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Mirudula’s Avatar
Mirudula Sep 28, 2017 826 views

Would it be advisable to receive an electrical engineering major and get certified in teaching?

I would like to major in electrical engineering and get certified to teach advanced high school math or physics. Is that too many credits to complete in 4 years? I was also considering double majoring in electrical engineering and mathematics. In addition, I wanted to get certified in...

jennifer’s Avatar
jennifer Sep 28, 2017 669 views

How easy is it for me to get a job as a pediatric surgeon here in Dallas?

the reason I'm asking is because thats what I'm looking into, and I would really like to know how likely I am to get a job here in Dallas. #pediatrician #pediatrics #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #surgeon #surgery #dallas

Jasmine’s Avatar
Jasmine Sep 28, 2017 914 views

Is Accounting the right degree?

I am a junior in the University of North Texas at Dallas. My degree is Accounting but I am afraid I am making a wrong choice in regards to my degree. I feel this way because I have heard that Accounting is very boring. What I want to do is help with the profit of a company. Is this the right...

John’s Avatar
John Sep 22, 2017 1111 views

How did you get your job as an architectural engineer?

I am working towards getting a degree in architectural engineering and was wondering how you go around getting a job in such a field
#architectural-engineer #architecture #engineering

Ernesto’s Avatar
Ernesto Sep 05, 2017 556 views

What are some steps I should take to become comic book artist/mangaka

I'm 16 and I want to improve my art skills. What are some tips or steps is should take so I can get better


Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Sep 01, 2017 846 views

Why did you choose the career you have right now?

I was just wondering what made you choose the career you currently have now? What inspired you to pursue that career? Why? Or did you just end up at that career? What are some of the things you like about your career? Or don't like? And what you did to get there? #career-path #career-choice...

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Sep 01, 2017 1146 views

What are some of the best things that can be written into a story?

What are some of the best things that can be written into a story.
#writing #storytelling #creative-writing

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Sep 01, 2017 744 views

What are some things to except?

What are somethings to except when in college and when you get out of college?


Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Sep 01, 2017 1181 views

How much salary does a typical Architect make?

I'm talking about a degreed, certified Architect. I'm getting some indication that they don't make as much as college professors. Is this true? Anyone have real life information?
#architecture #architect #architecture-and-planning

Malazzia’s Avatar
Malazzia Sep 01, 2017 734 views

How do you know which college is best for you? would you go for the college that gives you the most money or should you go for a college that you like more?

If I was to get accepted to multiple colleges should i go for the one that gives ,e the most money or the one i desire to go to more? #college #applications #acceptance

Miah’s Avatar
Miah Sep 01, 2017 701 views

What is the best school for future physical therapist assistants?

I am thinking about being a PTA and I want a school that isn't too competitive and where everyone helps each other out! #PTA #college-major #college #physical-therapy

James ’s Avatar
James Sep 01, 2017 792 views

What's the best way to effectively find a job after college?

So I can have the best chance to getting a good job after college and have peace of mind about my future. #life-coach

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Sep 01, 2017 775 views

I am thinking about going in to media, what should I major in?

I am considering going into media for my major but I dont know what to major in..what my job might be...What jobs could I make good money at with a media major. I live in Texas so I am not sure what media jobs would be available for me. I am a freshman in college, started just a few days ago....

Messiah ’s Avatar
Messiah Sep 01, 2017 893 views

I want to become a Veterinarian but i don't know which to choose, practitioner or Tech? what do you think?

because I'm not sure so just for clarification. #animalmedicine #veterinary #veterinary-technician #veterinary-medicine #veterinarian

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Sep 01, 2017 1147 views

Im interested in media but not sure what degrees or jobs I can get?

What kinds of degrees can I major in that involve media, and what jobs can I get with that degree plan? #media #broadcast-media

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Sep 01, 2017 1021 views

How much does a writer make?

How much does a writer make? And what are the highlights of being a writer? And also some things that you have to do to become a writer? #journalism #writing


Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Sep 01, 2017 742 views

How much does a editor make?

I was just wondering how much a editor makes a year?

#Thank you #editor #editing

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Sep 01, 2017 1074 views

What are some tips that you can give me in having writers block?

