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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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Gillian’s Avatar
Gillian Nov 14, 2016 2906 views

Are there engineering majors out there directly related to animals?

Animals have always been a huge passion of mine. I would love to know if there are any engineering majors that I can study that can lead me to an engineering job that involves working with animals. #engineering #civil-engineering #biomedical-engineering #animals #women-in-stem...

Mitra ’s Avatar
Mitra Nov 12, 2016 892 views

What can I do with a political science degree other than go to law school?

I am trying to figure out what to major in and want to make sure I have a job when I graduate college #college #major

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 12, 2016 2227 views

Does one bad grade like a 80 on my transcript affect my chances with top tier colleges?

I have been freaking out lately due to the constant drop in my AP US History quiz grades. Except for this class, I have excelled in my other classes. Additionally, I have never gotten a grade below 90 before and my overachieving mind hopes to find some reassurance from college counselors and...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Oct 25, 2016 1122 views

During what year of college should I start looking for internships?

I am currently a freshman in college and almost every week my inbox would be filled with emails concerning job fairs, company presentations, and other possible career opportunities. I do not want to stress myself out, but the massive emails are getting me anxious and worried over my progress....

Cody’s Avatar
Cody Nov 10, 2016 869 views

Whats is information about mechanical engineering? i need some answers for my junior capstone

i have background and fields for my capstone. this is for my in tech school #engineering #mechanical-engineering #manufacturing-engineering

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Nov 05, 2016 800 views

What is the best way to look for scholarships?

I'm a junior in high school, so college is right around the corner for me. I want my parents to be able to save money, by being able to apply for as many scholarships as possible, but whenever I begin my search, I find myself lost, unable to navigate through the many different scholarships offered.

Hashir’s Avatar
Hashir Nov 03, 2016 916 views

How important is your GPA when trying to get a job in your field?

If I'm trying to get a job in any field, does GPA matter or is having relevant experience more important? #college #job-search #experience #undergraduate #gpa

Bella’s Avatar
Bella May 12, 2016 1405 views

Is it okay not to know what I want to pursue as a career?

I'm a sophomore in high school, and a lot of people around me seem to be set on what they want to do in life. However, I haven't really found a topic or field that I'm incredibly passionate about. #career #career-choice #career-path #career-paths #undecided

diego’s Avatar
diego Nov 01, 2016 842 views

on average how much does it cost to get a masters in architecture?

i want to become an architect and i want to know a little more on how and what it takes to become one. #college #architecture #masters

Daijah ’s Avatar
Daijah Oct 31, 2016 911 views

Do all majors have internship and study abroad opportunities?

I was wondering for a specific major would an internship opportunity be available at ease or would I have to go looking. Also does each major have a study abroad opportunity? #college #college-major #college-admissions #college-bound #college-recruiting

Dinuka’s Avatar
Dinuka Oct 30, 2016 957 views

Is it enjoyable to pursue the same career for the entirety of your life?

I take many classes, almost all that I can grab my hands on, in school. They include Biology and Physics because I am unsure of what I want to pursue in College, and eventually as a career. I enjoy math, but at the same time science. I want to know if I should choose one path and follow it, or...

Elisabeth’s Avatar
Elisabeth Oct 31, 2016 2291 views

Should I choose a major in something I'm good at? Or something I would like to learn more about?

I could develop my talents by majoring in something I'm already good at, but I would also like to learn new things. I'm good at journalism and advertising type things, but I would like to learn more about biology and computer science. #computer-science #biology #marketing #journalism...

Parker’s Avatar
Parker Oct 31, 2016 3160 views

What jobs can a chemical engineer get in the agriculture field?

I am from a small town in the midwest and want to know what i can come back around the area and do. #engineering #chemical-engineering #agriculture

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Oct 31, 2016 1009 views

What made/helped you pick your career?

im stuck between a couple majors #nursing #healthcare #criminal-justice #forensic

Jay’s Avatar
Jay Oct 31, 2016 980 views

What is the day in the life of a programmer about.

I am looking at Engineering and have not been too involved with the programming end. Mostly the mechanical part. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #mechanical #programmer

Jillian’s Avatar
Jillian Oct 31, 2016 774 views

do different types of nurses get more income than others?

I want to know if some nurses make more money than others #nursing #registered-nurses

Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan Oct 31, 2016 869 views

How many Veterinarian schools should I apply for?

