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CareerVillage Office Hours

Palo Alto, California
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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 15, 2023 889 views

Which stream should I take in 11th to become an actress in India ?

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 14, 2023 395 views

Is it realistic for a Bronx girl with “Bronx education” to try to become a nurse?

I’m a senior in high school. I am planning on going to bmcc and majoring in undeclared health so I can hopefully get into the nursing program. I'm scared that the pre-reqs will be hard

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 14, 2023 1294 views

How to get work in Hollywood as a filmmaker and screenwriter ?

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 14, 2023 338 views

How do I work on my anxiety while being around a lot of people?

I’m 16 an trying to get a job. The only problem is every time I think of getting one, I get filled with anxiety, and I’m not sure why. Do you have any advice to help me?

Note: this question was asked anonymously as a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 13, 2023 272 views

I am a communications major going into my senior year of college. I have no summer internships or any clue about what I want to do. I really want an internship for the fall of 2023. Can anyone recommend any places near Salve Regina University (Newport, R.I.) ?

Senior year of college, Communications major with a Spanish minor

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 13, 2023 434 views

My degree is in journalism, but I’m taking photography courses. Should I get an internship and photography or in journalism? ?

i’m looking for an internship that I could do over the summer

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 13, 2023 494 views

What can I do, as a Master's student, to land a job after graduation?

I am a Master's student in computer science and came from India in Fall 2022, I don't have an internship for the summer semester. I applied to many opportunities but only got rejections, I work as a part-time angular developer at my university which is UTD. I want to bag a full-time job before...

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 12, 2023 277 views

How to make money in advocating for accessibility?

How to make money fighting for disability rights like accessible technologies

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 09, 2023 381 views

How to become an Environment Specialist in PR ?

I want a job that ties business with environmentalism. How do I become an Environmental PR Specialist? What job do I start to get there?

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 09, 2023 531 views

What do you feel was the best form of studying to pass your tests ?

I'm interested in becoming a critical care nurse.

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 09, 2023 682 views

Nurses: 2. What are some tips you would give to your past self that would have helped you grow faster to get to your position?

I want to be a critical care nurse

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 09, 2023 270 views

Nurses: 1. How stressful is seeing people at their worst? Is it hard to separate those emotions in your everyday life? ?

Im interested in becoming a critical care nurse

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 09, 2023 1928 views

Which career is best for me?

Hi, I'm a student that's super lost about jobs. Like, I keep obsessing over jobs ever since summer break started I can't enjoy my vacation. I know that I enjoy writing, animals, art, finding information, and sharing resources. However, Idk what jobs could actually match my skills. I'm fine with...

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 08, 2023 510 views

Is becoming a pediatrician worth it if you want to have a balanced work and social life? ?

I'm currently a sophomore in high school and interested in becoming a pediatrician. I'm worried if I follow this path, I won't have time to spend with my family. In addition, I want to be a mother when I'm older and have time for my children as well. I have doubts about whether or not the years...

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 08, 2023 385 views

What does the daily life of a dermatologist look like?

I’m in 10th grade and I just got into the LPN program at my school

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 07, 2023 957 views

Am I able to play volleyball whilst studying for a degree in computer science Do universities allow that? Because I have an interest in both of them and I don't want to give up one of them anytime soon. ?

I'm in grade 10, and I'm only just figuring out what courses I would want to take. However, I play volleyball too

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 07, 2023 438 views

What would be the best way to be able to get accepted into yale ?

I go to a small town school with a low-income family but I get good grade and I was wondering what else I could do to set me apart from everyone else applying to Yale? Should I volunteer more? What extracurriculars should I be doing?

This question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 07, 2023 266 views

What is the best way to get a job on capitol hill post-grad?

i'm a graduating senior who has had an internship on capitol hill

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 07, 2023 434 views

How do you become a major league baseball player?

I'm in grade 10 and rn I'm playing for two baseball teams. I'm playing for my high school and I'm also playing for my rec league

Note: this question was asked by a student who would like to remain anonymous

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 07, 2023 683 views

How can I start writing a book based on my life?

I am a Junior in college for my bachelors degree in creative writing and English. I always dreamt of writing my own book based off my life and maybe even turn it into a series of books as I grow older. As much as I can see myself in the near future publishing my first book, I do not know where...

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CareerVillage Office Hours May 16, 2023 438 views

How can I decide between majoring in biology versus computer science?

I am interested in biology but are there more options in the future if I choose Computer Science?

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours May 16, 2023 257 views

How can you write a resume for your dream job?

I am in college. My career exploration journey is computer engineering with machines in hospitals.

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours May 16, 2023 251 views

How old should you be to start a construction career?

I'm 16 years old

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours May 09, 2023 604 views

What skills do you recommend for people starting in food service?

This question is part of our professionals series, where we try to expose students to questions they may not be thinking of

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CareerVillage Office Hours May 09, 2023 623 views

I am interested in the medical field, but I am not sure if I really like it, and if it the right for me. ?

I am currently a college student, and I am in a Liberal Arts major so far, and it's time for me to choose a major to study when I transfer to another college. How do I know if the medical field is for me?

Note: this question was anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours May 09, 2023 410 views

How can I succeed in the field of funeral services?

This question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours May 09, 2023 199 views

Why do adults always talk about college, knowing that people can succeed without it? ?

I am in the 11th grade. As far as my career exploration, I am more interested in culinary but not too sure about college yet.

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours May 05, 2023 1540 views

What types of people are a good fit for the military?

This question is part of our professionals series, which aims to expose students to questions they might not be considering.

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CareerVillage Office Hours May 05, 2023 464 views

What is something you wish you had known when you joined the military?

This question is part of our professionals series, which aims to expose students to questions they might not be considering.

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CareerVillage Office Hours May 04, 2023 655 views

What are the pros and cons to interior design, And what can I do to achieve my goal of becoming an interior designer?

I am in 8th grand I've always loved decorating houses and rebuilding them and all of that stuff and I kind of thought it would be a good path for me to take when I'm older because it's something I enjoy and would love to do everyday.

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student