I'm currently in college for a English degree and I was wondering if you had some tips on writers block.
Because I keep starting over on basically everything I begin to write.

#Thank-you #writing #journalism #english

Sammy’s Avatar
Sammy Sep 01, 2017 916 views

What is the most challenging thing about being A computer Science major?

I'm trying to figure out what is the most challenging aspect of computer science. Did it meet your expectations or was the work more difficult than you thought? #technology #computer-science

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 31, 2017 966 views

What should I do finally get this this finished?

I want to be a writer, but I can never seem to finish the story I want to make. Mainly because I keep restarting, get stuck on a part, or something else. #listening to any advise.
#writing #creative-writing #storytelling #writing-and-editing #writer

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 31, 2017 689 views

What materials can I use in order to get better at the career I want?

What books or types of materials can I look into, to get better at becoming a creative writer? #writing #journalism


Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 30, 2017 1179 views

How should I improve my writing?

What can I do to improve my writing. And also come up some interesting ideas for story? #journalism

#Thank-you #writing #writing-and-editing

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 30, 2017 882 views

How should I pay back back my student loans?

Is there some advise you can give me on a ways I can payback my student loans # as fast as possible. And then things I can do during the school times.

#Thank-you #financial-planning #financial-aid #money

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 30, 2017 877 views

What can you tell me about a writing career?

Is there anything you can tell me on the subject of having a writing career? If there's any advise you can give me to become a fiction writer.
#Any advise would be helpful
#Thank you very much #journalism #online-journalism #writing #writing-and-editing

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 30, 2017 975 views

What may help with getting an internship in publishing or editing?

I'm going to college for a English degree and I want to get an internship at the end of my two years. The internship, I would like it to deal with publishing and editing.

#Yep #publishing #writing-and-editing

Victor’s Avatar
Victor Apr 05, 2017 1874 views

What steps do I need to take to get my life together? (Please see the context)

I am turning 30 this year and life has not been exactly how I want it to be. I have a bachelors degree of applied science in Electronics Engineering from DeVry University but I graduated in 2009 I haven't had any type of tech Jobs. except one. and i feel that that job wasn't very technical...

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Mar 24, 2017 3877 views

What are some good and bad impacts mechanical engineering have on society?

I am a middle schooler at gene pike middle school and is doing research for a project. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #mechanical-engineer

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Mar 24, 2017 1188 views

Does it cost money to become a player in the NFL?

Do you need to pay to be in the NFL? If so, who would you be paying? Taxi drivers have to buy a license to drive, and then they get to earn money -- is that how it works in the NFL or do the players get paid to play without having to pay anything back? [This question was edited by an admin to...

eboni’s Avatar
eboni Mar 22, 2017 848 views

what are some good colleges for a pediatrician/ nurse?

Because I want to get a head start on looking for colleges. #pediatric-nursing

Franchesca’s Avatar
Franchesca Mar 22, 2017 876 views

How do I know how many years of college I would need to become a nurse?

I am a high school sophomore student and i am wanting to become a nurse but dont really know what I need to do to get there. #nursing #nurse #registered-nurses #nurse-practitioner #physical-therapy #nursing-education #occupational-health #pediatric-nurse

daniel’s Avatar
daniel Mar 22, 2017 1110 views

Whats a good university to go to major in modeling?

I want to be a model #fashion #fashion-design #modeling

Mara’s Avatar
Mara Mar 22, 2017 2339 views

If I choose to be a photographer and later on decide I don't want to do that anymore, what other careers can I pursue that relate to being a photographer?

I don't know exactly what career I want, so I want to know all the careers that relate to photographing. #photography #digital-media

Genesis’s Avatar
Genesis Mar 22, 2017 1393 views

How much does the Veterinary career cost?

I want to know how much it would cost like in college tuition and everything. #veterinary #vet

alexandra’s Avatar
alexandra Mar 22, 2017 951 views

what are the requirements to become a pediatrican

i am a high school student who is getting ready to go to college and i want to make sure that i pick the correct career #science #music #health #art #math #english #history

kaela’s Avatar
kaela Mar 22, 2017 14811 views

what are some difficulties working with children

is there anything i need to know about the difficulties working with kids #teaching #child-care

maria’s Avatar
maria Mar 22, 2017 1128 views

Are there different requirements to be a pediatric nurse instead of a general nurse?

