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Bradley’s Avatar
Bradley Nov 07, 2016 1616 views

Is it better to major in Finance or Accounting if you want to be an investment banker? What college courses should they take in order to do extremely well?

I have been reading a lot of articles about how to get into the investment banking industry and how valuable a knowledge in finance and economics is but I wanted to know if accounting could still bring some value. #financial-services #investment-banking #financial-accounting #investment-banker

Bradley’s Avatar
Bradley Nov 07, 2016 1021 views

What websites do you go on to renew your fiancial aid and pell grants?

I am asking this question because it seems as though not many people know how exactly to renew their aid for next semester and that can take away financial aid from low-income students. #financial-aid #information

Marwa’s Avatar
Marwa Nov 03, 2016 1058 views

What Math courses do I need to take to get into medical school?

I MIGHT or might not go to medical school. For my current major, the only math classes I have to take are Precalculus and Statistics. Do I need one or two Calculus courses, too, or anything else? #college #mathematics #medical-school

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Nov 03, 2016 1078 views

What books would be helpful in understanding more about software development for applications?

The reason I am asking is because I wanted to try out a sample project of working with applications in software development. I wanted to know of some good book reads to know more about the process. Also if I could get any advice if I were to code everything in java, like any helpful advice for...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 02, 2016 11840 views

What are some good questions to ask a professional panel?

I have had the opportunity in the past to visit accounting firms and converse with accountants. However, I always found myself at a dead end with an inability to come up with good questions. I had a train of thought, but I could not put them into words. Now I want to get an idea of what would...

Libby’s Avatar
Libby Oct 31, 2016 1277 views

How can I combine my interest in neurology and music?

I am passionate about music and I am fascinated by the brain. How can I combine these two to make a career out of both?

Libby’s Avatar
Libby Oct 31, 2016 1137 views

What is a day in the life of a neurologist?

I'm interested in research, but what would I do during the day? Is it mostly hands-on or writing or both? #research #clinical-research

JAZMYN’s Avatar
JAZMYN Oct 31, 2016 860 views

How does one develop and execute their own Private Practice as an Obstetrician?

Thinking whether or not to develop my own private practice or be affiliated with an accredited hospital. #medicine #ob-gyn

JAZMYN’s Avatar
JAZMYN Oct 31, 2016 799 views

Is it possible for an OB-GYN not to become attached or effected by still born births? If so, how?

I am focusing on this area of expertise however I am aware of potential emotional events that way happen within my career as an Obstetrician. #ob-gyn #medicine #career-counseling #hospital-and-health-care

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Oct 31, 2016 2855 views

What is the daily life of an industrial engineer like?

I am considering the engineering field since I found my calculus and math courses to be interesting. I am not very fond of physics though and am stronger in other sciences (biology and chemistry). I was told about the job of an industrial engineer I would like to know what it is truly like when...

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Oct 31, 2016 949 views

What are some specific fields within biology or biochemical engineering that are currently lacking in positions?

I want to go into the medical field and major in biology. As of now I like everything in Biology and science and would like some help in narrowing things down. There are so many specific fields related to this category which I could choose from and I would like to know which one society is...

Samir’s Avatar
Samir Oct 31, 2016 948 views

What can you do alongside a stats major?

I'm interested in a statistics major. What majors/minors are recommended alongside my major? #college-major #statistics

Samir’s Avatar
Samir Oct 31, 2016 953 views

How can you use a statistics major in the field of sports?

I have an interest in statistics and baseball. Is there any way to utilize the major in the sport? #statistics #baseball

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Oct 31, 2016 927 views

Major and Minors regarding environmental science

I am thinking about majoring in Environmental Science with a minor in film and a minor in business. Does this seem absurd? #film #environmental-science

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Oct 31, 2016 841 views

What STEM job would be good for me?

I like to work on projects where I can be systematic, innovate and explore new ideas. I enjoy starting new projects that offer challenges and the possibility of discovering new ways to do things. I enjoy working independently and pay attention to the details as needed to get the job done. When...

KAMRAN’s Avatar
KAMRAN Oct 30, 2016 1056 views

As a psychologist, have you ever been affected personally by your patient's story or stories?

As a person who often listens to their peers about their problems, I have often found myself thinking about those peers and their story. #psychology #counseling-psychology

KAMRAN’s Avatar
KAMRAN Oct 30, 2016 913 views

As an accountant just starting off, do you find yourself struggling to find clientele with the software available to aid the process of keeping track of financial accounts? Are you worried that the accounting process will eventually be taken over by tech?

