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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1695 Answers
2261190 Reads
10009 Karma


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Citizen Patrol

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Melba’s Avatar
Melba Sep 11, 2018 471 views

What is the best way to study for a state certification?

Taking tests for state certification is required for some jobs.. I need the best method of sudy
#help with studyhts

Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany Sep 09, 2018 730 views

What are the legal requirements to have a mobile detailing business?

What would be the bare bones to have such a business legally? I want to start a side hustle working for myself doing basic car cleaning packages, just your standard vacuum, wiping down surfaces - not taking anything apart or touching under the hood. I'm just looking to put a few extra bucks in...

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Aug 17, 2018 941 views

An an aspiring high school mathematics teacher. what are some tips or activities I could use to engage my students in learning and make it enjoyable and fun instead of sitting in classroom for almost 2 hours?

Mathematics is one of the few subjects students struggle on and I aspire to be the teacher who make math exciting and easy to learn, but I have no clue on how to teach my students specific concepts in order for them to understand it. #mathteacher #educationmajor #highschool #teacher...

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Sep 04, 2018 771 views

Is it better to go to college to be a cop or not?

If you want to be a cop is it better to go to college? #college #police #law-enforcement #police-officer

Trinity’s Avatar
Trinity Sep 07, 2018 786 views

Career explorations for a confident career?

Hello! For my school's graduation requirement, I have to have 15 hours of career exploration. I know that I want to be a psychologist or do something in the psychology field, but those jobs are usually very confidential. What should I do? If I cannot do that, I am also very interested in other...

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Aug 29, 2018 795 views

What should you do if you want to switch majors?

Will it be extremely expensive if you change your mind on what you want to do? I'm indecisive and I'm afraid I'll put myself into debt if I decide I don't want to be a pharmacist anymore. I don't know how the process works. Should I just suck it up and stay with it? #college #finance

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Sep 07, 2018 830 views

Will being a game warden pay enough to support my fmaily.

I want to be a park ranger and I also want a family. Im not sure if it will provide the support needed.

Dillon’s Avatar
Dillon Aug 08, 2018 697 views

What is the best major to pursue if you want to go to law school?

#law-school #major

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Aug 31, 2018 1180 views

What should I put on my resume?

I want to start saving up for college, but I don't know what to put on my resume. I don't have work experience, haven't volunteered, and haven't been on any big projects. I have been in clubs and organizations, played instruments, and done other activities outside of school but none of them...

Akira’s Avatar
Akira Sep 06, 2018 938 views

Anxiety in college

Lately I’ve been stressing about college because of my social anxiety. I can barely talk in front of people. But I’m great at interviewing and I do have good friends. Is college a good place for me? #college #collegeanxiety #collegesocialanxiety #socialanxiety #college-advice #student

William’s Avatar
William Sep 05, 2018 627 views

Adding to my previous questions...

Adding to my previous questions, I'm planning on doing 20 years in the Navy as a Seabee. My school has a career center that we can go to if we have enough credits and are a Junior or a Senior in high school. The career center has building construction and trades and heavy equipment operation....

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Sep 04, 2018 861 views

What is the income of a rancher?

What is the overall average income of a rancher?

#income #salary #money

Faith’s Avatar
Faith Sep 04, 2018 693 views

Is studing law boring?

I figure that it will be very hard, but will it be extremely boring and, therefore, hard to complete?
#law #lawyer #college #law-school

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Aug 23, 2018 1124 views

Should a social worker get a masters degree?

I am trying to decide whether I should just receive my bachelor's degree in social work or go on to receive my master's degree.

#socialwork #social-work #degrees

Roseanna’s Avatar
Roseanna Aug 24, 2018 941 views

What is expected with resumes?

#resume expectations

Rosa’s Avatar
Rosa Aug 31, 2018 1345 views

What is the best advice that you have for women hoping to excel in the engineering field?

#stem #steam #engineering #women-in-stem #career #business #materialscienceengineering

Yukina’s Avatar
Yukina Aug 28, 2018 770 views

If you had to give a percentage of how much the court system rules based off morality, how much is it?

