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Ravindra J’s Avatar

Ravindra J

Technical Support
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
49 Answers
211644 Reads
13 Karma

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Marc Angelo’s Avatar
Marc Angelo Apr 19, 2018 762 views

Are there any jobs/careers that I can get in biology that do not require grad school? Do I need grad school to be qualified for a well - paying job?

I am skeptical about grad school due to the additional costs on top of paying for university tuition. #college #graduate-school #biology #job #career #science

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina May 25, 2018 1512 views

Is the forensic science department very competitive?

#Forensics #science #forensic-science #chemistry #law-enforcement

Clayton’s Avatar
Clayton Apr 06, 2018 769 views

what college degree would i need in a mechanics class to make a possible income of 100,000$ a year?

Want to know if its worth it.#jobs #engineering #salary

Layna’s Avatar
Layna Aug 11, 2018 946 views

How much biology is required in environmental engineering?

#environment #engineer #environmental-engineering

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Sep 05, 2018 908 views

What is a day in the life of an astronomer involve?

What does an astronomer as a daily routine. Like an astronomer that looks up at the stars.
#astronomy #science #stars

Trinity’s Avatar
Trinity Jan 17, 2018 996 views

What field of forensic science would be best to go into?

There are multiple different fields in forensic science jobs, such as chemistry and toxicology. I’m not sure which one I should pick and if I’ll make the right choice #forensics #chemistry #science #forensic-science

Claire’s Avatar
Claire Aug 22, 2018 750 views

What is the best way to prepare for a career in veterinary medicine before college?

I am set on becoming a veterinarian and have been ever since I was 8 years old. Just last year I scored a volunteer position at the local humane society and have volunteered for 70 hours there. However, I will be a junior in high school this fall feel like I am not doing enough to prepare and...

Floyd’s Avatar
Floyd Aug 28, 2018 860 views

I am pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering. What can I do to make myself more marketable to automobile manufacturers?

Are there certain college courses that I should take or job experiences that I should have before I graduate college?


Anna’s Avatar
Anna Sep 27, 2018 1377 views

What can I get involved in to help my application to a dietetics program look better?

#college #science #college-selection #internship #dietetics #nutrition

Mitchell’s Avatar
Mitchell Aug 25, 2018 931 views

Should I attempt to get a co-op with an aerospace company or just a summer internship??

I am just thinking of how I can pay for school and also gain practical knowledge in the field that I want to go into.

#summer-internship #internship #aerospace #engineer

dakota’s Avatar
dakota Nov 15, 2018 788 views

while working in the mechanical engieering field was it challenging

what is required to work with #mechanical-engineering equipment and he type of clothing that is required and does it get easier every time you rebuild a motor?

Andres’s Avatar
Andres Jan 11, 2019 661 views

What is petroleum engineer?


Daniella’s Avatar
Daniella Aug 05, 2018 1030 views

At what point during my medical career path should I apply for career-related internships to supplement my college education?

To be a successful student, it is imperative to have practice within a designated career to become an experienced physician and know I will need years of clinical experience. I am wondering, when is it possible/advisable to begin internship work within the approximate 9-10 years of pre-med and...

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Apr 06, 2018 1063 views

What is it like being a tractor technician for companies such as John Deere?

I was also wondering what it is like being a tractor technician because I am not sure which to do, diesel mechanic or tractor technician. #farming #mechanic #technician #engineering

Halley’s Avatar
Halley May 03, 2019 862 views

What is the daily life of a forensic anthropologist? Do they live comfortable lives and are able to sustain themselves in California?

I was wondering if I could be able to live in California. #forensic #anthropologist #forensicanthropologist #california #sustainment #science

Jayson’s Avatar
Jayson Mar 18, 2019 592 views

What is a typical day like as a Solar Energy Systems Engineer?

#engineering #engineer

Guillermo’s Avatar
Guillermo May 15, 2019 577 views

what is good for me to in automotive to get better looked at?


Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel Jun 26, 2019 768 views

What are the welding opportunities in Indianapolis?

#any #environmental-engineering

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Aug 16, 2019 684 views

How do people advance in this feild?

I am Samuel I would like to be an automotive technician in el paso in Ford. #mechanical #engineering

Pasats’s Avatar
Pasats Nov 24, 2019 567 views

what inspired you to become and auto body mechanic?

I'm 16 years old and I always wanted to work on cars as an actual career but I'm not sure if I want to pursue this in the future. #mechanical-engineering

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Aug 14, 2018 852 views

Consultancy and Engineering Design

I'm currently studying mechanical engineering and after a few internships, I realized that most engineers really don't really get design say. I've looked online and it seems that there exist mechanical engineering consultancy firms of varying specialization, ranging from general engineering...