I'd like to pursue a career in accounting. #business #accounting

Dinuka’s Avatar
Dinuka Oct 30, 2016 991 views

Is it enjoyable to pursue the same career for the entirety of your life?

I take many classes, almost all that I can grab my hands on, in school. They include Biology and Physics because I am unsure of what I want to pursue in College, and eventually as a career. I enjoy math, but at the same time science. I want to know if I should choose one path and follow it, or...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Oct 30, 2016 942 views

For those of you who went to medical school but didn't major in a Science, what did you major in?

I want to become a pediatrician in the future, however, I've heard that just because you plan on going to medical school doesn't mean you have to major in a science. I would like to keep my options open and seeing what else people have majored in would help me do that. #college-major #medical-school

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey Oct 30, 2016 877 views

Do you enjoy being a broadcast journalist?

I love broadcasting and I want to hear if someone working that actual job loves it still. #broadcast #journalism #broadcast-media

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey Oct 30, 2016 820 views

What types of journalism companies should I intern for?

I was thinking more of the magazine companies. I want opinions. #journalists

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Oct 30, 2016 774 views

Should I pick my college solely for its program even if other ones have everything else better?

I want to go to SUNY Stonybrook for its program but Binghamton has a much nicer facility. I'm not sure what to do. #college

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Oct 30, 2016 1696 views

Is it difficult to score a job at Google or Microsoft as a computer science major?

I was wondering if it is the type of field where you start low and rise up in the ranks or a more static position once you are in. #computer-science #google #microsoft

Jake’s Avatar
Jake Oct 29, 2016 876 views

How will Engineers overcome the struggles with Autonomous vehichles?

I know that the real issue with autonomous cars and such is making the snap decisions, but what are engineers doing to overcome this? I had the idea of using an AI to be able to drive the car rather than a simple program. Is this a reality? #engineering #cars #autonomous-cars #self-driving-cars

Jake’s Avatar
Jake Oct 29, 2016 5415 views

How does an Electrical Engineer work on cars?

What is the typical job/daily routine of a Electrical Engineer working at an automotive company such as Tesla? What kind of experience would be required in order to prosper in this specific field of study and work? Is this an attainable goal? #electrical-engineering #cars #automotive-electronics

Adamar’s Avatar
Adamar Oct 29, 2016 1809 views

Is it okay to feel scare to start working?

Im new to all of this "independence" #work-life-balance

Mamie’s Avatar
Mamie Oct 28, 2016 2488 views

When choosing a career which is more important, interest or benefits?

i know it is important to pursue a career in something you love and find genuine interest in. However, with the way the economy is now a days, it is more important to choose a career based on the benefits and salary. Can you sacrifice not making any money to have a career you enjoy? Can you...

Danish’s Avatar
Danish Oct 27, 2016 1132 views

In a College/ University, how do people take notes efficiently

I'm only in high school but i still know a little bit about how to take notes for college. My question was about how professors act about people saying to wait on a slide or to repeat an idea so they can copy it down? Are those two notions even a thing in college? I just want to be an efficient...

Danish’s Avatar
Danish Oct 27, 2016 2942 views

How much Math does really play into being a robotics engineer?

I love the engineering field, but I am not good at any of the math part that comes into play. I know that I am only in Highschool, and the fact being that my mindset of math is just to plug and play formulas. I don't want to think about it, just get it done. If I was to become a robotics...

Tyler ’s Avatar
Tyler Oct 27, 2016 919 views

Recommendations on colleges for prosthetics and hands on learning

I am highly involved with prosthetics as a senior but I do not have the strongest grades from my freshman and sophomore years, which are restricting me the top schools for biomedical engineering like Penn and Tufts. What Should I do? #college #biomedical-engineering #prosthetics

Tyler ’s Avatar
Tyler Oct 27, 2016 2529 views

What are the different paths I can pursue for prosthetics

I am certain I will be pursuing prosthetics throughout college but I am not sure the differentiation in paths #engineering #biomedical-engineering #prosthetics

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Oct 26, 2016 860 views

What are the challenges that a person that is interested Engineering career in the upcoming generation.?

With all the changes going on in social activities what will someone that has an interest in becoming / choosing to major in Engineering or technology career. Where do you see a college student that chooses to major in that field. #engineering #technology

christopher’s Avatar
christopher Oct 26, 2016 915 views

I am worried about paying for college and graduating with a large debt, how can this be avoided?