I would like to become a Veterinarian, and have multiple questions about the process. Relating to this question; I want to know about graduate veterinarian medicine programs. #college #graduate #veterinary

Israt’s Avatar
Israt Oct 30, 2016 1193 views

What's the typical day of an environmental engineer like?

I'm interested in becoming one, but I hope it's not centered around anything boring, like paperwork. #engineering #environmental-science #environmental-engineering

Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob Oct 30, 2016 1230 views

What are some career fields for electrical engineers?

I enjoy the electrical aspects of engineering such as circuitry and microelectronics. I enjoy home-automation, IOT, and robotics. However, I really do not want to end up being an electrician (not that there is anything that wrong with that; it's just not my thing). So, what are some other...

Bronwyn’s Avatar
Bronwyn Oct 30, 2016 1860 views

How do I pursue a career in both business management and engineering?

I am currently the Business Mangement leader of my high school FRC team. In the near future, I hope to pursue a career in both business and engineering. However, I am unaware of what types of degrees might cover something like this. What type of degree is closest to this and are there any types...

Bronwyn’s Avatar
Bronwyn Oct 30, 2016 1219 views

Where can I find organizations that support women in STEM-related careers?

As a woman hoping to get a STEM-related career after college, I recognize the fact that there are few of us. Are there any organizations or places where I may be able to find like-minded women?I believe it is important for women to support one another, especially in a male-dominated field of...

Gillian’s Avatar
Gillian Oct 29, 2016 884 views

What is typically expected in a work day for someone that is a civil engineer specializing in structural engineering?

Growing up, I have always been told that as a civil engineer, you either draw bridges or perform math calculations to make sure the bridges are able to successfully stand. However, what is it REALLY like in a typical work day? Do you work on indoors computers? Do you work outdoors at...

Eduardo’s Avatar
Eduardo Oct 29, 2016 869 views

What do you believe is the best career that incorporates all parts of STEM?

STEM has a huge part in many careers, and with many careers to choose from, having the most involvement of STEM elements can sway what someone would want to look for in their career. #engineering #career #science #technology #math #stem #japan #career-options #experiences

Susan’s Avatar
Susan Oct 30, 2016 4802 views

What careers can someone with a computer science degree get that allows them to work with animals?

I love to work with animals, but I have decided that getting a degree in computer science would be best for my future. Is there any career available that will allow me to work with both? #veterinary #animals #computers #computerscience

Susan’s Avatar
Susan Oct 30, 2016 871 views

What are the differences between a computer science and a computer engineering degree in regards to careers?

I am having trouble choosing between a computer science and a computer engineering degree. I understand the difference is a few classes. Yet what are the differences in opportunity between the two? #engineering #computer-engineering #computers #computerscience

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Oct 30, 2016 741 views

Should I pick my college solely for its program even if other ones have everything else better?

I want to go to SUNY Stonybrook for its program but Binghamton has a much nicer facility. I'm not sure what to do. #college

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Oct 29, 2016 731 views

What is the difference between computer science and engineering in computer science?

I know I love computer science, but on many applications, it lists both of these as majors, with the distinction of computer science being in their arts school, and the latter in their engineering school #science #technology #stem

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Oct 30, 2016 790 views

What are the lesser known STEM careers that are coming up or people dont know about?

Are there any careers in the STEM field that are brand new to the field, or have they just not been popular? If so what are they and where could I find more information about them? #college #college-bound #future-careers

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Oct 30, 2016 767 views

How can I be sure that this is the field I want to go into?

My future can change at any moment, why would I want to stick to the plan of going into a STEM field? I've always loved science, but what if there is a different option I could go for not in the STEM field? Would it be worth it? #college #biology #bachelors-degree

Carla’s Avatar
Carla Oct 29, 2016 740 views

What are the benifitsabout nursing?

I want to be a nurse #nursing

Tristian’s Avatar
Tristian Oct 28, 2016 789 views

Empolyment Marketability

What is more important in the job market; college brand or internship? #engineering

Christian’s Avatar
Christian Oct 27, 2016 4087 views

What types of structures do Civil Engineers Design?

I am asking because I am interested in a career in Civil Engineering; I know that Civil Engineers often design larger structures, like buildings, bridges, or dams, but I was curious as to what else they might design. #engineering #civil-engineering

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Oct 27, 2016 893 views

I will be starting college in the fall of 2017. Do you have any do's and don'ts to help calm my anxiety?

