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Estelle Archer’s Avatar

Estelle Archer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
United States
1322 Answers
1151158 Reads
738 Karma


Civic Duty

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Apryl’s Avatar
Apryl Jul 23, 2019 615 views

What is the most difficult thing you've done as a medical assistant and also most difficult day you've had?

#healthcare #medicine assistant

Jacobi’s Avatar
Jacobi Jan 31, 2020 422 views

What is the work atmosphere like for CNA's in the hospital ?

#medicine #medical

Kristy’s Avatar
Kristy Jan 28, 2020 458 views

What the daily routine as a medical assistant in a er

#healthcare #medical im fresh into the medical field as a medical assistant and was just wondering what its really like to have the full experience #medicine

Kamylle’s Avatar
Kamylle Sep 06, 2019 348 views

What type of grading system is used ?

My name is kamylle and i want to become a nurse partitioner . #nursing #healthcare

Danyra’s Avatar
Danyra Aug 27, 2019 510 views

What are things I should know about becoming a medicial assistant such as working conditions, schedule, and challenges?

#MedicalAssistant #healthcare #medicine

Amia’s Avatar
Amia Aug 14, 2019 531 views

How much do you pay in an hour?

#medicine #doctor #hospital

Thalia’s Avatar
Thalia Sep 13, 2019 432 views

What educational preparation would you recommend me for this field?

#medicine #dentistry

Ruby’s Avatar
Ruby Sep 18, 2019 366 views

What do you like the most about rehab?

I love working with others and helping them in any way I can.#nursing

Monica’s Avatar
Monica Sep 06, 2019 468 views

What is the advancement potential in the field?

I’m a senior student in San Antonio, Tx. I’m interested in working in the medical field i’m undecided on a specific career but i would prefer to work with animals. I’m very corporative and work well with others and I would like to work with a close team. #animals field #career #medicine

Thalia’s Avatar
Thalia Sep 13, 2019 410 views

Would the work involve any lifestyle changes, like frequent travel or late night business entertaining?

#medicine #dentistry

Aybrianna’s Avatar
Aybrianna Sep 06, 2019 363 views

Would being in the aerospace medical services require lifestyle changes such as lots of travel or late nights?

#medicine #healthcare

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 18, 2019 619 views

what is it like in the day of a labor and delivery nurse?

i'm interested in becoming a labor and delivery nurse

#medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #nurse #nursing #labor-and-delivery #registered-nurses #midwife #delivery

Carolyn’s Avatar
Carolyn Jun 05, 2019 528 views

How do I apply for non-research related fields with a B.S. in neuroscience?

I feel that it is hard to pursue a career that is not related to research with a BS in neuroscience, even though I graduated with a good GPA from a highly ranked school. Ideally, I would like to create content or work for a nonprofit organization, but am afraid I lack the qualifications. How do...

Gina’s Avatar
Gina Aug 06, 2019 730 views

What is the typical day of work as a Nurse Midwife and are there any skills that make it easier?

I'm looking into starting my career path geared towards becoming a Nurse Midwife, and was hoping for some advice from someone in the field or similarly. Thank you for your time in advance.
#medicine #nursing #registered-nurses #nurse #pediatric-nursing #healthcare

Markell’s Avatar
Markell Mar 02, 2020 546 views

how many cna workers are in Chicago IL

#CNA #nursing #chicago

Claire’s Avatar
Claire Sep 01, 2017 1529 views

What is a day in the life of a pediatric oncologist like?

I'm interested in pediatric oncology but am worried that I am not fit for this type of emotional job #medicine #pediatric-oncology #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #oncology #pediatrics

Heber’s Avatar
Heber May 22, 2019 449 views

I'm interested in a Nurse Anesthetist but wonder what courses and how long it would take?

What ratios would need to be applied to be the proper dosage for an average persons height/weight or other factors applied?


Angelica’s Avatar
Angelica Jul 26, 2019 374 views

What is the hardest thing about becoming a nurse anesthesist

#nurse #nursing #healthcare

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua May 23, 2019 483 views

What's a typical day in the life of a Nurse Anesthetist like?

#nursing #nurse #healthcare #medicine #registered-nurses

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Sep 06, 2019 396 views

Is there anything else that I should know?

I am a senior student at Brennan High school. I’m very sociable and love working hands on. I enjoy working with any type of age group. #nursing #nurse

Lainey’s Avatar
Lainey Jul 26, 2019 486 views

What is the hardest thing about becoming a nurse anesthesist?

#nursing #nurseanesthesist

Salvador’s Avatar
Salvador May 07, 2019 638 views

What the difference between a trainer or a medical trainer

#medicine #doctor #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #trainer

Zach’s Avatar
Zach Nov 20, 2019 552 views

How long would it take to work your way up into collegiate sports or even the pros for a sports trainer?

#medicine #athletic-training

Makayla’s Avatar
Makayla May 10, 2020 485 views

Will a sub specialty affect how long it takes to become a pediatrician?

Will you have to finish your sub specialty's course to be able to graduate or can you start your residency while learning? #pediatrician #medicine #medical

Makayla’s Avatar
Makayla May 10, 2020 497 views

How does a sub specialty work with your health profession?

I want to be a pediatrician, but I also want to learn more about child psychology and be able to use it with being a pediatrician. How will #pediatrician #medicine #pediatrics #psychology it work?

Lin’s Avatar
Lin May 13, 2020 666 views

What kind of extracurriculars should you do to get into medical school?

I am currently a third-year college student. My major is in Biology with Physiology as concentration. My minor is in Chinese Language. I am fairly confident in my education since my GPA is considerably high, however, I have absolutely no other experience since I have been focusing on my school...