I am hesitant about attending college because my family earns to much money to be considered low income and to little money to pay for school. How can I alleviate some of the costs? with out being in high debt after graduation? #financial-planning

christopher’s Avatar
christopher Oct 26, 2016 975 views

Do you have to take many Math classes to major in Engineering?

I am considering Engineering as Major however I have difficulty with some Math so not sure how successful I would be studying Engineering #professor

Sameeha’s Avatar
Sameeha Oct 26, 2016 946 views

What are some tips on becoming a pediatrician?

I would like to know any and everything I can from any and every source about becoming an awesome and loving pediatrician. How can I get my patients to be comfortable around me? Any tips on this topic would be really nice and helpful. #pediatrics #babies #working-with-children

Sameeha’s Avatar
Sameeha Oct 26, 2016 826 views

What is the best and most efficient way of getting an M.D in Pediatrics?

I want to go into the field of Pediatrics and don't know exactly what route to take. I would like to go into a program that will help me reach my goal. Because of that, I want to know whether I should do an accelerated program or not and where would be the best place. Should I be near family or...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Oct 25, 2016 777 views

What are some techniques/advice I can use to promote myself even more during a job interview?

I have just landed a job interview for a position as a secretary, but I lack the past office job experiences that they prefer. In the past, I have mainly worked as a camp counselor as well as volunteered at a couple of shelters. Are there any techniques or just advice that can help me make...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Oct 25, 2016 1215 views

During what year of college should I start looking for internships?

I am currently a freshman in college and almost every week my inbox would be filled with emails concerning job fairs, company presentations, and other possible career opportunities. I do not want to stress myself out, but the massive emails are getting me anxious and worried over my progress....

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Oct 25, 2016 976 views

Is a degree in law essential to succeeding in the field of forensic pathology?

I am seeking a possible future as a forensic pathologist, and before I begin college next year, I need a plan. #medicine #lawyer #pathologist

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Oct 24, 2016 875 views

How does the gender gap effect productivity in the work force?

As a woman of color, I am concerned about being marginalized in the workplace. #scientists

Tyann’s Avatar
Tyann Oct 23, 2016 1044 views

What were classes like in college for a speech pathology major?

This is the major I'm pursuing. #speech-pathology #speech #speech-language

Tyann’s Avatar
Tyann Oct 23, 2016 1002 views

What is the life of a Speech Pathologist/Communication Disorder Specialist like?

I aspire to be a speech therapist and communication disorder specialist. I want to work with people and help them find great ways to communicate their emotions effectively. #communication #speech-pathology #speech #speech-language

Shafia ’s Avatar
Shafia Oct 23, 2016 2702 views

What can i do to fulfil my dream job as an aerospace engineer?

I'm interested in math and science, especially physics and an aerospace engineer is something that combines those subjects that I love. So I just wanted to know how is it like as an aerospace engineer. #aerospace-engineering

Shafia ’s Avatar
Shafia Oct 23, 2016 1392 views

What is like in the life of an aerospace engineer?

I'm interested in math and science, especially physics and an aerospace engineer is something that combines those subjects that I love. So I just wanted to know how is it like as an aerospace engineer. #physics #aerospace-engineering

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Oct 23, 2016 771 views

If your residency consists of pediatric neurology, do you still have to go through fellowship?

I was wondering if I go through 7 years of pediatric neurology residency would I still have to do a fellowship that specializes in pediatrics? #doctor #dentistry #medicine #pediatrics #hospital-and-health-care

Alhadji’s Avatar
Alhadji Oct 23, 2016 1139 views

What is the best type of chemical engineer?

I want to know what type of chemical engineer has a high growth a and a high starting salery #engineering #chemical

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Oct 22, 2016 1006 views

How long does it take to become an actual psychology with a high enough degree to become a therapist

Want to become a therapist or even own my own therapist practice #psychology

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Oct 22, 2016 723 views

What is it like working in a psychology field

I am curruntly a senor in high school and I want to major in psychology in college so I just want to hear from someone who has been in that field, what it is like to be in the field #psychotherapy

Jazmin’s Avatar
Jazmin Oct 22, 2016 1062 views

What are some good colleges for forensic sciences?

I would like to be a forensic scientist or something in that field and I'd like to learn more about my opportunities at each college #biology #forensic

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Oct 20, 2016 874 views

How severe is the road to becoming a pediatrician?

I've always wanted to become a pediatrician and I would like to know how tough the road is to becoming one. #pediatrics #pediatrican #healthcare

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