#criminal-justice #law #court #percentage #morality #attorney # lawyer #persecutor #morals

Sujeong’s Avatar
Sujeong Aug 30, 2018 787 views

How do you know if you've found your right major, job, and school?

I've been talking to a lawyer and he just told me that he would have liked being a doctor more than being a lawyer. He has 2 kids and needs the income to feed them not going to school again. After seeing him regret his decision I'm worried about going to college and choosing my life. #lawyer...

Paul’s Avatar
Paul Mar 01, 2018 629 views

Is damaging a vehicle ever a concern?

When working on a vehicle, are you ever concerned about damaging any of the parts your working on?


Alexia’s Avatar
Alexia Aug 30, 2018 938 views

How do you manage to work and study in college?

#CollegeLife #Studying

Christian’s Avatar
Christian Aug 16, 2018 633 views

What’s the best major to get a bachelors degree in if you want to major in law ?

Law school prep. #majors #college-majors #law #law-school

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Aug 29, 2018 658 views

Being someone who aspires to become a lawyer, what specific habits should I develop in college that will help me prepare for law school?

As a senior in high school, I have recognized that college is around the corner. Though I have always considered myself an overachiever, one thing that I do struggle with is studying. When I enter college, I would like to take a more organized approach to my studies, rather than relying on my...

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Sep 01, 2018 824 views

How many classes would you typically have in a day?


Neateshia’s Avatar
Neateshia Jan 16, 2018 906 views

I am not good at writing papers at all. What are some recommendations for me to be more successful and reasearching and constructing a good essay paper?

I am going back to school after 12 Years. English and writing have never been my strong areas. I want to do more than just pass this class, but also reasearch and construct successful work. If there is any tips, pointers, or advice that can be given. Please, I am all ears. #english #essay...

Deanna’s Avatar
Deanna Sep 01, 2018 863 views

Suggestions for minors?

My major is fine arts with a concentration in digital media with the hopes of becoming an animator. I was curious what kind of minor I should take to accompany it or if I should take one at all. #college #college-major #art #college-minor

Yukina’s Avatar
Yukina Aug 28, 2018 653 views

As a lawyer, when defending someone who has admitted guilt to you but asks for an innocent plea, how do you defend them? Having to keep it secret due to client confidentiality, does it affect your conscience and morals?

#lawyers #law #lawyer #attorney #law-school #guilty #morals #defend

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Aug 30, 2018 416 views

Can you be more than 1 type of lawyer?

There are a variety of types of lawyers like defense trial lawyers, prosecuting attorneys, etc.

Rylee’s Avatar
Rylee Aug 31, 2018 482 views

Who do I contact if I get lost on the first day?

I’m not the best with directions or finding my way about with the first few days of something new, is there someone who I can call that can help me find my way? #college #help

Andres’s Avatar
Andres Aug 28, 2018 923 views

Career vs Passion?

When looking towards what to study/major in college, should you lean more towards something that will benefit you career wise? Or should you study your passion even if it may not lead to as much success as something else? #career

Sheila’s Avatar
Sheila Aug 27, 2018 593 views

How do you cope with having a job that doesn't necessarily always end well?

How do you deal with your occupation on a day to day basis when some things are out of your hands?

#social workers

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Aug 25, 2018 545 views

What are the Benefits of having a minor

I have a minor in paralegal studies , I want to know what the benefits of having that major are.

#law #criminaljuatice

Alpha’s Avatar
Alpha Aug 24, 2018 869 views

How do I make the perfect resume ?

I’m a 20 year old junior in college with little to no work history but I think it’s important to start looking for jobs

#college #success

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Aug 18, 2018 864 views

What should I focus on when studying for the BAR exam?

I want to start preparing for the BAR exam...but I don't know where to start! #law #criminal #lawyer #criminallawyer

Asia’s Avatar
Asia Aug 23, 2018 793 views

What kind of advise would you give to someone that has to choose either work or family?

#advice, heart to heart

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian Aug 22, 2018 786 views

How do you find the motivation to keep moving forward when life hits you with so many unexpected turns?

