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Megan’s Avatar
Megan May 24, 2016 819 views

As a counselor or other psychology professional, how do you mentally handle the stress of being unable to help a patient?

I am interested in beginning a career in child developmental psychology as a counselor. #psychology #counselor

Jose’s Avatar
Jose May 24, 2016 1171 views

Am I making a good career choice or should I consider other options?

I am a high school senior currently taking computer animation and graphic design. I enjoy art, drawing, and computers and this field combines all of my passions into one. #career #general

Jose’s Avatar
Jose May 24, 2016 997 views

How do I know if I made the right choice in choosing the university I will be attending in the fall?

I am a high school senior currently studying computer animation and graphic design in my school. I enjoy both art and computers and this field combines both of my passions into one. With so many schools out there it is hard to choose the right one. #general #graphic-design #animation...

Omar’s Avatar
Omar May 24, 2016 777 views

Is becoming a doctor extremely stressful and are taking student loans beneficial in the long run?

I am asking this question because I will be applying to college soon and I'm highly interested in pursuing a medical career. #college #doctor #science #medicine #biology #doctorate-degree

Omar’s Avatar
Omar May 24, 2016 926 views

How many years will it take me to become a specialized Doctor, such as eye doctor or surgeon?

I am asking this question because I will be applying to college soon and I'm highly interested in pursuing a medical career. #doctor #science #medicine #surgery #doctorate-degree

Maya’s Avatar
Maya May 24, 2016 1054 views

Is it a good idea to work out of the country after college?

I want travel and exploration of other cultures to be part of my career, but I don't know how necessarily easy it would be for me to do that as a broke college student. What are your recommendations? thank you! #travel #financial-aid #international-affairs

Maya’s Avatar
Maya May 24, 2016 1729 views

What kind of job allows me to travel the world?

I am interested in the international relations/politics/non-profit work area and I was wondering if that type of career path would allow me to travel as an important part of my job. If not, what career would? #travel #international #politics #international-affairs

Troy’s Avatar
Troy May 24, 2016 931 views

What is it like working as a chemical engineer in the refinery industry?

I am going to be a chemical engineering major at Northwestern University in the fall. #chemical-engineer

Troy’s Avatar
Troy May 24, 2016 1244 views

What kind of roles do chemical engineers play in the renewable energy field.

I am a chemical engineering major at Northwestern University. #chemical-engineer #renewable-energy

Luisa ’s Avatar
Luisa May 24, 2016 3010 views

Is psychology really a dead major in most people's opinion?

I love psychology, and I really want to learn everything about it! But I've heard there's not much to do with that major but become a psychiatrist, which may be an option, but I'd like to explore and know more. #psychology #teacher

Luisa ’s Avatar
Luisa May 24, 2016 776 views

How does one simply select a career out of all the other possible paths to choose from?

I'd like to know how people are able to select a career pathway and how or what it is that interest them. #college #doctor #teacher #student #graduate

Ariana’s Avatar
Ariana May 24, 2016 1206 views

How will I know if the career I am aiming for will be the right choice for me?

I am a tenth grader at my high school and I am still undecided on what I plan to do with my life. I am pretty much open to anything in the world from the military to a teacher to a doctor, but I am nervous that I will make a choice than regret it later on in my life. #doctor #professor...

Mario’s Avatar
Mario May 24, 2016 936 views

How hard is it to have a job while attending university?

I might have to work as I attend classes. #teacher #student #graduate

Raihanah’s Avatar
Raihanah May 23, 2016 887 views

Is there any religious discrimination in the medical field?

I'm a covering Muslim female in high school and I'm greatly considering a career in the medical field. However, I want to get an idea of what I may need to face in the professional world considering what I face in my day-to-day life. Thanks in advance :) #doctor #nurse #professional #health...

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian May 23, 2016 1545 views

Do men get paid more in engineering than woman and if so, why is that?

Im a chemical engineering student in my senior year and my sister also wants to become an engineer so that she may have good paying job, but it requires a lot of sacrifice. Is it worth it for woman to become engineers even though they don't get paid as much as men? #college #engineering...

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian May 23, 2016 1969 views

Do Latinos have a less chance of getting a job?

Im a chemical engineering student in my senior year. Also, I'm a Mexican living in southern California. It seems that in most white collar professions are dominated by white people. No offense intended. But, does being latino lower the chances of you getting hired? #engineer #job #hire...