Harry’s Avatar
Harry Apr 22, 2020 452 views

How does going to a better and more prestigious medical school affect your career path?

I'm in high school hoping to go into either a health or law profession after college. I am currently undecided about which university I want to go to and what my major will be. #medicine

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 05, 2016 1490 views

What is the worst career mistake one can make?

Just curious what the worst possible-scenario could be... #jobs #career-paths #careers

Ana’s Avatar
Ana Sep 14, 2019 446 views

What opportunities are out there for general dentistry ?

#dentistry #dental #premed

Isaac’s Avatar
Isaac Sep 06, 2019 443 views

If you could start all over again, would you change your career path in any way and why?

Student interested in medical # #medicine #doctor

Jazmine’s Avatar
Jazmine Sep 06, 2019 557 views

Is there anything of importance that you think I should know before going into the field? Any advice?

I'm a high school student interested in being an obstetrician! I love being able to make people's lives brighten and to me that brightness for any expecting mother is being able to have their baby and hold him/her for the first time. I have a few distant family members in the field and hearing...

Jazmine’s Avatar
Jazmine Sep 06, 2019 532 views

What parts of your job do you find the most challenging?

I'm a high school student interested in being an obstetrician! I love being able to make people's lives brighten and to me that brightness for any expecting mother is being able to have their baby and hold him/her for the first time. I have a few distant family members in the field and hearing...

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Apr 25, 2018 997 views

What colleges have good PA programs?

I'm interested in becoming one and am hoping to become one. I don't know where I'd like to go to college so i'm hoping this will help. #physician-assistant #students-interested-in-career-as-physician-assistants #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Clerance’s Avatar
Clerance May 16, 2016 1254 views

As a Physicians assitant, how hard is it to balance work, family, and a social life?

I aspire to become a PA. #physician #physicians-assistant #doctor #medicine #hospital-and-health-care

Jasminne’s Avatar
Jasminne Mar 19, 2018 3203 views

If I want to become a physician assistant, should I major in biochemistry or biology?

I would like to attend a graduate school with enough experience so that i can become a PA.

#medicine #physician-assistant #hospital-and-health-care

Brenna’s Avatar
Brenna May 22, 2016 1023 views

When is a suitable time to start searching for Physcian Assistant schools?

After doing some research I noticed that the requirements for Physician Assistant programs vary a lot according to the instituiton, unlike many other health professional schools. Does that mean it would be more beneficial and time efficient for me to start narrowing down schools earlier during...

Yuki’s Avatar
Yuki Oct 24, 2016 2668 views

How much studying and homework do you do on an average day as a pre-med student?

I'm planning to go into Pre-Med in college. I know it's going to be a very vigorous four years, but want to know exactly how difficult it will be to take all the classes in the Pre-Med track. #pre-med #undergraduate #college-student #pre-medicine #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jun 18, 2016 12162 views

Can you major in business and then go into medical school?

My friend is majoring in accounting and is interested in the premed career track and I was wondering if this is feasible. #college #medicine #accounting #pre-med #undergraduate

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jun 18, 2016 770 views

What are potential undergraduate degrees on the career path to a premed track?

I am interested in being a pediatrician but would like to major in something more versatile as an undergraduate degree. #college #pre-med #pediatrics #degree #undergraduate

Rhitney’s Avatar
Rhitney May 16, 2016 971 views

I have a deep passion for kids and I love to help others but I am not sure if Pre-Med is where I belong. Are there other pediatric majors I should be looking at?

I am not sure if medicine is exactly what I would like to do #pre-med #pediatrics

Kelly ’s Avatar
Kelly May 17, 2016 809 views

What is some advice to students following the pre-med track?

I want to major in Biology and follow a pre-med track. #college #biology #pre-med #pediatrics

Briana’s Avatar
Briana Apr 09, 2014 1222 views

What is the major difference for someone who majors in biology instead of Pre-Med?

I am a high school junior and I am trying to decide which major/school would be better for me. #college #biology #pre-med #forensic

Nga’s Avatar
Nga Aug 19, 2018 648 views

Which college courses will help me succeed in becoming an anesthesiologist?

#pre-med #biology

Briana’s Avatar
Briana Apr 09, 2014 1297 views

What classes should I take in high school if I want to major in Pre-Med?

I'm a junior in high school and I want to make sure I take the rich classes senior year. #biology #pre-med #high-school #colleges

Thin Rati’s Avatar
Thin Rati Jan 30, 2020 621 views

hello ! this is a junior pondering upon the process of getting into a medical school; can someone please explain how the process work (i.e. what courses to major during the undergraduate years)?

#medicine #doctor #medical-school

Lera’s Avatar
Lera May 06, 2016 9060 views

What kind of person must you be in order to succeed as a doctor?

I am considering going to medical school in the future, and I want to know if I have the necessary skills/traits to be successful on the job as well as enjoy working in this profession. #doctor #medicine #medical-school

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Jul 06, 2019 889 views

How mant years to study neuroscience

#medicine #neuroscience #doctor #medical-school

Robert’s Avatar
Robert Apr 22, 2020 495 views

Are there any activities outside of class that you did in high school or college that helped you become a doctor or medicical professional

medical #medicine #medicine #doctor #college #medical #medical #medical-school

Nicky’s Avatar
Nicky Dec 13, 2017 11099 views

Do CSU's look at your extracirricular activites?

I have frequently heard that California state schools like Calpoly do not view your Extracurricular activities and they only view your academic achievements. Is this true or is that just a myth? #csu #california #college #extracurriculars #college-admissions

Kim’s Avatar
Kim Mar 03, 2020 3339 views

How do you prepare for an interview?

#college #college-admissions #extracurricular