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San Anselmo, California

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Aleena’s Avatar
Aleena Sep 01, 2017 859 views

How can I become an activist in my community/school?

I want to be more engaged in my school and community but more specifically in my field of study. I am a poly sci major minoring in environmental studies and want to eventually work for a non-profit organization. I've tried applying online but living in San Francisco makes it difficult to make...

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Sep 01, 2017 813 views

What are top schools for business majors?

I am interested in obtaining my degree in business with a focus on accounting and I need a school that is both affordable and beneficial for this career. #accounting #business #college-major

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Aug 18, 2017 995 views

Should I get a Mac or a PC for college if I am majoring in architecture?

This fall I will be a freshman majoring in architecture at Cal Poly SLO. My dream is to become an architect and I really want to make the most of this college experience. I am trying to decide whether I should get a Macbook of some kind of a Windows laptop. The students I have spoken with who...

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Apr 29, 2017 1048 views

How can students start up an organization?

I am planning to make an organization where people can support online learning, like Khan Academy, edX, and Coursera. I already have a plan of how to make a website and stuff, but I don't know if this is an organization, company, or charity. This plan also involves donating money. Right now I...

Laiz’s Avatar
Laiz Apr 15, 2017 1899 views

Should I wait a few years before starting an MBA program?

I will be graduating this semester and am thinking about graduate school. The school I currently attend has a bridge program that would allow me to complete my MBA in two semesters (option expires after 5 years). While all this is great, I have been told that getting out into the workforce to...

Laiz’s Avatar
Laiz Apr 11, 2017 1307 views

How does a person decide on an area of study without a vision of what they would like to do?

My roommate was going to school and took a semester off because she was really unhappy and unclear of where she was headed. She started taking classes again, but still feels lost and without grasp of her future. We were talking over breakfast this morning as she was expressing her frustration...

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Apr 11, 2017 1552 views

If I get a Bachelor's in biology, can I get a Master's and PhD in biomedical science?

I'm a high school student who wants to be a biomedical researcher, but most of the colleges that I'm looking at only offer biology and not biomedical science as a major. I'm wondering if I can jump to biomedical science in grad school, even though I didn't major in it in undergrad. #biology...

Laiz’s Avatar
Laiz Apr 10, 2017 1108 views

How can I set myself apart when applying for jobs?

I will be graduating this semester (Woohoo!) and am currently looking for jobs to gain work experience to act as stepping stones in building a career. I work as a server at a restaurant, but realize I need to focus on my future. To the jobs I have already applied to, there are many I have yet...

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Apr 02, 2017 1036 views

If I want to do research, is a degree in bioengineering necessary?

I'm interested in becoming a researcher in the field of biomedicine, but I'm not sure if I would need to get a BA or Master's in bioengineering in order to do that. #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science #bioengineering

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Mar 19, 2017 5147 views

What is the difference between biomedical engineering, medical research, and the pharmaceutical industry?

I'm interested in pursuing a career path in one of the above fields, so I would like some clarification as to what these specific careers entail. #biomedical-engineering #pharmacy #pharmaceuticals #medical-research #biomedical-science

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Mar 19, 2017 1125 views

Is biochemistry a good choice to major in for a bachelor's to become a pharmacologist?

I'm thinking about pursuing a career in pharmacology, but I'm not sure what the best major would be in order to become one. #medicine #pharmacy #biochemistry #pharmaceuticals #medicine-research #pharmacology

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Mar 19, 2017 1252 views

What does someone in pharmaceuticals do on a daily basis?

I'm interested in pursuing a career in pharmaceuticals, but I'm not sure what their day-to-day tasks look like. #pharmacy #pharmacists #pharmaceuticals #pharmaceutical-industry #clinical-pharmacy #retail-pharmacy

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Mar 12, 2017 2939 views

What does a pharmacologist do on a daily basis?

I'm interested in pursuing a career in pharmacology, but I'm not sure what their day-to-day tasks look like. #research #pharmacy #biomedical #pharmaceuticals #biomedical-science #pharmaceutical-industry #pharmacology

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Mar 12, 2017 3197 views

What does a biotechnologist do on a daily basis?

I'm interested in pursuing a career in biotechnology, but I'm not sure what their day-to-day tasks look like. #biology #tech #biotechnology #women-in-tech

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Mar 12, 2017 4953 views

What does a biomedical engineer do on a daily basis?

