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Lily’s Avatar
Lily Feb 08 1112 views

How much do colleges actually care about seeing 4 years of language classes?

I’m conflicted with planning the rest of my high school schedule. I am looking into college for either an area of history or film which I know are two very different options. I’ve also been looking into combining these two with a job as a documentarian. I have currently been contemplating...

Tara’s Avatar
Tara Feb 06 410 views

What is the best way to seem attractive to employers if I am going for a data analyst/business intelligence roll so I do not blend in with the many other candidates being considered?

Career tips.

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Dec 16, 2024 741 views

When adding an experience to a resume, is the organization supposed to be the one my project was for, or the one I received payments from, if they are not the same one?

Context: I am a college senior, and was initially hired for a research lab, and from the Research Lab (RL), a team worked for a project at a Company (C), and I was within that team. I already put RL on my resume as I did a different there prior to C’s project, do I put C in as an organization...

jake’s Avatar
jake Dec 15, 2024 540 views

what course should i take after highschool?

I don't do well as school or any extracurricular activities. I am wondering what course I should take or should I just not go to college at all?

Jodi’s Avatar
Jodi Dec 11, 2024 851 views

If I want to study in marine biology or astronomy in collage, what should I do in high school?

I am a sophomore in high school and I have been really interested in astronomy and marine biology. I'm not sure what I can do in high school to help prepare for either of these things. Can anyone give me tips?

Shelby’s Avatar
Shelby Dec 05, 2024 456 views

How many years of college do I have to take to pursue psychology as a career?

I want to pursue psychology as my career and I especially want to work with special needs children. I would also like to know what to look for when picking the right college.

Hanan’s Avatar
Hanan Nov 13, 2024 296 views

How to be a competitive residency applicant?

What constitutes being competitive when it comes to residency? #Fall24

Hanan’s Avatar
Hanan Nov 13, 2024 912 views

Shadowing opportunities for med students?

How can medical students find shadowing opportunities that are not with faculty from their school? #Fall24

Hanan’s Avatar
Hanan Nov 13, 2024 480 views

Free study resources?

What are some free study resources for medical students? #Fall24

Hanan’s Avatar
Hanan Nov 13, 2024 634 views

Building your resume as a med student?

How do I set myself apart from my peers in medical school? What are some out of the box opportunities that would enhance my resume? #Fall24

Hanan’s Avatar
Hanan Nov 13, 2024 426 views

Dermatology interests?

I am a current med student interested in dermatology, what opportunities should I be looking for to enhance my resume? #Fall24

Hanan’s Avatar
Hanan Nov 13, 2024 544 views

How can I find research?

How can I find paid undergraduate research opportunities? #Fall24

Malak’s Avatar
Malak Nov 04, 2024 737 views

Would it be beneficial for me to work in a healthcare setting for experience while in nursing school, or would it be better to fully focus on my studies to succeed in the program?

I will be finishing my pre-reqs soon and planning to attend Wayne State's nursing program. and I feel like working at a healthcare unit would give me more experience, but I feel like again that would be too much. I want more advice on that or how I can balance if I do work and go to school....

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Oct 26, 2024 343 views

how to manage my time?

in grade 10

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Oct 21, 2024 1463 views

How did you decide where to go to school?

college tips

Sam’s Avatar
Sam Oct 19, 2024 1290 views

What are the best sources to learn maths?

best sources to learn maths?

Rowan’s Avatar
Rowan Oct 03, 2024 743 views

Work multiple jobs?

Can you make enough money being a therapist without you needing more than one job? Because I know I wouldn't be able to handle more than one job at time. So I'm nervous to even go to college if I have to work multiple jobs after.

Rowan’s Avatar
Rowan Oct 03, 2024 467 views

Can being a therapist be taxing?

I'm nervous to be a mental health therapist because I'm worried that it'd hurt me more than I could help others. So is being a therapist as mentally taxing as it sounds?

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Sep 25, 2024 1038 views

How to get into carpentry and/or other skilled trades in Michigan?

I'm 23 years old. I'm autistic (high functioning) and am diagnosed with ADHD and am seeking advice so that I can have a successful career in the trades.

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Sep 07, 2024 915 views

Looking to get in contact with some legacy media (cable news, print news, etc.) senior officials. Any advice?

Hi! I am currently writing a paper on legacy media operations and am trying to connect with some legacy media senior officials to discuss some data, ask questions, and try to learn more about the specific industry. Unfortunately, I am having trouble getting in contact with anyone. I have tried...

Amelia’s Avatar
Amelia Aug 20, 2024 863 views

best place or source to learn web developing path?

best place or source to learn web developing path?

Dave’s Avatar
Dave Jul 26, 2024 791 views

How do I get started on earning a law degree ?

I am 74 years old and I have always been in love with the law and I need help in getting me started?

Lela’s Avatar
Lela Jul 23, 2024 2205 views

Is there any benefit to getting both my masters in athletic training and my doctorate in physical therapy?

There are three grad schools in the United States that have a dual degree program to get both degrees in about 4 years, but both are out of state to me and very expensive. I’ve been trying to find out if there is any true benefit of getting both degrees that will help me work with professional...

N'Rya’s Avatar
N'Rya Jul 21, 2024 1310 views

What are some steps that I can take to pursue my CNA career?

-Understand the specific requirements for CNAs
-Be sure to have a high school diploma
-Find a state-approved CNA training program at a community college or healthcare facility
-Successfully complete the required coursework and clinical hours
-Stay Motivated
-Don't give up

Serenity’s Avatar
Serenity Jul 17, 2024 1116 views

Do you get jobs when your 12

Do you get jobs when your 12

Anais’s Avatar
Anais Jul 13, 2024 869 views

How do I get attention from good restaurants?

i want to work at a good restaurant instead of like a fast food place but i can never find any near me

Jamal’s Avatar
Jamal Jul 06, 2024 1740 views

How do I maximize my talent and share my "gift" with the world while also making enough money to be able to sustain myself and others?

Young 23 y/o artist self taught producer and engineer autodidact looking to grow as an artist

Jamylah’s Avatar
Jamylah Jun 25, 2024 598 views

What are some tips in Medical school, i'm currently a freshman in collage and ive been looking for some tips on med school, resources on how to pay that expesive bill and tips on the test? I also heard that you get placed at a certain spot once completing that and I was confused on how that operates and what does that exactly mean ?

What are some tips in Medical school, i'm currently a freshman in collage and ive been looking for some tips on med school, resources on how to pay that expesive bill and tips on the test?? I also heard that you get placed at a certain spot once completing that and I was confused on how that...

aisha’s Avatar
aisha Jun 23, 2024 894 views

What is the fastest way to become a nurse?

I am in 11th grade right now. i want to become a nurse as soon as possible. can you explain it step by step? What is BSN, RN? How long does it take minimum to become a nurse?

Jamylah’s Avatar
Jamylah Jun 20, 2024 704 views

what are key ways to be successful in dermatology?

what are key ways to be successful in dermatology?

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