Deana’s Avatar
Deana Jan 15, 2017 1175 views

What are the negative aspects of graduating from university early?

I plan to attend the University of North Texas in the fall. After going over a course plan that I found for my major, social work, I realized that I will not be spending 4 years there. I have accumulated enough AP and dual credit hours to graduate in 3 years if I take 15 hours each semester. My...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 14, 2017 2440 views

How do you write a good college application essay?

I am a junior in high school right now, and I am going to be preparing to apply for colleges and universities starting this summer. Writing has never been my strong suit, and I'm worried that my essay may bring down my academic achievements. What do colleges usually look for in an application...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 14, 2017 814 views

After college, should I look for a job, or should I go to graduate school?

I am currently a second year student in college, and I am trying to plan out my future for the next few years (or have a brief outline of what I might want to do). Many of my upperclassmen friends told me that they decided to find a job after college, rather than go to graduate school, and I'm...

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 14, 2017 1185 views

How do I know if a major is right for me?

Right now I am in community college, trying to sort my life out. I want to be a writer but I also want to teach, and do a million other things with my life, what do I do? #career #career-choice #major #english

Abdulwahab’s Avatar
Abdulwahab Jan 14, 2017 1290 views

Are there organizations you are expected to join as a Finance student/graduate?

Are there organizations you are expected to join as a Finance student/graduate? #college #business #finance #corporate-finance #financial-analysis #college-graduate

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 13, 2017 1411 views

What social media skills can I learn to put on my resume?

I am not a communications or advertising/marketing major. I am a STEM major. But, I heard that many jobs want skills in social media and online resources. I know how to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google Drive/Docs, DropBox, and Mendeley. Can these be added to my resume? What other websites...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jan 13, 2017 1528 views

So I'm really good at singing but I suck at dancing, don't know how to play any instruments, and I don't know if i can pay for life as a singer.

I'm sixteen and a junior. I thought i wanted to be a doctor but turns out i don't and i need a plan. What do i do? #money #dance #singer #singing #dancing

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Jan 12, 2017 1151 views

What is a good first step to take when you realize the field you got your Bachelor's Degree in has a low demand job wise in the job market?

Alyssa.24. Currently employed in the Legal/Law Field. Recent College Graduate. #college #careers

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Jan 12, 2017 1330 views

How do i figure out what to wear to an internship interview?

I am a junior college student majoring in Geography. I am looking to obtain an internship in the field of transportation. I have recently got two internship interviews and am curious what I should wear to them. #college #internships #interviews #professional-development #geography

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 1140 views

How do you make a good impression when volunteering?

Where I volunteer is a pretty impersonal place. I just go in unnoticed and barely get acknowledged by any staff. I understand that the staff is both busy and tired (this is an animal ER). I don't want to interrupt them, but how can I make good relations? The program offers letters of...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 4635 views

Is it appropriate to negotiate a salary or stipend with your potential employer for an internship?

A lot of internships are unpaid, but if you need a salary or stipend of some sort, can you ask your potential employer? #college #internships #interviewing-skills #salary-negotiation #stipend #financial-planning #personal-development #job-application

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 11, 2017 2447 views

How do you prepare for a technical interview?

I am a computer science student, and I will be going to an engineering and technical fair in a few weeks from now, and the companies there often schedule technical interviews in the following days. How should I prepare for it? Is this a dress code that I should follow? #college...

Ella’s Avatar
Ella Jan 11, 2017 1550 views

if photography a good job?

How do you know photography will be a good choice for a career? #career #photography #camera

Mea’s Avatar
Mea Jan 11, 2017 709 views

If I get a student loan and go to college for 6 years to to get a scholar to become a vet, how long would it take to pay off the dept as soon as I get a job as a vet?

I'm Mea, The college I want to go to is IU in Kokomo, Indiana if that helps to answer the question :) #college #graduate #veterinarian #masters #with #administrator

Talha’s Avatar
Talha Jan 10, 2017 1617 views

How many volunteering hours should any high school student put in to get a decent acceptance to a college?

I am currently in 11th grade and I have put in about 130-145 hours of volunteering work. I was wondering if that would be enough but I am not sure. I know good grades are a factor but I was wondering what the most a child can put in? #college #science #health #school #college-admissions...

Abdulwahab’s Avatar
Abdulwahab Jan 07, 2017 3013 views

How did you get your job?

Am asking a general question but was wondering based on your own experience and qualifications, how did you get your job? #college #business #finance #accounting #graduate #job-search

lolo’s Avatar
lolo Jan 08, 2017 694 views

How do you know what career you want after college?

How do you know what career you want? #college #business #student

Trey’s Avatar
Trey Dec 27, 2016 772 views

How can you find out where the best grad schools are?