Any advice I am open to especially school related

Selene’s Avatar
Selene Aug 19, 2018 701 views

What should I be doing now if I wanna be a lawyer ?

I’m 13 years old & im a 9th grader. In the future I want to become a lawyer, but I don’t know what I should be doing now that will help me in the future. #lawyer #law

joy’s Avatar
joy Aug 22, 2018 948 views

How will I survive college?

#career #college #career-options #tips

Teresa’s Avatar
Teresa Aug 22, 2018 841 views

What should I start purchasing for college?

#dormlife #design

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Aug 21, 2018 603 views

Graduate School

Will graduate school be like undergrad where I'm going to school and working on the side, or will it be more like I'm starting my career and finishing school to become a lawyer? #prelaw #law-school

Travis’s Avatar
Travis Aug 21, 2018 885 views

Nervous about going into A&P mechanics

I haven’t been in school for almost 20 years, and a few people I work with are psyching me out about the work that’s ahead of me. I don’t expect it to be easy, but is it as difficult to achieve as some of the guys I work with are making it out to be? My main concern is the math aspect of the...

Glinda’s Avatar
Glinda Aug 19, 2018 615 views

Would you attend a school that was not accredited yet?

Schools sometimes are not accredited at first but are working on it. What are your thoughts? #graduate-school #accreditation

Jayla’s Avatar
Jayla Aug 18, 2018 475 views

Do you have any academy that you would recommend for law enforcement?

My name is Jayla and I am currently in the 8th grade. have been looking at an academy in Georgia but i am not positive that is the one I want to attend. I would like to work as an officer in Texas. THANK YOU! #law #enforcement

Jayla’s Avatar
Jayla Aug 18, 2018 762 views

I would like to know more about being a law enforcement officer.

Hello my name is Jayla i am an 8th grader and I am seriously looking at becoming a law enforcement officer. I have been looking into this occupation for about 6 years now. if i could get some tips on becoming an officer that would be great. THANK YOU!
#lawenforcement #thinblueline

Zarielle’s Avatar
Zarielle Aug 17, 2018 425 views

How to acutually study from a textbook?

I can never remember everything that I have read. #College

Carolyn’s Avatar
Carolyn Aug 16, 2018 596 views

What is a goal GPA for a high school student?

The GPA is very important to colleges. I want to make sure I fit the expectation!

#highschool #GPA #college

Miricul’s Avatar
Miricul Aug 03, 2018 684 views

With becoming a lawyer and knowing what things a job like that can entail, what’s a good thing to remember when it comes to balancing your morals/ values with the types of situations and scenarios that will be placed before you.

separating your morals and values from your job itself. #lawyers

Carolyn’s Avatar
Carolyn Aug 16, 2018 654 views

What should be my goal score for the ACT and SAT?

Test score expectations??

#testing #act #sat #applications

jeffrey’s Avatar
jeffrey Aug 15, 2018 842 views

After getting my math degree from an university, am I able to start a teaching position while still attending school?

after graduation with a BA in Mathematics, will i​​ be able to teach somewhere for part-tim​​​e and still be in the mathematics master progra​​​​m at the universit​y​​?

#teaching #education #teacher #math #Mathematics

jeffrey’s Avatar
jeffrey Aug 15, 2018 641 views

where do the student in the masters program for mathematics go to, like a typical classroom or meeting conference room for one on one teaching?

i noticed in the mathematics masters program at my University (UW), all the masters​ levels classes, there are only like 5 students​, sometimes 2 students. where do they go to have a lecture​s with the professor? do they just meet up with the proffsor ​at his office or in a regular big room...

Joel’s Avatar
Joel Aug 15, 2018 653 views

New Computer Engineer Graduate Seeking First Job in Austin, Texas

Recently graduated with a bachelor's degree in #Computer #Engineering on 5/5/2018 from Utah State University. Need to specifically find my first engineering job only in the #Austin, #Texas area because my family is living there. It's been nearly four months and I have applied for dozens of...