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Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Mar 12, 2018 858 views

What's the most important thing to look for in a company?

When applying for jobs, what has made you decide to accept an offer from one company over another?

#job-search #career

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Mar 12, 2018 1054 views

How important is what I do after I graduate?

I have no idea what I'm going to do when I graduate in the winter of 2020. That's two years away, making me halfway through my college career. I get that I still have time but is it able to have a corporate career if I go and do volunteer work or travel after graduating? #after-graduation...

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Mar 12, 2018 694 views

How do I get experience programming?

I've recently switched majors to Operations, Management, Information Systems at my university which involves programming. I have a little background programming knowledge but don't know how to make it a bigger part of my life. Other than the classes I'll be taking, what can I do to get a better...

Melanie’s Avatar
Melanie Mar 07, 2018 589 views

What are some good ways to stay organized in college?

I'm going to college soon and I would like to have different methods of staying organized. Hopefully, I can tell my friends some of these methods so they have something to help them. #college

Melanie’s Avatar
Melanie Mar 07, 2018 2589 views

What are some career choices for majors in biology or chemistry?

There are majors that I am interested in looking at in college. #biology #chemistry

Seema’s Avatar
Seema Mar 03, 2018 697 views

Which computer language should I learn?

I want to start a career in computer science, I have a education in economic . i want to learn computer languages to leverage the skills of economics. #programming #computer science

Tinni’s Avatar
Tinni Mar 02, 2018 648 views

How can I get internships in legal fields as a high school student?

There are almost none for high schoolers because they are only looking for law students

carlo’s Avatar
carlo Feb 27, 2018 666 views

do i need to go to a 4 year college first before going the a culinary school?

just wondering about the requirements for applying for a culinary school #chef #culinaryschool #

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina Feb 09, 2018 1227 views

Does knowing psychology or sociology help when teaching?

My goal is to be a teacher but I'm also interested in psychology and sociology and wonder if having a background in those would help me understand my students better. #teaching #psychology-education #sociology #psychology

Juan Carlos’s Avatar
Juan Carlos Feb 01, 2018 914 views

I want to become a guitarist

where can i get the best free guitar lessons? #music #guitar #music-producer #music-industry #guitarist

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 1400 views

What advice do you have for someone about to go off to college?

After getting accepted into a college, how should students be prepared for college life?
#college-admissions #college #collegelife #college

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 1137 views

how to prepare for college interview?

thinking ahead of myself, how do people prepare for a college interview?
#college #college-admissions #college-advice #college-recruiting #interviewing-skills #interview-preparation #interviewing #interview-questions

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 1074 views

How does volunteering help you get into college?

At what level would volunteer hours help you get into college? people did a lot of volunteer works, but I don't know how do that would help you get into college. what information do people get from the volunteer works? #college #volunteerhours #collegeadives #collegeadministration...

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 819 views

what are some good programs for students who want to go into medical field?

looking for a pre-medical program for high schools. what should students do to prepare for getting into this field?
#medical-education #medical-school #medical-program #medicine #sports-medicine #summer-internship #summer-jobs #summer-programs #summer-courses

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 753 views

what are some advice to give when students apply for colleges?

students always have trouble going through the application process. What are some good suggestions for students who are struggling with college application? What things should they watch out or keep in mind?
#college #college-admissions ##collegeapplication #college-advice

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 1729 views

How to build up your confidence? How to be good at communicating with people?

Everyone would sort of encounters this kind of problem. For an introvert, how should we act to overcome the fear to communicate with people. Even though we did not mean something, but our timidity always prevent us from getting our message across. How to make introverts become confident?...

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 1580 views

what is the SAT score range for getting into Ivy League schools?

SAT score range and the accomplishments people do in high schools. What makes those students stand out from the others? General comments about Ivy League schools.
#ivyleague #ACT #college-major #college #SAT #university #howard-university #brown-university #columbia-university

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 963 views

what should I study in college if I want to become an orthodontist?

I want to know the process of becoming an orthodontist. The studying would take a long time, but I want to know what major should I be in to get into that path. What college would best prepare me for this profession? #dentist #dentistry #pediatric-dentistry #college-major #college...

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 687 views

What colleges would be best for biology major?

looking for colleges with low cost of tuition. good for science field.
#college-major #college-selection ##college #college-advice #university #choosing-a-major #majors-and-minors #biology

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Jan 24, 2018 742 views

How are you able to balance your point of view with your clients?

I would like to know how PR agents and managers are able to create a strategy that is true to them and to their client. #publicrelations #public-relations

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Jan 24, 2018 875 views

How do you handle or bounce back from a PR crisis?