I've never been away from my family and my college will be 1 1/2 hours away. I don't think any of my friends will be attending the same college I am. It's always scary getting out there and trying new things and now really knowing what to expect. Any kind of advice from someone that's been...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Oct 27, 2016 2650 views

Does a college name really matter?

I am applying to colleges right now, and everyone around me is throwing around names like Princeton and Harvard. My question is this: how important is a college name when it comes to undergraduate studies? Is it really a big difference whether I go to an Ivy League or another college that also...

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Oct 25, 2016 1143 views

How is college life?

I'm wondering what it's life outside of education in college. #college #life

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Oct 23, 2016 1153 views

STEM is known for being factual and numbers based so how can someone incorparate the arts into a career in STEM if they wanted a more well-rounded career?

I have always been interested in music and literature, but I have a passion for science. I want to be able to have my career in science but also incorporate the arts and history into my life. I wonder if there are any careers that blend the two areas of study. #career #career-counseling...

Cristiano’s Avatar
Cristiano Oct 23, 2016 834 views

What is the most common goal between all civil engineers?

I am a civil engineering student in college and I'm wondering how to understand the most common goal between civil engineers when working on a project.

Cristiano’s Avatar
Cristiano Oct 23, 2016 1042 views

What would be the best skill to achieve in college before becoming a civil engineer?

I am a freshman in college who is studying civil engineering. And I would like to know what would be the best skill in college to learn and take with me throughout my career as a civil engineer. #college #engineering #technology #civil-engineering #architecture #construction...

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Oct 22, 2016 1246 views

What is the most popular engineering field?

I am very interested in the engineering field, I would like to be a corrosion engineer when i grow up. But at this point in my high school career, I would like to try and explore other engineering fields. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #civil-engineering #stem #chemical-engineering...

Madilyn’s Avatar
Madilyn Oct 23, 2016 770 views

What types of projects are most commonly brought upon Materials Engineers?

I have been considering attending college for Materials Engineering. I really enjoy the concepts, but I am just wondering exactly what situations I would have to face in a career such as this. #engineering #materials-engineering

Lydia’s Avatar
Lydia Oct 23, 2016 1258 views

How can I get job experience related to STEM in high school?

I want to be more secure in what field to pursue. #engineering #science #technology #mathematics #environmental-science #women-in-tech

Rotchil’s Avatar
Rotchil Oct 21, 2016 1015 views

Information technology

I want to go to college and i don't know what to do about what i want to study in.I just need some help to know what class i should take and is there any requirements that i need for that major. #technology #information-technology #anyone

avery’s Avatar
avery Oct 21, 2016 911 views

What was the most helpful part of high school or college that helped you transition into your career?

How was your experience from school going to work? How did you get the career and was it rough or hard making this transition? #career

Noemi’s Avatar
Noemi Oct 20, 2016 1115 views

Being a woman, is it difficult to acquire a job in engineering?

I am very interested in being an engineering major, but I am also a woman and would like to know what obstacles I may face. #engineering #women

Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan Oct 20, 2016 3593 views

What can an English Major expect in a STEM career

I want to be an English Professor and I would like to know how STEM careers could help with that #english #knowledge

Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan Oct 20, 2016 854 views

How would I go about pursuing a STEM career?

I'm just genuinely interested #career #stem

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Oct 20, 2016 1731 views

How much opportunity is there for a STEM major in the entertainment industry?

My question regards the potential to find employment in the industry of entertainment (film and television) for a student majoring in a STEM field. I ask it because I have always had an interest in both of these areas, but they seem to be on opposite poles of the career spectrum. Particularly,...

Raychel’s Avatar
Raychel Oct 18, 2016 1239 views

Is college the right answer?

I think I want to go to college, but wonder is it the right thing for me? #college

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Oct 18, 2016 1025 views

What does the hospitality sector consist of and is a good place to work in?

I am a junior in high school. I am looking to apply to colleges next summer and just wanted to get a heads up to see what I was aiming for. #college #college-major #university #college-majors #hospitality

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Oct 18, 2016 672 views

Does anyone know about the Cornell School of Hospitality Administration? What kind of jobs do people get when they apply to this school?

I am a junior in high school. I am looking to apply to colleges next summer and just wanted to get a heads up to see what I was aiming for.