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Jocelyn Vergara’s Avatar

Jocelyn Vergara

Senior Associate
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
43 Answers
45335 Reads
32 Karma

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McKenna’s Avatar
McKenna Feb 25 723 views

Should I do the career I want even if everyone says I wouldn't like it?

I want to be a teacher, but my mom and cousin were teachers and say it sucks, but I want to try it and see if I'd do it well because I'm passionate about it, but should I just find something else then?

Compassion’s Avatar
Compassion Mar 06 342 views

How do I move forward in life?

I'm at a point in my junior year of high school where everything about college, career, and life feels way too serious. I honestly don't know what to do with myself. For some reason, there seem to be too many options after high school, and I'm not even sure where to start with college...

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 30, 2018 8877 views

What is one thing you wish you knew before starting your career?

#career #careers #career-counseling #jobs #accounting #auditing #sales #marketing #business #math #science #career-choice #pediatric-nursing #nursing #registered-nurses #doctor #veterinary #teacher #teachers #teacher-training #higher-education #college #college-advice #education #educator...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 26 3354 views

How can I get more hands on experience to become an electrician ?

I'm from Job Corp

Honorine’s Avatar
Honorine Feb 25 663 views

Can I work, do full-time college, and play volleyball simultaneously during college?

I've heard that you can work and attend college full-time, but I don't know if you can also play volleyball. College volleyball requires a lot of time commitment, so I don't think I would be able to do this. Could someone help?

Jenessa’s Avatar
Jenessa Mar 04 444 views

how to do community service for college?

search out local community organizations that would are feasible for other college students to join along with and yeah just do that. There are a lot of support online.

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin Mar 05 1056 views

How can I land an internship without much on my resume and what can I do to improve my resume?

College seems to be approaching really quickly and I'm feeling the pressure to get an internship. Unfortunately, I don't really have much on my resume, just a few varsity sports, clubs and volunteering. I feel like the things on my resume aren't really unique and don't make me stand out.

Rhianne’s Avatar
Rhianne Mar 06 1244 views

What extracurriculars stand out for healthcare related majors?

I'm currently a junior in high school who wants to pursue nursing. Are there any activities such as clubs, hobbies, volunteer work, etc., that can help me stand out for college?

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Apr 01, 2024 781 views

Are there resources to find internships?

This question was asked during our Internships 101 webinar

Djeneba’s Avatar
Djeneba Apr 05, 2024 1249 views

What specific route do I want to take after receiving my BSN?

I am a current first year student at NYU Rory Meyers for Nursing. Working in the health field has always been something I look forward to being able to do. I hope that with my education in Nursing, I will be able to bring health care to countries that don't have access to adequate, quality, or...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Apr 06, 2024 1573 views

How can I figure out which college and classes are right for me?

As a junior in high school, how can I figure out which college is right for me and what classes I should to take in order to work towards a career in journalism and the arts?

Teddy’s Avatar
Teddy May 09, 2023 365 views

What can I do if I don’t enjoy my time at the college I am at and want to transfer to a different college? How do I transfer?

What can I do if I don’t enjoy my time at the college I am at and want to transfer to a different colleg?

Kane’s Avatar
Kane Mar 22, 2024 1309 views

Why is plumbers salaries going up?

More information for a project in school.

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Apr 03, 2024 939 views

what is the quqlification of an accountant?

what is the qualification of an accountant#accounting

Larry’s Avatar
Larry Apr 02, 2024 1022 views

why is it hard to get a career?

tips to live a better life

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Mar 05, 2024 2020 views

How to become an Uber driver?

Tell us everything we need to do to become an Uber driver.

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Apr 01, 2024 537 views

What are tips for people between the ages of 18-22 that don’t know what career to pursue? ?

This question was asked during our Internships 101 webinar

RICHARD’s Avatar
RICHARD Mar 27, 2024 3027 views

How can i build my career?

