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Debbie Fasenmyer’s Avatar

Debbie Fasenmyer

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Cape Coral, Florida
24 Answers
24682 Reads
61 Karma

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Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha Dec 29, 2024 930 views

What should o do in the future?

What should I do when I’m older? I am 15 years old and still don’t know what I want to do with my future. I only have one more year left of high school and everyone thinks I should decide on some sort of learning path I want to go on. I chose to study dance geography and business. Part of me...

Finley’s Avatar
Finley Oct 03, 2024 559 views

What are some things to keep in mind when going into criminal psychology? What schooling should I do?

I want to explore different job paths to go into, and I thought criminal psychology would be interesting. I know some basics about it, but what are some more in-depth things and what should I keep in mind when going into it?

Andraya’s Avatar
Andraya Sep 21, 2024 1580 views

W hat are some opportunities in the world right now that allow me to share my art more while in High School and become well known for my artistic talents in the future?

Senior in High School
Loves to draw and write
Specializes in art, digital art, graphic design, and fashion illustration

Nova’s Avatar
Nova Sep 13, 2024 1149 views

How to know if cosmetology is right for me?

I want to be a cosmetologist so bad but I’m not sure if it the right thing for me and I don’t know much about it and I would like to learn more from people that have experience

Bridget’s Avatar
Bridget Sep 03, 2024 976 views

Stuck Between 2 Paths and graduating soon what should I do?

I am 21 and completing my final year in university as a psychology, forensic specialization and criminology dual major with a minor in youth and children studies. I have been struggling with deciding 'what to do with my life' for a long time but it has become serious as I need to start applying...

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Aug 20, 2024 849 views

What yourtubers should I subscribe to if I want motivation?

I want life skills, motivational, skills, podcast from surgeons want money YouTube podcasts I want positivity podcast. Good music that is good for the mind good Christan pod casts

Nevaeh’s Avatar
Nevaeh Aug 15, 2024 874 views

I want to be a police officer, I live in a small town called Brazil in Indiana but I would like to move to Florida when I become an adult and get the money. Should I go to college and possibly start in Indiana or start out in Florida?

Thank you for the answers!

I have no clue’s Avatar
I have no clue Aug 03, 2024 693 views

Which career should i pursue?

It is my last year of A levels and i have no idea which career path to pursue. I'm a creative but something in the arts or that sort of thing doesn't seem like a good choice due to yk money lol. I'm considering architecture but is there anything else that ig combines art with science maybe...

Maryam’s Avatar
Maryam Jul 30, 2024 924 views

Could I have career advice?

hello!! i’m a sophomore student in highschool, recently i’ve been thinking about my future. i love to cherish the present but i also want to start thinking about how i should live my future. i try enjoying the small things in my life and want to live life to the fullest, so i am very desperate...

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Jun 26, 2024 950 views

I have a questions how can l become a masseuse ?

I'm in High school and l'm think of being a masseuse and l think it's a good career goal for me.

K’s Avatar
K Jun 10, 2024 2054 views

What was your first achievement as an artist?

What was your first achievement as an artist?

K’s Avatar
K Jun 10, 2024 1110 views

How did you start making art?

How did you start making art?

Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl May 25, 2024 2116 views

What advice would you give to an intermediate-level manga artist What should they draw daily to improve their art??

Right now, I feel stuck and it seems like my art isn't improving. I love to draw, but I can't decide what to draw every day. I would really appreciate your advice. Thank you.

Davies’s Avatar
Davies May 25, 2024 1302 views

How to become successful in art without investing?

I’m a student in 8th grade, I want to be very successful and my listed skills are above please guide me through

Marie’s Avatar
Marie May 19, 2024 1385 views

How do you stay motivated while running a business as a teenage entrprenuer? #business #entrepreneur #management?

Level 2
I love swimming and reading novels
I love to own my own businesses and be able to manage them well
I love accounts. Maths to be precise
I love to be a woman with her own business

Amy’s Avatar
Amy May 10, 2024 465 views

Will becoming a police officer make me shoot someone?

I want to be a police officer, and then go up to either become an FBI agent or a homicide detective (considering I pass all exams). I read I have to be a cop first before becoming a detective and have some type of experience to become an FBI agent. The thing is though, I really don't -and I...

aasia’s Avatar
aasia Apr 28, 2024 637 views

how can i make a lot of money in one month

how do i make money at a young online and how do i make money at the age of 14 online how can i look for collages and scholarships for the futer how can i make a lot of money in one month

BIG’s Avatar
BIG Apr 25, 2024 1033 views


How can i improve my concept of art

charidi’s Avatar
charidi Apr 23, 2024 400 views

what do I need to be prepared for?

id like to go to cosmetology but I dont know what I need to be prepared for, I have anxiety so that doesn't really help, should I prepare for loud noise, weird smells, burning smells?

Shay’s Avatar
Shay Apr 23, 2024 1266 views

How can I start to get money ?

Hi I’m am a 13 year old I’m in the 8th grade , I started a cooking business it was going good but then some people that didn’t like me was going around telling people how bad my food is so I just wanted to know how can I start making money again so I can save up for my first call and so I can...

Amani’s Avatar
Amani Apr 18, 2024 1687 views

What is the best way to become a successful business owner?

Take any class that pertains to business or take up an internship to understand the best way to become a successful business owner. Furthermore, interview an already business owner on how to become a successful business owner.

Roe’s Avatar
Roe Apr 18, 2024 1461 views

How do I know what career to pursue?

I know pretty much what I like and dislike- but struggle to find something that fit me. I love painting- yet I don't really want to be an artist for living. I crave for academia life, and so everybody around me push me to be an architect. But I am not really sure if it's for me. The thing is,...

Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Apr 17, 2024 617 views

How do I get my focus back on track?

I want to continue my career and education in nursing and want to be able to focus thoroughly while doing it. Trying to focus on school has become hard for me due to personal issues that I'm trying to overcome. Any tips will be taken into consideration.

brown’s Avatar
brown Apr 10, 2024 783 views

how to be active in class?

to discus with my friends