Kamryn’s Avatar
Kamryn Oct 19, 2020 649 views

are NiCU nurses respected ?

#engineering #academic-advising

Borna’s Avatar
Borna Oct 19, 2020 914 views

I have chose Electrical engineering for B.S now what?

Dear everyone, I'm very thankful for all your support and time that you have dedicated for me. Well for those who don't know what I have been through, Im going to write you a fast story. I was struggling choosing a good subject to study at University in Iran. Well I was able to go to top...

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Feb 10, 2014 50974 views

What programming language should I try to learn first?

I am just learning to program in high school, but I am already learning HTML and CSS and Javascript. What should my next programming language be? I am going to go to college and I would like to start learning my next language now so I can be ahead of things for college. I know that "it...

Bryce’s Avatar
Bryce Sep 30, 2020 1134 views

What career makes the most money? And put how much each year

#money #career #career-path #career-choice Helppp meee

Cleshawna’s Avatar
Cleshawna Sep 04, 2020 946 views

How do I become a wedding planner assistant?

I'm in 12th grade. I have started researching a little. I love the idea of helping someone with their big day. I am will to take to coordinators too.

Darrion’s Avatar
Darrion Oct 02, 2020 565 views

What colleges can I go to in Tennessee for car engineering?

I like cars and I wanna know a little bit more about how they are made #engineer

Ty'Juan’s Avatar
Ty'Juan Jul 09, 2020 676 views

what does it take to be a auto mechanic

#engineering #business

Janelle’s Avatar
Janelle Jul 09, 2020 706 views

What is the biggest challenge you have faced working as a Forensic Science Technician?

#forensic #science #biology

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jul 10, 2020 1559 views

What is the hardest part of getting to be and being a graduate with a Computer Science degree

I like to work hard and and i love technology
Im the type of person that doesn't like to wait for people to do things for me if i can do myself I'd rather do it myself .
#computer-science #technology

Nikolas’s Avatar
Nikolas Jun 19, 2020 791 views

What state offers the most Solar design engineering jobs?

#engineering #engineer #computer-software #career

Jeshua’s Avatar
Jeshua Jun 19, 2020 888 views

What are some things you shouldn’t do if working as a mechanical engineer ?


Elijah’s Avatar
Elijah Jun 19, 2020 649 views

What are the difficulties when you work as a solar designer?

#computer #design

Deanicia’s Avatar
Deanicia Oct 28, 2016 133528 views

When asked the question, "Why do you want this job" what's the best way to respond?

When I apply, this is the most common question, however, I do not really know what they expect in an answer. #science #technology #mathematics #interviews #interview-questions #job-application

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Jan 30, 2018 20908 views

What is the difference between Forensic Science and Criminology?

I really love looking into criminal's cases, deaths, abductions, etc. However, I know, or I seem to understand, that Forensic Science is a branch of either Criminology or Criminal Justice. I would appreciate if someone would help explain if I can only do one or the other or if I can work for...

Sankardhayalan’s Avatar
Sankardhayalan Apr 25, 2016 1796 views

Aeronatical Engineering career question

What is Aeronatical Engineering? #college #professor #student #aerospace-engineering #aeronautics

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Oct 19, 2016 3797 views

What is the day in the life of a biomedical engineer?

Just wanted to find out more about this. #engineering #biomedical-engineering

jase’s Avatar
jase Apr 05, 2018 838 views

What do you think is the best kind of behavior in a heavy equipment job field?

#construction #engineering #career

Dylen’s Avatar
Dylen Aug 27, 2018 1185 views

What types of companies hire mechatronics engineers?

Mechatronics Engineers in the USA

#mechatronics, #engineering

Kari’s Avatar
Kari Feb 19, 2019 3307 views

What was the hardest part of majoring in Environmental Engineering?

#environmental-engineering #environmental-science

Diego’s Avatar
Diego May 09, 2019 636 views

What is a day to day life of a plant genecist

#science #doctor

Dahlia’s Avatar
Dahlia May 28, 2019 659 views

How long do you need to study to become a bio technician

#engineer #law-enforcement #military

victoria’s Avatar
victoria Jun 12, 2019 497 views

what is the top three colleges for robotics engineering

# #engineering

luis’s Avatar
luis Jul 31, 2019 652 views



Viri’s Avatar
Viri Jan 15, 2019 699 views

what are different types of engineering?

#engineering #student #major

Gerardo’s Avatar
Gerardo Oct 30, 2019 515 views

What should I do to get into this field?

I would like to fix cars. #mechanical-engineering