How can i build my career?i wan to be a successful person in the future, but i'm young and sometimes scared about this whole thing cause am really not making it in the future

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte Apr 03, 2024 5318 views

What is a successful Career ?

Hi, my name is Charlotte. I'm 14 years old grade 10th student. I want to have a successful Career but I don't even know what a successful Career is.

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Apr 01, 2024 3511 views

What’s good jobs can you get majoring in business that are easy and high paid with no math

What should I major in???????????

Alvin’s Avatar
Alvin Apr 04, 2024 1585 views

How can i pass my exams with ease?

Just asking though

Mauricio’s Avatar
Mauricio Mar 27, 2024 869 views

how do you apply to a job with no experience ?

how do you attack it

Charly’s Avatar
Charly Mar 31, 2024 1443 views

How does one (a high school student) gain real-life experience in the engineering field?

Hi, I'm a high school junior who wants a real-life experience/job/internship in the engineering field to help me understand the career more. How do I find opportunities?

Rbx’s Avatar
Rbx May 13, 2021 1565 views

What could you have done differently/better in university?

What could you have done differently/better in university?
#literature #consulting #orthodontics #paleontology

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Sep 30, 2017 5886 views

What is one thing you wish you knew before becoming an accountant, auditor, consultant, and/or in the taxing career?

#tax #taxing #taxes #accountant #accounting #auditor #auditing #consulting #consultant #consultants

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Sep 27, 2011 7358 views

What are the top tier management consulting firms?

Which companies are the top-tier? #consulting

Paul’s Avatar
Paul Jun 27, 2022 1298 views

Big Three Consulting Firms

How do I connect with professionals in the big three consulting firms?

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler May 26, 2023 904 views

How do I get a part-time job in communications while still in college?

I'm a junior at Howard university and I'd like to have at least a part-time job in my field before I graduate. Any advise?

Irma’s Avatar
Irma Aug 21, 2018 896 views

What is some of the stress that first year generations face from living with only one parent?

As a freshman student who is the oldest from 2 younger siblings, studying psychology. #consulting #students

Mason’s Avatar
Mason Mar 22, 2024 781 views

How do I narrow down my career/future options if I'm unsure?

I'm in 10th grade but keep getting asked about my future and/or career plans but I'm not sure, I feel like I'm mediocre in all things and don't really excel in anything in particular, so how do I find what is right?

shayla’s Avatar
shayla Feb 27, 2024 528 views

What can I do to start preparing for College?

I am a junior in high school and am thinking of majoring in business. How can I prepare?

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Feb 28, 2024 790 views

How can I be funny as a physical therapist, and make patients recovery time go faster?

I am 14 and play basketball.

kai’s Avatar
kai Mar 02, 2024 3633 views

how come you have to take years of college just to be in debt and most likely can't get a job because u aren't familiar with the work like others ?

how come you have to take years of college just to be in debt and most likely can't get a job because u aren't familiar with the work like others ?

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Mar 06, 2024 928 views

How much would it benefit me if I did an "internship" with special needs students before going to College?

I would like to go into that field but I am not totally sure if I should do that before I start thinking about going into the Special Education field fully.

jaqlin’s Avatar
jaqlin Mar 28, 2024 651 views

what is the best career for me in collge so that?

career tips

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Mar 15, 2024 766 views

How did you find the job that you are currently employed at?

How did you find the job that you are currently employed at?

Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent Mar 27, 2024 1077 views

How do I find which colleges will be the best for me?

How do I start looking for colleges?

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Mar 28, 2024 1353 views

How to find someone to interview for a school project?

We need to interview someone in the field we want to go into, and I want to go into a field related to the spanish language, specifically I was thinking about being an interpreter. Is there any way for me to do so? I'm not really sure how to find people in the field and linkedin is confusing...

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Mar 28, 2024 2023 views

What is the ATS system, and how can we make sure that our resumes don't get rejected?

This question was asked by a learner in our Internships 101 webinar