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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1695 Answers
2264676 Reads
10009 Karma


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Citizen Patrol

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Ayline’s Avatar
Ayline Nov 19, 2019 523 views

What I can do to get a better position on the police?

Police Detective in Los Angeles California in the company Los Angeles Police DepartmentChange #law-enforcement

Kennedy’s Avatar
Kennedy Nov 20, 2019 548 views

What is required to be a child welfare social worker?

#social-work #social

Peyton’s Avatar
Peyton Nov 20, 2019 437 views

How long does it take before you can practice law?

How long does the average lawyer go to law school and intern before they can take the bar exam and practice law?

andrea’s Avatar
andrea Nov 19, 2019 422 views

keep it short limit your initial interview to 15 to 30 minutes

I want to have an interview where I show all my abilities #job #career

Mike’s Avatar
Mike Oct 27, 2019 967 views

I am currently 4th yr criminology student I have plans to study in law school after my bachelor degree.but I quite not sure can I make it to become lawyer even my grades now in my law subjects of my current course is only passing.? Please reply me it would be a great help to me.thank your ample time to feedback me..

#law I have plans to study in law school after I graduated my degree course criminology.but there's a quiet doubts in me.can I possibly be able to make it and in the law school.even though at this time my grades in my law subjects are only passing..I hope somebody will reply me..I'm from...

Hailie’s Avatar
Hailie Nov 14, 2019 716 views

I have wanted to be a veterinarian since I was little but every time I take a survey I always get nursing or something along the lines of being a designer, I want to become a vet still but I don’t know if I am going to try it and then not like it. What should I do?

I have always liked animals and wanted to be a vet since I was little. #animals #veterinary #nursing #animal-health

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Oct 25, 2019 508 views

What type Sacrifices did you hate to give up but did it anyways to be in the law enforcement?

I want to bring joy to the world. Be the voice for those who don't have one. want to show that the concepts of the country aren't always bad just how we go about them.#police #law-enforcement #criminal-justice

Quinn’s Avatar
Quinn Nov 07, 2019 701 views



Jaime’s Avatar
Jaime Nov 05, 2019 617 views

What's the best AirLine to work on?

Am interested on knowing some of air lines. #FLIGHT ATTENDANTS

lexi’s Avatar
lexi Nov 04, 2019 620 views

does your career make you happy?

worried about going to school and not liking what a choose #career-choice

Kilulay’s Avatar
Kilulay Nov 04, 2019 991 views

What's the best ways to act during a job interview?

I'm mostly a talkative in a way that will may some how sound smart. #career

julio’s Avatar
julio Oct 30, 2019 528 views

Where in the united states is a good place to weld?

I want to earn good money. #money

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Nov 01, 2019 813 views

Does Mcdonalds teach you how to cook? #food #cooking

Does Mcdonalds teach you how to cook? #education

Jaime’s Avatar
Jaime Oct 30, 2019 409 views

What do you get to do in a tourist career

I made school until 7 th and am willing to learn Office Administration in Job Corps. #officadministration

Jaime’s Avatar
Jaime Oct 30, 2019 516 views

In which states is it better to work i mean quality of work style?

I don't mind exploring other places.#OfficeAdministration

tayquan’s Avatar
tayquan Oct 28, 2019 650 views

if my strenths are hitting hard and my hobies are football,what types of careers or industries might best fit me?

#football #career #sports #career-choice #communication

Faith’s Avatar
Faith Oct 26, 2019 967 views

I'm currently a high school student and I aspire to become a prosecuting attorney. Are there any things I can/should be doing now to prepare and be more qualified for that position? Any advice on that area is welcome!

I am a ninth grader going to a prestigious college-prep based high school. I aspire to become a prosecuting attorney for a life career and plan on interning with any lawyer as I get closer to high-school graduation. I am researching any actions I can take to further be prepared for either...

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Oct 25, 2019 1350 views

Can i still play sports even though im studying law?

