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Julianne’s Avatar
Julianne Jan 18, 2018 843 views

Will a scholarship cover my basics?

I haven't finished my basics. Will a scholarship pay for the basics to, or go straight to what I'm majoring in? #scholarships #college

Julianne’s Avatar
Julianne Jan 18, 2018 454 views

What would be some good tips if I'm majoring in culinary arts?

I've always dreamed of being a chef, a great one at that. I would love to learn everything there is to know about the culinary world. #chefdreams #futuregordonramsey

Cole’s Avatar
Cole Jan 18, 2018 984 views

Should I double major to give myself more options, or should I save time and stress?

I am a very hard worker and will do anything to get my work or job done however, I am also a person to get very overwhelmed and stressed out because of it. Would double majoring be worth my time and stress or should I try to stick to one major?

Mariana’s Avatar
Mariana Jan 18, 2018 2193 views

What are the qualities that an engineer should have in order to be successful?

Engineering department sounds complicated but interesting to me. I want to study to be an engineer. I want to work on my skills so I can be prepared for my future. #engineering

Miranda’s Avatar
Miranda Jan 18, 2018 3361 views

What careers can I expect with a double major in criminal justice and sociology?

Would they help me get a career as a judge or a lawyer? If so, what are the steps to get into those careers? #criminal-justice #law #law-practice

Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb Jan 18, 2018 573 views

Which is better to be accepted into colleges outside of my state and for scholarships, Advanced Placement classes or Dual Credit courses? Are they valued the same by admissions and scholarship committees?

Through out my high school career I have chosen dual credit course or advance placement classes. The teachers were the same for both. The college credit was automatic without the burden of an assessment to determine if I should receive college credit. Also they both had the same point value so...

Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb Jan 18, 2018 729 views

How difficult is it to find a position as a veterinarian directly out of college?

When I conducted researched research on become a veterinarian I spoke with a vet at the local Pets Smart. She indicated that positions at the zoos were very rare. She interned at the Houston Zoo, Atlanta zoo and Disney's Animal kingdom. She stated that people in positions like this rarely...

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 1331 views

What are some tips for finding shadowing opportunities?

I'm interested in shadowing. Wondering how to find shadowing opportunities and would love to hear personal stories and how it helped you. #work-shadowing #job-shadowing #employment-opportunities #career #career-counseling #teach -mentoring #career-development #career-plan #plan #career-choice...

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 1087 views

What advice would you give to an upcoming college freshman?

I'm a soon-to-be college freshman and I'm very nervous because I don't know what to expect. What was college like for you and what advice would you give me? #college #college-admissions #college-advice #college-advising #college-bound ###college #college-majors #education #higher-education...

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 1416 views

Would you recommend taking a Speech class?

#speech-writing #public-speaking #public-relations #speech-class #communication-skills #life-skills #teaching #teacher #teacher-training #teachers #educator #educating #higher-education #primary/secondary #public-speaking #motivational-speaking #teacher-development

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 2587 views

What should you include in your resume if you're a student with little experience/ skills?

Looking to develop a resume that is effective and stands out, but I'm a high school student without much experience or skills. Are there any things you can include that someone reviewing your resume would find useful to know? Does the fact that I volunteer as a teacher assistant or that I'm...

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 3656 views

Which celebrity or public figure do you look up to?

Was asked this in an interview and was wondering how professionals would respond. What are employers/interviewers looking for when they ask this? How should I go about answering this? #interview #mock-interviews #interviews #interviewskills #interviewing-skills #rolemodel #interview-questions...

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 3270 views

What personally helped you decide what major/career to pursue?

I'm a high school senior who still is not sure of what major/career to pursue and would really appreciate guidance and personal experience about when and how you decided on your path. #career #career-counseling #career-development #job #careers #changing-careers #expert #advice #career-paths...

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 12195 views

How do you write an outstanding, effective cover letter?

Applying for an internship and was asked to submit a cover letter. What is it and how can you write an effective one? Would really appreciate some examples or guidance. #job #job-search #resume #resume-writing #cover-letters #evaluating-resumes #skills #job-skills #interviewing-skills #career...

Jacoby’s Avatar
Jacoby Jan 17, 2018 721 views

How can one create an original voice in applying for college?

When students are applying for college, most have the same mindset of haveing to use “loaded language”. How can I single myself out even if I feel all options are taken.#college #college-admissions #college-applications #writing

Jacoby’s Avatar
Jacoby Jan 17, 2018 600 views

How hard is it to get into the music production industry?

I’m asking because I’ve heard that you have to know someone involved in the industry and wanted to know if there are any other methods of getting in.#future

Markey’s Avatar
Markey Jan 17, 2018 994 views

What can I do to increase my chances of getting accepted into an Optometry Program?