I'm interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering, but I'm not sure what their day-to-day tasks look like. #engineering #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science

Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie Mar 09, 2017 1102 views

How can I manage time effectively?

I am a junior in high school and one skill that i need to grasp is time management. I ask this because I still need to learn how to finish my schoolwork on time but also still want to participate in many activities. I believe that time management skills will also help me in the long run so I...

Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie Mar 09, 2017 1352 views

How do I manage time effectively?

I am a junior in high school and one skill that i need to grasp is time management. I am a person who is always hyperactive but I also get distracted a lot and I want to know what it takes to manage my time more effectively. I ask this because I still need to learn how to finish my schoolwork...

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 26, 2017 1086 views

Is it possible to get a job in the research industry, not academia, with a PhD in biomedical science?

I'm interested in pursuing a job as a researcher and was wondering about whether it would be possible for me to work in research in the industry. #research #phd #medical-research #biomedical-science #science-phd

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 26, 2017 1040 views

How did you go about becoming a biotechnologist?

I'm a sophomore in high school and am interested in pursuing a career in biotechnology, but I'm not sure that the prerequisites are for tha field. #biotechnology #biotech

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 26, 2017 1134 views

Can I still do biomedical research with a degree in biochemistry?

I'm interested in becoming a biomedical scientist. Would I need to get a Bachelor's Degree in biomedical science only, or would biochemistry allow me to work in that industry as well? #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #medical-research #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 26, 2017 1174 views

How did you go about becoming a biomedical engineer?

I'm still in high school and am interested in pursuing biomedical engineering as career. #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-engineer

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 26, 2017 978 views

How do students pursuing a PhD working in research earn money?

I'm interested in getting a PhD in biomedical science, but I'm not sure how to earn money working as a researcher while still having to pay for school. #research #biomedical #phd #medical-research #biomedical-science #science-phd

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Feb 23, 2017 634 views

What kind of majors do you need to become a sports recruiter?

I would like to ask this question because I really want to study recruiting.

alyssa’s Avatar
alyssa Feb 23, 2017 840 views

medical school

what are some good schools to attend to work with kids with cancer. #med

david’s Avatar
david Feb 23, 2017 1101 views

What do i have to do to be videographer

I am a Junior in high school and this is my second option if i don't make it in rugby career


Estela’s Avatar
Estela Feb 23, 2017 1824 views

What do I need in order to be a mental health counselor? Degree? Steps?

I am interested in this career because I like socializing with people as well as advising others when needed. Additionally I chose to focus on mental health because it has always interested me. #mental-health #mental-health-counseling

Leonardo’s Avatar
Leonardo Feb 23, 2017 1122 views

How do i become a Web designer?

I am a junior in High School, still deciding what i want to pursuit in a career. I really like surfing on the internet and explore the different features on Social media. I spent a lot of time online and on my phone. I recently use wix to create a Website for an after school program and i...

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Feb 23, 2017 837 views

what is a day like for a International Affairs major?

I am really into majoring in business but I didn't know what to focus on and one of the focuses I was thinking about was International affairs so I was really interested in learning what someone's day would be in focusing in that major. #business #international-affairs

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Feb 23, 2017 862 views

What types of nursing careers are there?

I am interested in becoming a nurse however I want to explore all the nursing options. #nursing #nurse

Mario’s Avatar
Mario Feb 23, 2017 1320 views

What do you need to study or what classes do you need to take in college in order to have your own brand business?

I have always wanted to have my own clothing brand, so this is something I have a lot of interest for and I am looking forward to pursuing a career in business. #business #fashion #fashion-design #branding #clothing-design #brand-development

Martin’s Avatar
Martin Feb 23, 2017 996 views

What are the steps needed to successfully start up your own enterprise and be able to manage it financially?

I want to be able to start up my own business after graduating from a university but am not sure what the processes are. #business #business-development

JD’s Avatar
JD Feb 23, 2017 958 views

What do you think about going into Marketing when it is a very popular degree?

It is an interest of mine because it seems pretty creative, but also business oriented. #marketing

david’s Avatar
david Feb 23, 2017 700 views

What do i have to do to be a Music producer ?

I am a Junior in high school and i love music and this is my second option if i don't make it in rugby career #music-production

Oliver’s Avatar
Oliver Feb 23, 2017 963 views

What education does it take to become a Dog breeder?

