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Hudson, New Hampshire

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Janiah’s Avatar
Janiah Feb 06, 2020 1051 views

how long did you have to go to college to get a degree in early childhood?

#college #student #college-bound #college-advice #early-childhood #child-development

David’s Avatar
David Feb 06, 2020 597 views

How to become a registered nurse

#registered-nurses #nursing

Nneoma’s Avatar
Nneoma Feb 06, 2020 775 views

What majors should I have to be an obstetrician?

#college-major #obstetrician #obgyn #healthcare

Kameron’s Avatar
Kameron Feb 06, 2020 530 views

How long did it take for you to get to the point you are today?

17 and don't want a 9-5 #scientist #geoscientist #college

Jancarlo’s Avatar
Jancarlo Feb 06, 2020 653 views

What will it be like starting to get adjusted into the career in college?

#fashion-design #college #design #creative

neyla’s Avatar
neyla Feb 06, 2020 1300 views

how many years does it take to be a registered nurse

#college #registered-nurses #healthcare

Paolo’s Avatar
Paolo Dec 11, 2019 615 views

How often do you use Computer Aided Design (CAD) programs for your work?

#technology #engineer

Maddie’s Avatar
Maddie Dec 10, 2019 676 views

What resources should I be reaching out to/finding for people to notice my art?

How do you get people to recognize your art? Do you share it? Post it? Go to a museum? How is it possible for people to recognize your works and get a basic following to possibly live off of? #art #artist #college #fine-art #career

Maddie’s Avatar
Maddie Dec 10, 2019 689 views

How long did it take to get your career in the art field started?

#art #artist #fashion #career #artistic #digitalart

I would just like to know how long it took for some people to jump start their career in art. I know that for many it can take ages, but for some others it doesn't take too long with the right amount of help.

Maddie’s Avatar
Maddie Dec 10, 2019 701 views

How hard is it to live off of just your art?

#art #artist #psychology #fine-art #college I'm a hobbiest when it comes to art. I consider it a hobby, but would really like if I could go somewhere professionally with it. I've drawn and created my whole life, but have always been way too scared to admit that I wanted to become an artist,...

Jess’s Avatar
Jess Dec 10, 2019 602 views

If I want to get into fashion design, what would be the best first few steps?

I’m 17, and I’m just curious because I love thinking about outfits. I just would like to know some of the first steps to make my ideas into reality.
#fashion #fashion #fashion-design #graphic-design #design #marketing #business #art #fashion-design

Evan’s Avatar
Evan Dec 10, 2019 646 views

Do clients in the arts allow for artistic liberties to be taken?

In art classes I’m currently in, teacher allow us to take artistic liberties, but claim that graphic design clients won’t let us do that. Is that necessarily true? #art #graphic-design #design #fine-art

Evan’s Avatar
Evan Dec 10, 2019 526 views

Does money really matter in the arts?

I really don’t care about getting rich off of going into the arts, but I still want to earn a liveable wage without working myself to death. Is this even possible? #art #artist #fine-art

Evan’s Avatar
Evan Dec 10, 2019 2812 views

How easy is it to get jobs as a traditional artist?

I enjoy doing traditional art rather than graphic design and digital art. Is it easy to get jobs doing these? #art #graphic-design #design #fine-art #artist

Evan’s Avatar
Evan Dec 10, 2019 646 views

Should teaching music instruments be for all ages?

#music-education #music #teaching

Evan’s Avatar
Evan Dec 10, 2019 563 views

Should teaching children music instruments be cheaper?

#teaching #music-education #music

Kaya’s Avatar
Kaya Dec 10, 2019 546 views

How often do places need a dishwasher or extra help?

#job #help

Evan’s Avatar
Evan Dec 10, 2019 861 views

What should I do to start my career as a music teacher

#music-education #musician

Kaya’s Avatar
Kaya Dec 10, 2019 657 views

Will any jobs hire if there's not a place?

#career-development #job

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Dec 10, 2019 526 views

Great schools in NH to get social work degrees at?

#social-work #psychology #college #social #graduate-school

Kaya’s Avatar
Kaya Dec 10, 2019 832 views

Do you need to put in a resume?

#job-application #resume #job-search

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Dec 10, 2019 545 views

What degrees are needed to be a social worker?

#social-work #psychology #work

Derek’s Avatar
Derek Dec 10, 2019 814 views

What type of job should I apply too

I don't have much experience in anything except for babysitting and technology

#technology #job #babysitting

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Dec 10, 2019 395 views

What places could I go to mentor?

Places in NH #nh

ty’s Avatar
ty Dec 02, 2019 447 views

traning reqirments

ill do the traning for the job I would like to do and get the best job posibul #career

ty’s Avatar
ty Dec 02, 2019 1716 views

How do I become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)?