I have always wanted to become an Optometrist. I want to make sure that I am doing everything right.. #optometry

Markey’s Avatar
Markey Jan 17, 2018 723 views

What Undergrad Degree should I declare for a career in Optometry?

I am a senior and applying for college. I do not want to waste time declaring a degree that will not aid in my application to Optometry school. #optometry

Neisha’s Avatar
Neisha Jan 17, 2018 2197 views

Can graduate students take a test to receive their Bachelor' or Masters Degree? If so, what kind of proceess does it take?

I am a non traditional student who is almost 40. I am working 4 different jobs so I can obtain my Bachelor's degree in Construction Management. I already have 17 years experience in the petrochemical industry in a variety of mechanical careers. The faster I can get through school the better...

Adalynn’s Avatar
Adalynn Jan 17, 2018 896 views

Will I be respected in the medical field as a nurse?

I have always wanted to be a nurse but every time I tell someone that they ask, “Why not a doctor?” And while I have no answer of why I don’t want to be a doctor, I’m worry as a nurse I won’t be respected in the medical field but only thought of being, “too dumb to be a doctor”...

Adalynn’s Avatar
Adalynn Jan 17, 2018 793 views

Is College going to be just like Highschool?

Highschool has not been the best years of my life and I’m worried, even with its hype, College won’t be as enjoyable as everyone makes it out to seem. I understand it’s more work but I’m worried that’s all it will be. #education #highschool #college

Ramtin’s Avatar
Ramtin Jan 17, 2018 1586 views

What are some important things to consider when choosing a college roommate?

I will be going to college soon, and I want to know what I should consider in choosing who will be my roommate. Character? Work ethic? How fun they are to hang out with?
#college #roommates #housing #dorm

Mariana’s Avatar
Mariana Jan 17, 2018 1073 views

How do you know which type of engineer is right for you?

I want to know what each type of engineer deals with on a daily basis. #engineer #engineering

Mariana’s Avatar
Mariana Jan 17, 2018 839 views

What does a normal day for a computer engineer look like?

I am conflicted on which type of engineer I want to study. I am leaning more towards technology and computer based because I am taking a computer programming course. #computer-engineering #engineering #technology

Miranda’s Avatar
Miranda Jan 17, 2018 564 views

What are the pros and cons of going to graduate school instead of directly going to the police academy?

Is it better to go to graduate school after getting your bachelor degree or is it better going into the police academy right after school? Which option would help me in the road to becoming police detective+? #police-and-law-enforcement

Miranda’s Avatar
Miranda Jan 17, 2018 551 views

What skills should I work on going into the police academy after gradation?

I understand that I should be capable in the physical sense of the job, but I wanted to know if there are any skills required for better consideration of the position? #police-academy

Desiree’s Avatar
Desiree Jan 17, 2018 660 views

What opportunities are available for Pre- Med student internships?

I will obtain my bsn during my undergraduate years and then continue my education into Medical school and would like to know the opportunities to strengthen my knowledge through experience.

#medical-school-applications #internships #medicine #pre-med #nursing

Desiree’s Avatar
Desiree Jan 17, 2018 625 views

What characteristics differentiate an average versus an excellent student?

As a student athlete who will soon be playing at the collegiate level along with pursuing the medical field, it is important that I am capable of being an excellent student and am able to balance both my sports and my studies


Charley-Renae’s Avatar
Charley-Renae Jan 16, 2018 513 views

How can I become more organize entering college ?

Throughout my high school career I’ve had good grade projects done on time. My problem is managing my time. I do everything last minute and it ends up not being my 100 percent effort. I need helpful methods to add some order to add order. #time-management

Charley-Renae’s Avatar
Charley-Renae Jan 16, 2018 656 views

What will I need to study in order to be prepare for physical therapy in medical school

My dream career is to become a physical therapist, the only problem is I don’t know what I need to study that will prepare me for my future career #medicine #physicaltherapy

Katelyn’s Avatar
Katelyn Jan 16, 2018 751 views

What Texas Colleges offer the best Pyschology program?

My career goal is to earn a masters in Art Therapy. I am searching for a college that has an excellent Psychology program where I can complete my bachelors. #psychology #college #art-therapy #therapy #texas

Katelyn’s Avatar
Katelyn Jan 16, 2018 682 views

If I want to have a career in art therapy should major in art or psychology?

I am an artist and want to a career in therapy. I am pretty excited to think that I could combine the two and be an art therapist. I don't know whether to major in art with a minor in psychology or major in psychology with a minor in art. #art-therapy

Katelyn’s Avatar
Katelyn Jan 16, 2018 2346 views

If I want to have a career in art therapy should major in art or psychology?

I am an artist and want to a career in therapy. I am pretty excited to think that I could combine the two and be an art therapist. I don't know whether to major in art with a minor in psychology or major in psychology with a minor in art. #arttherapy #art #art-therapy #psychology...

