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Scottsdale, Arizona

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Connor’s Avatar
Connor Feb 16, 2017 1073 views

Do I need specific credits before applying to basic tech jobs/internships?

I have about 30 credits from a community college in Arizona Im wondering whether or not it's ok to start asking around for basic tech support internships at tech companies in AZ. I haven't even taken any tech classes yet but that's my major. #internships #information-technology

Nichelle’s Avatar
Nichelle Nov 18, 2016 612 views

What college do you recommend I attend if I want to work in the legal departement of a big company?

What classes do I take to become a forensics scientist or study forensics? #law

Brendan’s Avatar
Brendan Oct 31, 2016 1838 views

What job opportunities are opened up if I get a minor in geology? Would getting a minor in biology open up more doors?

I am stuck between the two majors! #biology #geology

Brendan’s Avatar
Brendan Oct 31, 2016 1516 views

If I want to be a paleontologist, would it be better to minor in geology or biology?

I have always wanted to study earth and its history, and paleontology mixes my love for biology and geology together. #biology #geology #paleontology

Nathaniel’s Avatar
Nathaniel Oct 30, 2016 845 views

On average, how much is Medical School?

I'm just wondering that way I have an idea how much money I am going to need. #doctor #medicine #medical-education

Allison’s Avatar
Allison Oct 27, 2016 1488 views

What kind of schooling is required to be a registered nurse?

this is another career i am thinking about pursuing. #anyone #registered-nurses #nursing #hospital-and-health-care #college-advice

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Oct 27, 2016 1260 views

Do you need to have strong emotional discipline to work in a hospital?

I want to work in one but am afraid I will be affected by deaths. #doctor #hospital-and-health-care

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Oct 27, 2016 833 views

Can anyone who is dedicated master anesthesiology?

I want to master in this. #doctor

Allison’s Avatar
Allison Oct 27, 2016 899 views

What is a day in the life as a surgeon?

I definitely want to pursue a career in medicine, but I can't really decide. #surgeons #nurses #medicine #surgery #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

abril’s Avatar
abril Oct 27, 2016 945 views

Is becoming a nurse a draining job? If so how do you avoid that?

I am considering becoming a nurse. #nursing #nurse #registered-nurses #nurse-practitioner #nursing-education

abril’s Avatar
abril Oct 27, 2016 1542 views

Is becoming a nurse a fulfilling job?

I want to become a nurse. #nurse #registered-nurses #nurse-practitioner #pediatric-nursing #trauma-nursing

Bindi’s Avatar
Bindi Oct 27, 2016 976 views

How can an individual raise the awareness of the fact that in today's time, "The American Dream" has almost become just phrases?

I am willing to attempt to comprehend different perspectives. #everyone

Bindi’s Avatar
Bindi Oct 27, 2016 690 views

In what ways can being a teacher impact his or her students to think beyond what is given and to think about improving our socities?

I am the first from my family to got to college. I have always wanted to become a teacher. I want to aid every student to reach that goal of going to college. #everyone

Adriana’s Avatar
Adriana Oct 27, 2016 6557 views

What is a day in the life of an Environmental scientist like?

I am curious if all Environmental Scientists have the opportunity to explore the outdoors to obtain samples and gain knowledge out in the field for their researches. #environmental-science #environmental-engineering #sustainability #forestry

Adriana’s Avatar
Adriana Oct 27, 2016 3666 views

What is the main difference between an Environment Engineer and an Environmental Scientist?

I am genuinely interested in the well being of the environment. I want to major in one of these two, but still have not decided between the two. #college-major #environmental-science #environmental-engineering #sustainability

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Oct 25, 2016 789 views

What career choice is most broad when it comes to the amount of avenues possible to take?

I am interested in pursuing a career that I won't get bored with overtime... Something that I can potentially change and stay excited about. #business #healthcare

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Oct 25, 2016 804 views

What has been the most helpful tip you have received that could make a difference in others' lives?

Interested in seeing insight within current college students and their viewpoints on life. #business #healthcare

Wilfrido’s Avatar
Wilfrido Oct 20, 2016 1204 views

What is the most important/helpful thing that will be useful in learning computer engineering?