I want to go into the criminal justice program and its a whole lot of work, will I be able to still play sports? Is it recommended ? #law #sports #management

Paula’s Avatar
Paula Oct 21, 2019 1127 views

How would I do a resume?

I'm looking to do a professional resume to include my college courses #resume

Lailaa’s Avatar
Lailaa Oct 23, 2019 714 views

What are the holidays like for you in your work area?

The holidays are a big time of the year when a lot of things may change, knowing how this career may effect that would really help. #career #psychology #career-choice #career-counseling #job

Surya’s Avatar
Surya Oct 24, 2019 872 views

Recent graduate with a degree in business to counseling/ psychology masters

Hi!! So I just graduated with an undergrad degree in business marketing and entrepreneurship this past june. I've been able to work full time in marketing agencies and companies throughout college and have about 2 years experience in this field and I'm leaning that this was not the best fit/...

jace’s Avatar
jace Oct 24, 2019 873 views

how much should i get paid for being a cop


jeff’s Avatar
jeff Oct 21, 2019 652 views

Im in 9th grade and i want to become a cop but i want to join the army for 4 years until i'm 21 to apply to be a cop but i dont if i should join the army to be a cop or should i just wait until im 21 to become a cop. I dont know what is the best way i need help

#police #professional #law-enforcement #military

Marilyn’s Avatar
Marilyn Oct 21, 2019 1315 views

How long does it take to pay off student debt loans after becoming a PA (Physician Assistant) ?

I’m in high school and I have my mind set on becoming a physician assistant. I’ve always wanted to do something in the medical field but I can’t help but always think about how much it will cost and how long I will have to keep paying loans and stuff. #medicine #physician #student-loans

Paula’s Avatar
Paula Oct 21, 2019 774 views

What would be my 10 qualities that an employer might find valueable? How would I go about figuring them out?

I'm taking a class online and I'm stuck. I've got to come up with 10 qualities and I've just went blank. Can you help me out? #career

julian’s Avatar
julian Sep 24, 2019 463 views

Does it pay off in the end to be a construction worker?

To know weather or not it will be good for me in the long run. #construction #work

Meghan’s Avatar
Meghan Oct 03, 2019 482 views

Is it worth the time and money to get a master's degree in social work?

I am currently a social work major at Grand Valley State University, and I have been considering getting a master's in social work. I am not set on that however, because of the cost and time. #social-work

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Oct 16, 2019 1966 views

how do you become a elementary teacher?


Katia’s Avatar
Katia Oct 14, 2019 485 views

what courses do i need to become a police dispatcher?

I put on office administration to help me more to become a police dispatcher as in being able to have better customer service and being able to multitask. #law-enforcement

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Oct 11, 2019 851 views

should i quit band?

So i just joined band this august and i’m in color guard. now i absolutely love twirling my flag and being in the field and hearing that crowd in that huge football stadium we have at my school, but i hate everything else. i just got told i can’t perform at the game tomorrow or at competition...

Alsaondor’s Avatar
Alsaondor Oct 06, 2019 482 views

Describe a difference tasks you were face with and how you addressed it

#career looking for jobs I’m practicing the interview

Cayden’s Avatar
Cayden Oct 06, 2019 547 views

What do you do on a daily basis

I am doing a project and I was wondering if you could tell me what you do every day of your life. When you go to work - like what time do you have to get up every morning, what time do you get done, and can u give me a quote that u once said # #career #college

Joey’s Avatar
Joey Oct 04, 2019 1184 views

If you could go back in time what would you change about your career path?

I am a senior at Brennan High School Interested in going into the business field. #business #entrepreneur #business-management #marketing...

Krishna’s Avatar
Krishna Oct 01, 2019 1119 views

What jobs are best to help adolescents struggling with mental health?

I am a sophomore in high school. I have an interest in psychology and counseling because of personal experiences and the fact that I feel like I should try to help lower the stigma around going to a counselor or psychologist as a teen and I feel very passionate about trying to keep children...