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian May 23, 2016 1198 views

When getting/applying for a job, does being good-looking help you on getting hired?

I'm a chemical engineering student in my senior year. In engineering, most guys in engineering don't really care about their appearance but they are definitely very intelligent. Aside from surviving the classes, I'm very physically active and i like to dress very clean. I want to know if all of...

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian May 23, 2016 2664 views

Does age affect your chances of getting hired or not and if so, what can i do about it?

Im a chemical engineering student in my senior year. My major requires a lot of units and time, therefore, when i graduate I'm going to be 23. It seems that companies want someone older because they may be more responsible. That is why i want to know if age does matter and what can i do about....

Jordin’s Avatar
Jordin May 22, 2016 1713 views

As someone who one day wants to open up his own business, what are some general tips for creating a good business plan?

I want to create a clothing company from the ground up and could use some advice on setting up a good business plan before I begin building my company. #business #finance #marketing #entrepreneurship #sales #web-marketing

Jordin’s Avatar
Jordin May 22, 2016 788 views

I am looking to start investing my money into stocks, what are some good tips to get started?

I want to become a smart investor, and I want to learn how to make my money work for me. #finance

Shirley’s Avatar
Shirley May 22, 2016 772 views

Is there any easier way of getting money for school besides scholarships and government grants?

I ended up only getting half of my college fees paid off and I need money quick so that I can go to my dream school! #money

Shirley’s Avatar
Shirley May 22, 2016 598 views

What websites are great for finding the right scholarships? And any tips and tricks in applying for scholarships?

I have trouble finding the right websites because there are so many. I haven't won any money yet and I desperately need some! #scholarships

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 22, 2016 4815 views

What is your favorite part of your job?

I am currently deciding on whether to major in journalism, advertising, public relations, or media studies and would love to read some input on what your favorite and least favorite parts of your job is. Some of the more important aspects when searching for a career that best suits me is a...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 22, 2016 1567 views

Is journalism a dying breed?

I am a high school freshman and have always loved writing. I am currently involved with a journalism class in my high school where we produce on eight page newspaper every month. Starting in September 2016, I will be the new page editor for our Features page. My lust towards writing and...

Mario’s Avatar
Mario May 22, 2016 730 views

What are some good budget strategies for paying for college?

I'm a student who's not rich #college #university #student

Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 21, 2016 1105 views

What is one thing you wish you had taken the opportunity to learn in college before beginning a career in music/film?

I attend Chapman University, a renowned film school in southern California, and there are many opportunities to learn about both film and music. However there is no real major or minor pertaining to what I'd like to do (music supervision), and so I am simply a business major and film music...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 21, 2016 1020 views

What one essential skill do you feel every music supervisor should have?

I am an aspiring music supervisor and, because the field is so unique, education options to prepare me are limited. I have taken a film music class but I would like to hear from experts what they really look for in these individuals and what might help me stand apart from others in my field....

Erick’s Avatar
Erick May 21, 2016 1536 views

Computer Science what to do to get ahead

Hi I am a high school graduate entering UCSB in the fall for computer science. I was wondering what kind of things I could do over the summer in order to be better prepared for my major in the fall? #computer-science #computer

Erick’s Avatar
Erick May 21, 2016 902 views

Computer Science Tips?

I just graduated high school, and I'm entering UCSB in the fall. I was wondering if anyone had any general tips for an aspiring software engineer? #computer-science #computer

kaneez’s Avatar
kaneez May 20, 2016 1093 views

i m interested in computer so i want to study computer engineering but i dont no about computer engineer subjects please tell me

to become computer engineer

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian May 20, 2016 769 views

What kind of hands on projects does a student whos major is in aerospace engineering?

I ask this question because many engineers who have lectured are different from aerospace engineer, never got the chance to gain knowledge about the projects they do. #aerospace

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian May 20, 2016 1115 views

How long does it usually take to become an aerospace engineer?

Because I've heard that a major in engineering takes more than 4 years because of the heavy math. #aerospace

Mario’s Avatar
Mario May 19, 2016 775 views

My question is about teaching after college. What is some helpful information/advice you would give about pursuing a career as a professor, or a teacher in secondary education?

I have pursued my major with the option to teach, and would really appreciate some additional information from the experienced: teachers, professors, graduates pursuing a career in teaching etc. #teaching #teacher #professor #university #graduate-school #graduate

Rita’s Avatar
Rita May 19, 2016 968 views

Applying for internships in animation?