Im interested in being a nurse yet i really would love to be a pediatric nurse and i just want to know if there are other requirement or classes ill need to take. #doctor #medicine #nursing #nurse #pediatrics #surgery #pediatric-nursing #hospital-and-health-care

Estefania’s Avatar
Estefania Mar 22, 2017 1895 views

is there a way to get a bachelor/master at the same time?

I want to study psychology but it takes a long time to get a ph.D #psychology #graduate-school #college-admissions #scholarships #clinical-psychology #school-counseling

RJ’s Avatar
RJ Mar 22, 2017 828 views

What level of education would I need to achieve to become a physicist?

I want to become a physicist and I want to know how many years of school I would need to become one. #physics

Leslie’s Avatar
Leslie Mar 22, 2017 1075 views

What are some traits/characteristics that doctors must keep in order to work successfully?

I've been told that to become a medical doctor, you must have many good traits such as patience and dedication, which I do hold currently, but what are other crucial ones needed when working in this career field? #doctor #medicine #work-life-balance #knowledge #student-development #personality...

lindsey’s Avatar
lindsey Mar 22, 2017 672 views

if i go to college for art and dance , is is more likely i will have to have non paying internships , with a side job to get money ?

i understand that it is quite hard to get a good paying job involving art , and im fine with interships with a side job . #art #artist #dance

Gaby’s Avatar
Gaby Mar 22, 2017 1134 views

what are some good colleges for real estate?

Doesnt matter where it is as long as its a good recommended school #real-estate #home #first-time-home-buyers #home-sellers

Lorelei’s Avatar
Lorelei Mar 22, 2017 870 views

What kind of education do you need to become a beauty fashion enthusiast ?

Im taking two business classes. One of them is entrepreneurship. I wanna know if im on the right track #fashion #makeup #enthusiast

Keyri’s Avatar
Keyri Mar 22, 2017 977 views

How much would you spend in making your studio if you do want to get into music production?

I'm asking this question because i'm in high school and thinking about starting my music production career.Since, i'm in choir it really has influenced me too to get into sore type of music career.I know that it's gonna take hard work and dedication to start ,but i'm willing to do it. #music...

Alejandra’s Avatar
Alejandra Mar 22, 2017 732 views

What can I do to be successful in film production?

I´m a sophomore in high school and I have an interest in film producing. I am currently talking theater and journalism. I´m interested in making documentations and small films like that. I have no idea what classes I should take in junior/senior year and college. Should I continue in journalism...

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Mar 22, 2017 1288 views

How can i successfully advertise my newly opened bakery, in order to get customers?

-school project
#marketing #entrepreneurship #advertising #baking #cooking-and-baking

ashley’s Avatar
ashley Mar 22, 2017 965 views

when you become an astronomer what else can you do if for example you work with NASA?

i really want to become an astronomer but i want to know what else do they do #science #astronomy #space #planetary-science

Carolina’s Avatar
Carolina Mar 22, 2017 800 views

Do you have to be more experienced to become a pediatrician than a nurse?

I want to know more about how much experience is needed for both career because im interested in becoming a pediatrician #nursing #nurse #pediatrician

Melody’s Avatar
Melody Mar 20, 2017 2252 views

Good weekend-only jobs?

Hi. I'm just wondering if anybody knows of some good jobs that can hire people only for the weekends. I'm a college student who already works 20 hours a week at the library so the weekend is all that I can manage. I've been considering applying to restaurants and the like because it seems like...

Melody’s Avatar
Melody Mar 20, 2017 1086 views

What are some tips for how to pass online job assessments?

Hello there. I'm a student at community college, who also works at the library 20 hours a week. I now need a second job to supplement my income. I have always had trouble with applications that require online assessments. I've applied to Target, Sams, Wal-Mart, and Ross in the past and have...

Haley’s Avatar
Haley Mar 13, 2017 864 views

Job experience

Is it okay to put my last two jobs down even though I only worked there for a few day?? #job #experience

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