As a PR major, should you always assume the worst of any situation in order to be prepared? I feel like we learn a lot about PR in school, but a lot of it is washed down and doesn't always sound as bad as it is. I would like to be prepared for real-life situations. #public-relations

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jan 24, 2018 1184 views

Agency or Industry? The ultimate PR question!

I am graduating in May of this year and there is a lot of talk about going into an agency profession or starting out in industry. I know I want to do social media management, but I don't know if I should start out in agency or industry. Is agency as scary and difficult as people say it is?...

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jan 24, 2018 857 views

Is it better to take time off right out of college?

What are your thoughts on this? A lot of people have asked me if I am going to take a gap year or go backpacking for a few months. I'd like to know if there is a way to make this travel experience relevant to PR and maybe find a way to use it as a work experience type of thing. Thoughts? #PR...

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jan 24, 2018 1373 views

How many resumes should I have to send out before I hear back about an interview?

Now that it's abnormal to walk into a business and ask if they are hiring, I'm sending out resumes all the time and I have no idea if they are even being reviewed. I heard a stat once that you should get one interview for every 100 resumes you send out. Is this true? It's so time consuming to...

Wynton’s Avatar
Wynton Jan 24, 2018 732 views

How to give back to your community as a PR professional?

I'm currently studying to become a PR specialist and I was wondering what are some ways to improve the community in this profession. I know we can work for non-profits, but do private or in-house agencies ever give back? #PR #GiveBack

Wynton’s Avatar
Wynton Jan 24, 2018 609 views

How do you know when you're doing well at work?

I just finished an internship at a PR firm over winter break and while the work was a great learning experience, I worry how well my work met professional standards. Should I ask for more feedback next time or is there other ways to improve? #PR #Feedback

Leonilo’s Avatar
Leonilo Jan 24, 2018 516 views

Should I get my master's right away or wait to see if the company I work for can pay for it?

The reason I ask is because I've heard a few professors talk about how they landed jobs with companies willing to pay for their Master's degree.
#HelpAGuyOut #FreeDegree

Leonilo’s Avatar
Leonilo Jan 24, 2018 616 views

How much harder is it for a minority to get a job after college graduation?

I understand, in today's society, we are much more open and accepting to race. However, this question comes from experience. When I was in middle school, I was walking home once and was stopped, handcuffed and searched by a police officer because I looked "suspicious." That wasn't even my...

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 24, 2018 612 views

How does one prioritize life and the need for a job at the same time?

Its important to remember happiness it key when thinking about your future but also thinking about financial stability. So how can we as people make sure we start to prioritize life over and happiness over making sure things get done. #realworld #life

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 24, 2018 724 views

How do you navigate the workforce appropriately as a women of color?

As women of color we have to navigate the workforce differently than others and its just nice to see how others think I should navigate it #woc #different #realworld

Juan Carlos’s Avatar
Juan Carlos Jan 23, 2018 917 views

How do i begin a musical career?

I want to learn how to make music my profession or even where to start.
#music #music-production #music-industry #music-recording #music-education #music-composition

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Jan 23, 2018 894 views

How do you get past the struggles in life to be successful?

As a college student, there is always something that gets in your way. It could be making bad decisions, making wrong decisions, or just messing up. Sometimes it gets hard to get pass the struggles when there are problems hitting you from left and right that are always there to test you....

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Jan 23, 2018 707 views

What advice can you give to a woman pursuing a career in the medical field?

For the past 2-3 years, I am still a bit lost in what specific career I want to pursue. I know I want to be in the medical field or a hospital setting, but still unsure of what exactly I want to pursue.

#college #medical-life

izeair’s Avatar
izeair Jan 22, 2018 521 views

How long do you have to attend colloge for learning computers

i want to know more about what i have to do #puterlife

heaven’s Avatar
heaven Jan 22, 2018 1084 views

I want to be in the health field and was wondering if it is to late for me to change my mind about what i want to do ?

I am a student currently a Junior at De Anza high school and having problems with choosing a career path and am currently in engineering #technology with computers and all that stuff and its okay but ...... i don't find it very interesting in my opinion. But, i want to be in the Health field i...

pedro’s Avatar
pedro Jan 22, 2018 1062 views

What are good careers surrounding the geology field

Geology has always caught my interest because rocks and the earth have fascinated me. Just all the different sizes and colors they give and the sound you can hear from them, the ways they resonate with different materials when they come in contact or tap each other. #geology...

