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Minneapolis, Minnesota

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cody’s Avatar
cody Oct 06, 2023 480 views

how do i get started being a welder?

where do i start with school and what school should i go to in minnesota

Skyler’s Avatar
Skyler Oct 06, 2023 1086 views

What are my first steps to becoming an auto mechanic?

I am in 10th grade in high school. I am really interested in cars/motorcycles and want to have a career with them included.

Alana’s Avatar
Alana Oct 06, 2023 235 views

What type of job that has free or paid internships overseas?

I'm a sophomore in high school, and I'm looking for colleges that have 1. cultural anthropology classes so I can major in that 2. Faith based classes like Theology 3. Majors similar to cultural anthropology so I can get two or three majors for the price of one and a half (the classes are...

John’s Avatar
John Oct 06, 2023 332 views

What do you know about electricians?

I have an uncle that is an electrician, and I've recently gained interest in it and I'd like to learn more about the education and the pay of the career.

Alana’s Avatar
Alana Oct 06, 2023 337 views

What country does the US usually work with in relation to study abroad programs?

I'm a sophomore looking into jobs that travel, and what colleges have classes that would 1. Let me get a cultural anthropology major 2. Let me get more than one major for the amount of class of one. (Meaning majors which are similar to each other, so they have a lot of the same classes) 3....

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Oct 06, 2023 225 views

What kind of education will I need to pursue agricultural software programming?

I want to pursue a career that involves programming or developing software for agricultural use so I am curious on what education I will need to pursue a career like this.

Bella’s Avatar
Bella Oct 06, 2023 480 views

How creative do you get to be as a graphic designer while still following your client's requests?

I am in 10th grade, and I have family members that are in graphic design so it has always interested me.

Deacon’s Avatar
Deacon Oct 06, 2023 1093 views

What classes would you recommend and aspiring psychiatrist to take?

I am a 15 year old student of Spectrum High school who aspires to become a psychiatrist. What classes could I take now to better prepare myself for college?

Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel Oct 06, 2023 274 views

How long is training for game wardens?

What are the location to get the training?

Alana’s Avatar
Alana Oct 06, 2023 340 views

What type of classes do I need to take in college to become a cultural anthropology major, and what colleges have that major?

I'm a sophomore in high school, and I'm thinking about becoming a missionary, diplomat, or a writer. I'm looking for advice on what classes that I need to take to achieve on this, and if there are colleges who have great study abroad programs. I want to study overseas in college. As well, how...

Eli’s Avatar
Eli Oct 06, 2023 200 views

Fiance Company ?

How hard is it to open up your own company. How hard is the schooling for finance. How long does it take to start your own company. How much money does it cost to start your own company.

Marla’s Avatar
Marla Oct 06, 2023 388 views

How do you know you are picking the right career path?

i am in high school an trying to find the right career path but don't want to make a decision on something and find out that I won't like it after i have already done schooling.

Kaden’s Avatar
Kaden Oct 06, 2023 287 views

What steps does it actually take to go professional in sports. ?

What steps does it actually take to go professional in sports.

Elaina’s Avatar
Elaina Oct 05, 2023 367 views

Are there any job types or opportunities in psychology that aren't specifically counseling?

Is there a psycology job where you can just study how the brain works and what causes trauma and things like that instead of counseling people face to face?

Bryce’s Avatar
Bryce Oct 05, 2023 251 views

How would I start being a mechanic after college?

I need to know what to do next

Bryce’s Avatar
Bryce Oct 05, 2023 250 views

Which college in Minnesota should I go to for being a automobile mechanic??

I don't want to go very far. Maybe at least in the Dakotas

Carmen’s Avatar
Carmen Oct 05, 2023 295 views

How can I start getting into internships ?

I really want to do internships to find which jobs I like best. I also want to see if I would want an office job or something that I would be able to have more free will.

Carmen’s Avatar
Carmen Oct 05, 2023 234 views

What is a math major that I can take if I have high kinesthetic intelligence?

For those that don't know what kinesthetic intelligence means:
A person that is very in tune to their body, mostly consists of athletes. It also involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind–body union

william’s Avatar
william Oct 05, 2023 333 views

What are low-alcohol beverages that would still attract people to a bar?

with a bit of consideration, i've thought about running my (in later life) coffee shop as a bar by night, but i don't want people to get too intoxicated, because that may ruin the fun of the night. any ideas?

Ben’s Avatar
Ben Oct 05, 2023 1638 views

What things should I consider when researching career paths?

I'm in high school and now starting to get to the part where researching career paths is becoming important, and am wondering what things I should consider when looking into career paths. Personally, the thing I look for most is what would I enjoy the most. I also look into the money a little...

Ben’s Avatar
Ben Oct 05, 2023 386 views

Is there a certain time a person should choose between two passions for a job?

I am in high school and know I still have a fair amount of time to make a decision about my career path for the future, but is there a specific time I should choose between my two interests? Should I completely focus on 1 of them at some point, or just wait and see what opportunities await in...

lilliana’s Avatar
lilliana Oct 04, 2023 229 views

Is a cosmetologist a good part time job?

is the salary high enough?