Avonleigh’s Avatar
Avonleigh Sep 30, 2019 1405 views

how do I get all A's?

my mom said if i got as for the whole year i could get a cat #college #accounting #college-admissions #career #scholarship #accountant #financial-accounting

Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent Sep 27, 2019 639 views

What is the best way to deal with unrealistic clients as a graphic designer?

I am aware that some clients may want designs that don't fit in their budget and some clients may be unrealistic with how fast they want the project done, so I was wondering what would be the best and most efficient way to deal with these clients? #graphic-design #design

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Sep 25, 2019 501 views

How many people take up the roles?

Is there a large number of postal service jobs that need filling in or are there little to no opportunities for new incomers to get in without already having a way in?
#career #postservice #postman #postalservice

Christine’s Avatar
Christine Sep 22, 2019 870 views

I don't know what to do.

I'm not really sure what to do for college, I'm a junior in high school and I'm pretty lost. I don't really have any ideas in mind, although I spend a lot of time on my laptop I don't see myself liking a profession based on technology ( I've researched about computer science, programming, etc....

Raquel’s Avatar
Raquel Sep 19, 2019 644 views

How do taxes work?

Why are they a thing #career #work

Dangelo’s Avatar
Dangelo Sep 20, 2019 763 views

How long will it take to get a batchlors degree in law school


Justice’s Avatar
Justice Sep 20, 2019 606 views

How often do i have to expect working with disrespectful, and possibly annoying peers?

I don't want to get a career with rude coworkers, square boomers
#career #job

Jasmine’s Avatar
Jasmine Sep 18, 2019 504 views

What are the employers looking for when I apply to jobs related to protective services?

#job-search #internship #job #research I was wondering what employers look for when I apply after I'm done with my job trade.

Mackenzie’s Avatar
Mackenzie Sep 18, 2019 544 views

What should I minor in?

I am a paralegal studies major and a pre-law student. My future plans are to work for the government, maybe work my way up to a district attorney. I don't want a broad minor such as history, english, political science...etc #law #major #law-enforcement #college-major #lawyer

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Sep 14, 2019 809 views

Need advice-feel zoned out all the time and worried about failing

So, I'm in my 2nd year of college. I almost got suspended semester and I'm ashamed of myself. And I worry it may really happen and I feel so silly. I'd describe my problem as being..zoned out? And I'm not sure how to stop it. I can't even read half the time. I know how to read, but when I try...

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Sep 16, 2019 477 views

What types of things do District Attorneys do? What are some of the most typical cases?

#attorney #criminal-justice I love to help people that are going through a hard time.

Gabi’s Avatar
Gabi Sep 15, 2019 655 views

What profession doesn't require you to be a police officer in the criminal justice field?

#criminal-justice #law #criminology

Theresa’s Avatar
Theresa Sep 13, 2019 613 views

How to find the right entry-level position in the fields of psychology and human services as an unlicensed, post grad.

In December 2018, I graduated from Loyola University Chicago with a bachelors degree in Psychology. Despite my efforts of using Linked in, reaching out to former educators and advisers, and using databases such as Indeed, InHerSight, Glassdoor, and Monster; I still have not landed a relevant...

Abbie’s Avatar
Abbie Sep 11, 2019 578 views

What do I need to do to become a defense lawyer.

Im in eighth grade and I've been interested in the law system for as long as I can remember, I'm amazing at debate and literature and do believe I can become a lawyer as long as I work hard. Im in eighth grade so I don't yet understand what I need to accomplish this. I don't know about credits,...

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Sep 11, 2019 538 views

I am thinking about being a therapist but i am worried 7-15 years of college wont be worth it

#college #psychology

Deja’s Avatar
Deja Sep 10, 2019 444 views

Which season is the toughest of the year for an aviation operation specialis

#job #career #job-search