Shamir’s Avatar
Shamir Jan 22, 2018 778 views

Where is the best place to start if you want to start learning video editing??

Lately, I've seen content creators play video games, vlog and their editing is so crisp in the video. The question being where do i start learning my craft and get from where I am now to being a professional video editor and use to think
#video-editing #film-editing #adobe

Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent Jan 22, 2018 844 views

Should I study something that I enjoy or something that makes a lot of money?

I'm a junior in high school with relatively good grades (A's and B's, some C's) and i'm super confused on what i want to study in college. Most of my family members tell me that i should pick something that is "hot in the industry" like IT or engineering. But as time has passed and I've thought...

Jenero’s Avatar
Jenero Jan 22, 2018 752 views

I've decided that I wanted to have a career in culinary arts, but where are good schools that have negotiable student fees?

I want to go to culinary school, but I don't know any culinary schools near my hometown of El Sobrante, CA that really cater/that my family can work around concerning fees, are there any schools like so? #Culinaryschool #Culinaryarts #Gastronomy #connections #school #Culinarycareer #future...

Shamir’s Avatar
Shamir Jan 22, 2018 2585 views

I want to start coding and be a video game developer, but where do i start?

I've always loved playing video games and right now I'm super into Hearthstone (if anyone sees and plays that game add me) and i really want to go into coding and or to create the story for one. However, I do not know here to start at all and i really want to learn, so where do i start? Is...

jamie’s Avatar
jamie Jan 22, 2018 698 views

how would one NOT struggle with the profession of artist or actor?

I have a passion for art and acting but dont want to make a carrer out if them because i know i will struggle. #how #adulting #notstruggling #acting #art #struggleisreal #welpiguessilldiewithajobthatihatecausethatshowitgoes #ihatethisclass #thisisrequiredasastudenthere...

Ricardo’s Avatar
Ricardo Jan 22, 2018 773 views

What do I have to do to be able to be a nurse in the future?

Hey, im a junior at De Anza High School and im not sure what i have to do to be able to be a Nurse in the future, im really into that career because it seems a type a job i would like to work as. So my question is what do i have to do to be able to be a nurse in the future. #NurseCareer...

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Jan 22, 2018 712 views

If I go into college "indecisive" would it make me more behind than others?

I know many people that go into college with a specific career/major in mind and a few others who go into college indecisive. Iv'e recently heard many different opinions when it comes to college and what I should do. My concern is, if I were to go into college indecisive and later chose a...

Paul’s Avatar
Paul Jan 22, 2018 821 views

What career choice should I choose?

I am a junior in high school and don't know what to do after high school.#careerchoice

aaron’s Avatar
aaron Jan 22, 2018 872 views

yo so like i want to be an interior decorator. how would i start my career

I've always been passionate about home decor. so much so that sometimes when i go to IKEA i rearrange the home models into something a little more "fung suei". i feel as if i could make a lot of homes FABULOUS and help a lot of people bring some culture into their homes, but i have no idea...

carlo’s Avatar
carlo Jan 22, 2018 1432 views

how do you start a restaurant even though your still young?

i'm 11th grade student in high school. i'm interested in making food especially fine dining food. I've been developing my techniques at home but lately i haven't been working. since high school is about to end but i'm still not sure what to do after that to connect to the career i'm trying to...

Pharaoh’s Avatar
Pharaoh Jan 22, 2018 2752 views

what colleges have good drama/theater programs ?

I play soccer it's extremely hard to get a soccer scholarship anyways, I've maintained an A in theater all of my high school years and starred in many plays when I was younger and plan too do so currently in my junior year. #hollywood

Jefferson’s Avatar
Jefferson Jan 22, 2018 924 views

Should working for a huge company like google feel intimitating for me?

I enjoy working with wires and making a machine or a computer, but I never really thought of living a career out of it until my cousin suggested I should. I'm good at other things but making stuff is what I like doing because I get to call something that works and functions my own....

Kelsey’s Avatar
Kelsey Jan 22, 2018 898 views

How can you make a living off of being a writer? How do you become an established writer?

I've loved writing since the second grade and it has always been my dream goal to be a writer. However, since I know writing is not an easy career path to go down, I tend to lose inspiration for writing. I have other options in my mind, but if I want to stick with writing, I feel I need to know...

Edgar’s Avatar
Edgar Jan 22, 2018 727 views

Music as a career

I'm in 11th grade and ive relatively had success being a singer by posting covers on the site Youtube. I got up to 60,000+ views in each video without telling my friends about it, because i was doing popular songs so it was easy for people around the world to find me without promoting myself....

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