I was interested in this career but very uncertain on the qualifications #entrepreneurship #animal-husbandry #dog-breeding

Karl’s Avatar
Karl Feb 23, 2017 760 views

If you want to do something along the lines of business as a career but are not sure, what majors should you look into?

I don't know what I want to do in line but am interested in business. #college #business #college-major

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Feb 23, 2017 681 views

What are good colleges to receive a nursing degree in 4-5 years?

I am asking this because I am currently a junior in high school researching nursing colleges. Since there a lot of colleges out there, I want to narrow down my options. #college-major #college-admissions

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 19, 2017 1572 views

Is a PhD required to get a good job in the biomedical field?

This is a bit of a general question, but I'm interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering, research, or science. I've heard that there is much competition and that a lot of experience is required to get a job in this field. #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical...

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 19, 2017 1473 views

What are the steps required to become a biomedical scientist?

I'm a sophomore in high school and am not fully sure of the prerequisites needed to pursue a career in biomedical science. For example, what would I need to major in in college? Should I get a PhD or Master's? #science #college-major #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #medical-research...

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 19, 2017 1078 views

Is it possible to do research as an undergrad with a major in biomedical engineering?

I'm still in high school, but I'm planning to pursue a career in the field of biomedical research. I was told that I would need to major in biomedical engineering to do so, but that I wouldn't be allowed to do any research. Is this true? And if so, what would be some majors in which I can do...

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 19, 2017 946 views

How did you about becoming a biomedical researcher?

I'm a sophomore in high school who is interested in pursuing the field of biomedical research in the future, and I don't know all of the steps required to become a researcher. I'm planning to take AP Chemistry and Biology, as well as AP Stats and BC Calculus in the 11th and 12th grades. What...

David’s Avatar
David Feb 15, 2017 918 views

How many years of college do I have to go through and what degree do I have to have to be a physical trainer?

As playing sports for nearly all of my life, playing a variety of sports, including, baseball, basketball, football, soccer, I have had a huge interest in playing and helping with sports. As my freshman year in baseball, I tore the Labrum Muscle in my right shoulder. IT had to require surgery,...

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 11, 2017 1207 views

Is it better to intern with a professor in a research lab or at a research company?

I'm a high schooler who would like to find an internship in the field of biomedical research, but I don't know if I should be inquiring professors or companies in that field. #biology #internships #research #biomedical-engineering #internship #biomedical #biotechnology

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 11, 2017 1029 views

Should I include a resume before applying for a high school internship?

I'm a high schooler who would like to get an internship at a local college. Is sending an email asking for one enough or should I also add a resume? #internships #internship #job-application

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 06, 2017 1283 views

What kind of questions should I be asking at an internship?

I'm in high school and would like to find an internship. However, I'm not sure on which questions I should be asking to get the most of my experience.
#internships #internship

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 06, 2017 1146 views

What should I put on my resume if I'm a high schooler looking for an internship?

I'm interested in finding an internship at a research company or university, but I am not sure what to put on my resume as I don't have any experience working elsewhere. #internships #research #job-application

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 29, 2017 1059 views

What are the academic steps required to become a biomedical researcher?

I'm not sure of the specific field I would need to major in to pursue that career field. #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #medical-research #biomedical-science

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 29, 2017 1976 views

What does a pharmacologist do?

I'm interested in entering the pharmaceutical field, specifically in research. I've heard that pharmacologists research new medicines, but I'm not sure about their specific job description. #pharmacy #pharmacists #pharmaceuticals #pharmacist #pharmacology

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 29, 2017 4421 views

What is the difference between pharmacology and a pharmacist's degree?

I'm thinking about joining the pharmaceutical field, but I'm not sure about which specific job I should pursue. #pharmacy #pharmacists #pharmaceuticals #pharmacist #pharmaceutical-industry #clinical-pharmacy

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 29, 2017 1169 views

What are the academic steps required to become a pharmacologist?

I'm interested in pursuing pharmacology as a degree and am wondering what my academic path would be in this field. #medicine #research #pharmacy #biomedical #pharmaceuticals #medicine-research #biomedical-science #pharmacology

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 22, 2017 1055 views

Is a Master's Degree required to get a good job in the biomedical research field?

My dream is to work in a laboratory doing biomedical research. I've heard there's lots of competition for this field and most companies only accept employees with a Master's Degree to do lab work. #science #research #biomedical-engineering #masters #medical-research #biomedical-science

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