Laura’s Avatar
Laura Jan 16, 2018 835 views

Which major would be better for the future, Anthropology or Psychology?

Im conflicted on which major I should pursue a bachelors degree in and for later in the future.
#college #life #conflicted #psy #psychology #anthropology #anthro

Laura’s Avatar
Laura Jan 16, 2018 655 views

How long does it take to truly pursue a career in Psychology?

Im majoring in Psychology after recently changing from Anthropology and I wanted to know how long it would take me to study and start up a career in it like opening my own office and everything or even getting a good job related to it. #psy #psychology #college #life #career

Mariam’s Avatar
Mariam Jan 16, 2018 1097 views

How important are extracurriculars to grad school?

In high school, extracurricular clubs and activities are a big part of college applications. When applying for grad school, is this the same way? Or do grad schools just look for consistently high grades? #grades #extracurriculars #grad #graduate-school ##gradschool #graduateschool...

Joana’s Avatar
Joana Jan 16, 2018 850 views

How can I deal with stress?

#stressed #life-balance I'm in my second semester of Junior high and I've been stressed since day one. I work throughout the whole weekend to help my mom around the house, but I barely have enough time to study only weekdays. I barely even have enough time for myself. How can I deal with the...

Mariam’s Avatar
Mariam Jan 16, 2018 769 views

When is the optimum time to declare a major?

How do you know that you're not rushing into anything and might end up picking something that you'll regret later? Is it really that big a deal for you to change your major and spend a little extra time in college? I feel like it's possible to not get your major choice completely right the...

Zona’s Avatar
Zona Jan 16, 2018 792 views

Does failing in one elective means that you can not graduate?

i am asking this question because i have computer science AP class and it is really hard and i feel i can't get good grades in it. Somehow i passed my 1st semester but i am worried about my 2nd semester because if i don't pass maybe i have to go summer school and then delay my graduation and i...

Zona’s Avatar
Zona Jan 16, 2018 649 views

is 2.7 a good GPA?

I am high school senior and i am asking this question because i am worried that how i am gonna get admission in colleges with this GPA and also stressed about graduation.

koray’s Avatar
koray Jan 16, 2018 844 views

What is the benefit of a college degree compared to real life training?

who will have the advantage? someone who spends four years in the work force vs someone who spent 4 years in college to obtain a degree when looking for a career? #college #experience #career-development #career-preparation #working #career-counseling

Kimberli’s Avatar
Kimberli Jan 16, 2018 598 views

What are your best study methods?

I love to make flash cards, but I find it can be a little time consuming with all of the vocabulary and formulas I get in my chapters. I also find that by the time I make them, read my chapters, get done with homework from all of my classes, and all of my "real life" duties, it's time to read...

koray’s Avatar
koray Jan 16, 2018 848 views

How will my university degree help me in finding my dream career?

I am curious, how will my degree will prepare me to have knowledge on, where to look, and how to find my dream career. #college #degree #career-development

sophie’s Avatar
sophie Jan 16, 2018 865 views

How do I find motivation to study when I am stuck in a rut?

Sometimes I have no idea how to find the motavation to study because I am so tired or have no energy.#motivation #studying-tips #studying #time-management

Kimberli’s Avatar
Kimberli Jan 16, 2018 2416 views

Should I get Masters after I take the CPA exam?

I have a BSBA in Small Business and Entrepreneurship from a private university. I want to take the CPA exam, so I was going to go straight for a Masters in Accounting and skip a BBA in Accounting. Since I am now at a public university, there are about 17 prerequisites I must take before being...

rachel’s Avatar
rachel Jan 16, 2018 536 views

Are there many other ways of earning scholarships?

I would like to attend the University of Texas and I know it costs a fair amount of money. I would like to know if there are other great ways to earn scholarships and if there’s many other websites to help me earn money for college. #scholarships

sophie’s Avatar
sophie Jan 16, 2018 556 views

How do you get rid of stress put on by parents?

My parents put a lot of pressure on me to succeed. I want to know how to do well for me, not for my parents. #college

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Jan 16, 2018 454 views

What would the best way to go being realistic or follow our dreams in one's career?

Some people's opinion is what matters the most, but its better what one believes than someone else's


rachel’s Avatar
rachel Jan 16, 2018 637 views

what can i do to help myself figure out what i wanna choose as my major?

I’ve always been surrounded by people who have known their whole lives what they want to study and what they type want to do with their lives, but i’ve never been able to figure out what I like and what my skills are. It’s been sort of freaking me out lately because i feel so pressured to...

Nia’s Avatar
Nia Jan 16, 2018 793 views

When should I create my common application?

I’m a junior in high school and I refuse to wait until the last minute or even until when it’s time for everyone else to be prepared for school. I’m willing to put i. the work I just don’t know when to start.

#applications #college #college-admissions #common-app

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