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Oct 04, 2023 785 views

What is the hardest part of being a physical therapist?

Possible future career, want to know more about what it involves.

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Oct 04, 2023 810 views

What's the first step for starting a music career?

I am looking into a career in music and I would like to know what the steps are, how long it takes to get into it, and how much money will I make.

lilliana’s Avatar
lilliana Oct 04, 2023 290 views

What is the most fulfilling part of being a psychologist???

Is the job worth it?

Cassidy’s Avatar
Cassidy Oct 04, 2023 633 views

What was the first job you had in the sports medicine field? Did it benefit your career and where you are now?

I am looking into a career in sports medicine but don't know where to start.

Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan Oct 04, 2023 682 views

What are the pros and cons of a dental hygienist?

Do you like the hours?

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Oct 04, 2023 1535 views

What are the pros and cons of interior design ?

Do you have to work over time?

Bryce’s Avatar
Bryce Oct 04, 2023 235 views

What is the ideal college to go to for being a mechanic?

I am in 10th grade
I like the look modding trucks and cars, making my own vehicles interest me.
I want to have to be a mechanic for cars or farming equipment.

Levi’s Avatar
Levi Oct 04, 2023 272 views

What are some current actions that I can take to become an electrician?

I could receive a great GPA to allow me to enter better colleges.

Hans’s Avatar
Hans Oct 04, 2023 326 views

What should I do to prepare and what classes are neccessary?

I want to be a carpenter

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Oct 04, 2023 676 views

What does a restaurant manager do each day?

Salary for Job.

Hans’s Avatar
Hans Oct 04, 2023 584 views

what other jobs are like carpentry that i might like?

I want to be a carpenter

Danica’s Avatar
Danica Oct 04, 2023 327 views

How do you get started when you choose a career?

and how do you know if its the right one for you?

Danica’s Avatar
Danica Oct 04, 2023 678 views

What can I do to find out which interests would help me find a career?

Is it okay not to have that strong of a plan?

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Oct 04, 2023 442 views

What does your average day look like?

Do you work at home, in an office or somewhere else? What are some day to day tasks?

Brady’s Avatar
Brady Oct 04, 2023 484 views

If I want to go into the medical field does it matter what college I go to?

I am a sophomore in high school and I am wondering If I am going to go into the medical field does it matter if I go to a college that is specifically known for medical things or would any college that offers the major work?

Hans’s Avatar
Hans Oct 04, 2023 935 views

What is the work environment as a carpenter?

I want to be a carpenter when I grow up.

Addison’s Avatar
Addison Oct 04, 2023 249 views

What classes did you take in high school that made you interested in childcare?

I am interested in being a childcare worker.

logan’s Avatar
logan Oct 04, 2023 401 views

What is the best business model?

I am 16 and would like to start a business soon. I have done a bit of research. I have tried drop shipping in the past but I found out it wasn't the best business model.

Kaden’s Avatar
Kaden Oct 04, 2023 216 views

What sort of jobs would fit someone who is loves to work with money and penny stocks?

What sort of jobs would fit someone who is loves to work with money and penny stocks?

Aden’s Avatar
Aden Oct 04, 2023 651 views

What is the work environment like for an aerospace engineer. ?

I want to see how hard the conditions would be.

Aden’s Avatar
Aden Oct 04, 2023 390 views

What types of jobs would I be able to get as a Aerospace Engineering degree besides being able to build aerodynamic vehicles?

I am wondering this to know if I can expand if I end up not wanting to be a rocket scientist.

Danica’s Avatar
Danica Oct 04, 2023 342 views

How did you know what you wanted your career to be?

I am a sophomore and am deciding which career I may be interested in doing. I really don't know which subject I would be interested in, but I like public speaking and educating people.

xavier’s Avatar
xavier Oct 04, 2023 663 views

How long do you normally go to college for a law enforcement officer?

How long do you normally go to college for a law enforcement officer?

Zoe’s Avatar
Zoe Oct 04, 2023 444 views

Are there any jobs that deal with genetics?

if so, what do working conditions, education, and pay look like?

Kaylee’s Avatar
Kaylee Oct 04, 2023 257 views

I'm looking to become an OBGYN nurse how exactly does it feel to be one?

I am getting my CNA degree this year as a sophomore in high school to help push that forward. I am just wondering what being an OBGYN nurse goes like on a daily basis.

Aden’s Avatar
Aden Oct 04, 2023 403 views

How hard would engineering school be in college for an above average learner.?

I am still trying to figure out if aerospace engineering would be the best fit for me. I still want to have fun so I would like to know how hard it would be to get through the classes.

Elaina’s Avatar
Elaina Oct 04, 2023 342 views

What does your job look like on a daily basis?

What specifically do psycologists do on a regular basis?

ruby’s Avatar
ruby Oct 04, 2023 246 views

when do you want to start going to school?

work hard in school.

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