I know that to get a degree in computer engineering there are a lot of very difficult things to learn and I would like to know what helped people before me complete their bachelors degree in computer engineering. #computer-software #engineering

Wilfrido’s Avatar
Wilfrido Oct 20, 2016 857 views

What is one of the most difficult things to figure out when trying to complete a bachelors in Computer engineering?

I am very interested in computer engineering and want to know what other people who have a degree in that have to say #computer-software

Zachery’s Avatar
Zachery Oct 19, 2016 1137 views

Where could a mechanical or computer engineer find a job?

I just want to know where these majors find jobs. #mechanical-engineering #computer-engineering

Zachery’s Avatar
Zachery Oct 19, 2016 788 views

What are some top schools for engineering?

I have been looking into colleges and I just want to know from person thought. #engineering

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Oct 19, 2016 947 views

What type of internships are available for Kinesiology - Biomechanics majors?

I want to be able to get a wide range of internship experience while I am in college. I don't want to narrow my focus. #career #counselor #biomechanics

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Oct 19, 2016 742 views

I want to create devises that assist people in reaching their peak performance in sports. Besides majoring in Kinesiology, what other majors or classes should I take?

I am a swimmer and have always been interested in how our trainers and coaches have small adjustments to our stroke that can change how my body feels. I want to help other people reach their full potential, like my coaches have done for me - but on a broader scale. I love art, math, physics -...

Paige’s Avatar
Paige Aug 30, 2016 1812 views

how long will it take to achieve my goal?

I am asking this because I want to know when to start my career #professional #author #ios

Jakob’s Avatar
Jakob Aug 21, 2016 1207 views

Aside from interviews and basic research, what is the overall process like to gather information and report the story?

I am a high school student interested in the field of journalism. I would appreciate knowing how they get their information and what kind of sources they use to create a strong story for the public. #sports #journalism #sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism

Jakob’s Avatar
Jakob Aug 21, 2016 1166 views

After college, how tough was it to achieve your dream of being a sports news reporter?

I would like to know because I have had drawn interest in the field of reporting in general, but now I feel like sports reporting is what I want to go into. #sports #entertainment #sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism

ricardo’s Avatar
ricardo Aug 21, 2016 984 views

My goal I'm working hard to endeavor is to become a successful business entrepreneur. I would like to know what are good majors to study in college in order to achieve my goal.

I'm asking this question because I've always been intrigued on what it takes to be able to run a business. #business #entrepreneur #insider

Alana’s Avatar
Alana Aug 20, 2016 1237 views

What do you love about sports entertainment?

It is important for everyone to love what they they, especially if they plan on continuing on in their career for many years. This also leads to a happy life! I would like to see why others enjoy this industry to widen my views. #sports #sports-management #entertainment #social-media...

Alana’s Avatar
Alana Aug 20, 2016 1087 views

What is the best first step in planning a career in sports entertainment and why?

I believe that it is important for someone who is beginning their journey in starting a career to understand the hard work and steps it takes to achieve their goals. I would like to see how others would start to plan their careers and why so I could also have more input on how to start mine!...

Brendan’s Avatar
Brendan Aug 11, 2016 3697 views

Would a Graphic Design degree be a feesible option for someone interested in comic/ graphic novel art ?

I am trying to decide what degree options would suit my interests best. #art #graphic-design

Brendan’s Avatar
Brendan Aug 11, 2016 744 views

What is the best college to attend for an aspiring graphic novel artist ?

I would like to pursue a career as a comic or graphic novel artist. #arts

Jaden’s Avatar
Jaden Jul 02, 2016 1410 views

how do you become an art therapist?

I want to be an art therapist. I was wondering what types of volunteer work or other things I should do to set myself up for an art therapy career. #psychology #art #therapy #counseling #visual-arts #art-therapy

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha May 27, 2016 821 views

How to find classes that help you learn more about your dream career?

There are so many classes to choose from I don't know which classes could help. I plan to be in pathology, performing autopsies. I don't know all the classes I need to take. #forensic #pathology #medical-examiner

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha May 27, 2016 1265 views

What career can I have involving Chemistry?