What advice do you have for animation students applying to intern? What do companies look for specifically in applicants and what can I do to make my application stronger? #animation #3d-animation #illustrator #computer-animation #illustration #character-animation

Rita’s Avatar
Rita May 19, 2016 1053 views

What is the best advice that you have for an animation student?

I come from a very strong fine arts background, but I'm about to transfer into a school for an animation/illustration major! I don't have much experience except for a lot of drawing experience and one 3D modeling class. #animation #drawing #3d-animation #computer-animation #illustration...

Maddison’s Avatar
Maddison May 19, 2016 984 views

Would it be better to major in molecular biology or psychology?

I would like to go into neuroscience research, both majors offer a concentration in cognitive neuroscience, which would be a better path? #science #research #majors #neuroscience

Lee-Anne Jae’s Avatar
Lee-Anne Jae May 19, 2016 3306 views

What are the benefits of getting a master's degree in Communications/Communication Studies?

I plan on majoring in Communications and already plan on attending graduate school in the future as well, which is why I wanted to know if it's worth it. If you majored in this and have some advice on whether or not you enjoyed it, that would be greatly appreciated too :-) #graduate-school...

Lee-Anne Jae’s Avatar
Lee-Anne Jae May 19, 2016 1161 views

How did you gain your connections for careers after you graduated?

I know the job market can be tough, so I just wanted to know how you secured connections to find good jobs after receiving your degree? #graduate #careers #job-market #connections

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn May 19, 2016 1443 views

How many career paths are there within film or television production major?

I have a passion for television and film and am planning to focus mostly on cinematography but realistically speaking, which branch within this major is more likely so ensure a job? Writing, producing, editing, networking? #film #television #cinematography #film-editing #tv-production #film-producer

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn May 19, 2016 1227 views

Any advice for someone who is planning to major in film?

I have recently decided to major in film production but I continuously receive comments about the competitiveness within the film industry especially for women, at times this makes me second guess my major. Is there any advice or information I should know before I take this on? #film...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison May 19, 2016 1109 views

what should I do to prepare for medical school?

is I am bad at taking tests is the MCAT going to be a disaster, and what classes/ majors are best to do in undergrad? does where you attend school for undergrad matter?
#medicine #pre-med #medical-school #surgery

Madison’s Avatar
Madison May 19, 2016 958 views

How much time does Orthopedic surgery consume on average per week?

time to start a family? #medicine #surgery #general-surgery #orthopedics #sports-and-orthopedics #surgery-scheduling #hospital-and-health-care #medical-device

kaneez’s Avatar
kaneez May 19, 2016 749 views

i want to concentrate on my telgu subject so what should i do

for passing 10th

Mario’s Avatar
Mario May 19, 2016 917 views

What do you do when you're in college and are undecided about majors? What helps you choose?

I am an indecisive student. #college #teaching #college-major #university #student #undecided

Ghaffarali ’s Avatar
Ghaffarali May 19, 2016 1063 views

Aerospace dynamics

What classes is a future aeronautical engineer required to take at a University of California? #aerospace #mechanical #aeronautics #premed #nasa #bio-chem #electrical-engineer #electro-mechanical

Jaslene ’s Avatar
Jaslene May 18, 2016 1023 views

Is it better to go to college in or out of state

I really like a college close to home, however other better opportunity schools are out of state and across the country #college #adults #out-of-state-student

Jaslene ’s Avatar
Jaslene May 18, 2016 1029 views

What is a specific major for acting, directing, and writing for theater & television

I want to major in all of the things above when I go to college 🤓 #writing #english #actor #television #theater #directing

kaneez’s Avatar
kaneez May 18, 2016 689 views

what is different between the time we spend in studing n the time to spending to play

play time lead us to make a star, study lead us to a sufficiet job

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna May 18, 2016 773 views

Are there any programs or internships that would increase my chances of getting into Medical School and help get more hands-on experience in the Nashville area?

I am going to study biology on a pre-med track at Vanderbilt next fall, and I want to do whatever I can to become the best doctor possible. I would love to find some sort of program to put me ahead of the game. #pre-med #internship #vanderbilt #medicine #hospital-and-health-care l

Belen’s Avatar
Belen May 18, 2016 910 views

Does a person stop taking required classes after their sophomore year in college?

I was wondering if college allows you to explore classes within your degree field or is it just required classes you need to take. #college #career-choice #classes #requirements #career-exploration

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