I am wanting to further my education after I graduate, but I'm not sure where. #college #graduate-school

Abdulwahab’s Avatar
Abdulwahab Jan 07, 2017 950 views

What would be a reasonable salary range to expect if I entered Finance?

Am a Finance student currently and was wondering what would be a reasonable salary range to expect if I entered this field? And what is the long-term potential? #college #business #finance #money #career-advancement #financial-planning

Abdulwahab’s Avatar
Abdulwahab Jan 05, 2017 1045 views

How many hours do entrepreneurs should put?

I am wondering myself as a student when I become ready for it, how any hours should I put daily/weekly into my business? #college #business #finance #accounting #entrepreneurship

lolo’s Avatar
lolo Jan 04, 2017 898 views

What extracurricular activity should college student do to help build their Resume?

My dream job as a child is to be in hospitality industry, so I am asking to get some point of idea to help me get in that field. #business #extracurriculars #job-application

lolo’s Avatar
lolo Jan 05, 2017 710 views

What can you do after you graduate college?

I know someone that is a recent college graduate. #college #graduate #recent #bsuiness #experiecne

Brooke’s Avatar
Brooke Jan 03, 2017 666 views

Can attending a small university hinder your post-grad job prospects when compared to a larger university with more connections?

As a graduating senior who is constantly looking into job opportunities I am beginning to wonder if my decision to attend a small private school could be hurting my chances of finding a job because of a lack of connections, when compared to my friends who attended larger schools. #college...

Trey’s Avatar
Trey Jan 04, 2017 847 views

Does being a research university actually hurt the quality of a university?

Wouldn't this mean the professors are more focused on their research then teaching? #college #research

Aukai’s Avatar
Aukai Aug 09, 2016 1625 views

As a student in highschool, many doors (internships) seems shut. What are you r recommendations for a highschool student who wants to get an internship at a consulting firm?

More so for next summer, I would like to intern at a consulting firm so that I might learn about what it takes (experience and education wise) to come back and get a job post-degree. #business #higher-education #consulting #management-consulting

Vitaly’s Avatar
Vitaly Jan 01, 2017 825 views

How to improve yourself daily for your future career>

I have this question because daily I wonder what can I do right now to prepare for the future. I have no idea which career I will choose but what steps and things can I do right now to better myself for the future? #career #jobs #employees

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 1476 views

What does an OB/GYN do daily while on the job?

I want to become an OB/GYN once I'm older but I never really considered what that entails other than the highlights of the job. What does an OB/GYN really do normally on a day to day basis? #doctor #jobs #obstetrics #gynecology

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Jan 03, 2017 860 views

Does commuting strip a person of their college experience?

My sister who is a dormer has always lamented to me how important it is to dorm and move away from home. She emphasized on the key phrase "college experience." Instead of listening to her, I am opting to commute because of the internships available for my major in the city. I am wondering if...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 1633 views

Which is better small liberal arts university or prestigious?

In my area there are plenty of both and when it comes time to apply I want to know which is better to study at. I want to know things like pros and cons and cost wise and all that both entail. #college #university #higher-education #university-applications #liberal-arts #prestigious-university

Kennedy’s Avatar
Kennedy Jan 03, 2017 869 views

Am I able to get my PhD in anything?

I wanted to do psychology but my mom and friends say that maybe engineering is where I need to be. I just don't know anymore. I know for sure I want my PhD but I don't know what topic to get it in. #engineering #psychology #college-majors #phd

Kemi’s Avatar
Kemi Jan 02, 2017 906 views

What are some tips on balancing between school, work, and hobbies?

I am quite at time-managing but sometimes, I can also fall victim to procrastination. #time-management #working

Kemi’s Avatar
Kemi Jan 03, 2017 839 views

Will commuting be too time-consuming?

I'm thinking of commuting next year because I don't think paying 10k+ a year for what I'm getting with room/board is worth it. But, then there's the issue that by commuting, I may be wasting time (1-1.5 hours round trip) which I could otherwise use to study or commit to other things. With this,...

Daniella’s Avatar
Daniella Dec 26, 2016 1106 views

Should high school students be focused on doing extracurricular activities based off of what they would want to major in college?

I have a friend who really wants to become a doctor, and almost all her extracurricular activities are tied around medicine. She did a medical program in Harvard, volunteers at a hospital, etc. Would she have a better chance of getting in somewhere because she knows what she wants and is doing...

Debra’s Avatar
Debra Dec 26, 2016 889 views

Is it worth taking out student loans for graduate school programs? Will I ever be out of debt?

Currently applying to graduate schools. Private school programs are so expensive. #college #graduate-school #scholarships #student-loans #debt #graduate-recruitment