I really liked learning about chemistry and want to find a career in it. Many have told me to go into a pharmaceutical career path, but it doesn't spark my interest. #college #science #professor #chemistry #chemist #class

Giana’s Avatar
Giana May 27, 2016 1035 views

Does a liberal arts education change one's career path?

Many colleges say they are 'liberal arts.' However, it seems more difficult to obtain employment after a degree in liberal arts, so what id the real advantage? Why are these colleges more expensive? #arts #liberal

Giana’s Avatar
Giana May 27, 2016 1235 views

What is the most rewarding aspect of an engineer work place?

I interned last summer at an software engineering company, and I found it difficult to appreciate the work that went on there. I'm interested to know if this work environment appeals to certain people. #computer-engineering #software-engineer #data-engineer #interns

Jade’s Avatar
Jade May 26, 2016 1113 views

What is the best way to make friends in college?

I'm scared it'll be harder to make friends when going to a huge university. I've been going to school with the same people for many years and I just want to know the easiest way to make friends #friends

Jade’s Avatar
Jade May 26, 2016 1437 views

What was the best and worst memories of your college career?

Its interesting to hear about others' experiences and I want to know what to expect! #college #experience

Darray ’s Avatar
Darray May 26, 2016 1051 views

how does art benefits the not so average artist ?

I love to do art!
I'm very good, but I just don't want to waste my time investing my time into something that I feel could benefit for me in the highest way possible, when it seems as if I've done so much but only moved one step. #art #illustrator #comics #drafting #drawing-skills #visual

Jake’s Avatar
Jake May 25, 2016 673 views

When should I start doing internships?

I'm asking this question because i'm majoring in business and I need to get into the field and get to know people so I would like a little advice #general

Jake’s Avatar
Jake May 25, 2016 794 views

Should I room with people I know or strangers?

I'm moving out for college and I would like some advice on who I should room with. I want to room with people I know but I feel as if I room with random people I would be more focused on my studies #any

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren May 25, 2016 744 views

I want to be a Forensic Pathologist, but I don't know if I can handle the gore, what can I do?

I want to make sure that when I go to college for this that I am not going to waste my money. #forensic #teach

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren May 25, 2016 704 views

If I really don't know which college I want to go to, but the scholarship I am applying for asks for one, what do I put?

I have been applying for a bunch of lottery-like scholarships and I don't have a for sure college that I want to go to yet. I don't know what to put. #college #teaching #teacher #professors

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra May 22, 2016 879 views

What are some good study habits?

Studying seems to be the key to success in college and from what I hear, there is a prominent need for it. What a some tips on how to stay focused when studying? #college #university

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra May 22, 2016 964 views

What are some tips on how to cope with separation anxiety?

I just graduated high school and I will be living on campus at a university in the fall as a college freshman. I am extremely family oriented and I know I will miss having my family around very much. I can already imagine how sad and lonely I will feel without them. Can you give me some tips on...

Laurel’s Avatar
Laurel May 22, 2016 1449 views

Post college, what are some things that need to be considered when looking for jobs?

I want to know some good things to consider when looking and interviewing for jobs after college. #job #job-search #job-market #job-fairs

Laurel’s Avatar
Laurel May 22, 2016 900 views

What should I look for if I am considering transferring colleges?

I am currently at one university that will not sustain my career goals, and I wanted to know what key things I should be looking for when searching for a new college or university. #college-admissions

A’s Avatar
A May 21, 2016 1589 views

Will studying abroad have an impact on my career?

My name is Yajaira and I want to study abroad while pursuing my Master's degree in Accounting and Finance and I am considering earning my masters degree abroad- studying for about two years in another country. Will studying abroad/earning a degree abroad in the business field affect my...

A’s Avatar
A May 21, 2016 2380 views

What impacts does studying abroad have on your career?

I want to study abroad while pursuing my Master's degree in Accounting and Finance and I am considering earning my masters degree abroad- studying for about two years in another country. Will studying abroad/earning a degree abroad in the business field affect my opportunities of pursuing a...

A’s Avatar
A May 21, 2016 1361 views

What type of activities and internships should I do in college?

What type of extracurricular activities and internships should I do in college that will help me in pursuing a career in accounting and finance? I am certain in doing volunteer work, because I enjoy helping others. However, I also want to take on the opportunity to do activities that will help...

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