The reason why I like to do can is because I am interested in the medical field for my career #nursing #nursing-assistant #healthcare

Alsaondor’s Avatar
Alsaondor Oct 06, 2019 480 views

Describe a difference tasks you were face with and how you addressed it

#career looking for jobs I’m practicing the interview

Marc Kenny’s Avatar
Marc Kenny Aug 15, 2019 579 views

How do I become an animator or cartoonist?

#Animation #animation #art #graphic-design #video-games #animation #d-animation #art

Marc Kenny’s Avatar
Marc Kenny Aug 15, 2019 563 views

How do I become a professional photographer?

#Photography #photography #art #career

Marc Kenny’s Avatar
Marc Kenny Aug 15, 2019 1181 views

How do I become a graphic designer?

#GraphicDesign #design #art #computer #web-design #graphic-design

C’s Avatar
C Jun 29, 2019 547 views

Transferring to new job location

I need #career advice! Looking to transfer from my current office to another one we have out of state. Not sure how to tell my manager. What are some tips on how to approach this? We’re close so I don’t want to stress her out by having me leave and her having to find my replacement.

Kedia’s Avatar
Kedia May 28, 2019 486 views

Hwhat are some if the services career village offers to students ?


Christian’s Avatar
Christian May 28, 2019 515 views

What Skills Do I Need to be a Teacher?

I mean i already know but having a more in depth #teacher explanation would be helpful.

Christian’s Avatar
Christian May 22, 2019 503 views

What other classes could i teach that is related to History

I'm sure if i am teaching at High School i would be teaching more than just History. So what other Classes could i also teach that is related to History.


Christian’s Avatar
Christian May 22, 2019 693 views

What type of questions do they ask during an Interview for a History Teacher

I know the basic questions like Why you want to be a Teacher, but i feel i should still ask to better prepare myself for the future. #teacher

Christian’s Avatar
Christian May 22, 2019 400 views

How should i go about Becoming a History Teacher

Like what classes should i take that will help along with the required classes. #teaching

El’s Avatar
El Apr 11, 2019 362 views

Becoming a bartender?

I'm kinda at a impasse of what to do with my life, and being a bartender is something I've always been interested in. I just want to know what sort of training I should go through or if it's possible to get an entry level position as a bartender. Any advice would be great!

Jeremy’s Avatar
Jeremy Mar 11, 2019 525 views

What careers are a good fit if i enjoy working with my hands and problem solving?

I am interested in what type of careers would be good fit for me. #career #career-choice

Jeremy’s Avatar
Jeremy Mar 11, 2019 452 views

How much education is needed to be a master mechanic?

#engineering #college #career

Jeremy’s Avatar
Jeremy Mar 11, 2019 508 views

What are different job options for Mechanics?

I am a job corp and am interested in automotive repair #autorepair #mechanical #career

Bob’s Avatar
Bob Feb 28, 2019 505 views

How do you know if you're ready for college?

#college-advice #college

Nadila’s Avatar
Nadila Feb 12, 2019 712 views

What summer programs for HS students are available to apply for summer 2019? (preferably cheap and medical related)

#medicine #summer #internship #healthcare #biology #2019 #surgery #premed

Erika’s Avatar
Erika Feb 07, 2019 443 views

How much math exactly is involved in Computer Science?

I want to major in computer science in college but am scared about the math classes that I know I'll have to take. I'm not the best at math but still want to give computer science a try and would like to know what types of classes I'll have to take and their difficulty.

juan’s Avatar
juan Feb 07, 2019 351 views

How do you become a Pilot for an Airline?

I want to become a pilot and I want the correct steps to becoming one.

Chanjewon’s Avatar
Chanjewon Feb 07, 2019 919 views

What's it like to work as a computer programmer/coder?

#computer-science #computer #technology #programming #computer-hardware

Hermon’s Avatar
Hermon Feb 07, 2019 966 views

what is mathematicians do?


Ismael’s Avatar
Ismael Feb 06, 2019 661 views

How does mechanical engineering work?

I´m really into automotive engineer but there are other things that I´ve seen that are related to mechanical engineering and I´m also interested in them, for example designing visual characteristics or doing things related to aerodynamics, but I don´t know how it works out exactly. Do I have...

Jahnya’s Avatar
Jahnya Feb 06, 2019 672 views

Is it hard balancing your social life and work like if you're a psychologist?

Were you really - extremely busy when you got the job? Did you lose friends or significant others because of your profession? #psychology #balance #social-life #work-life-balance #psychologist

Allan’s Avatar
Allan Feb 06, 2019 587 views

Is there a lot of math involved in management construction?

#math #management

aliza’s Avatar
aliza Feb 06, 2019 577 views

Do doctors get fired if a baby or mother dies?

I'm also curious what doctors usually do?
#medicine #doctor #surgery #healthcare

(This question was slightly edited by an admin for clarity)

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