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Jannel’s Avatar
Jannel Mar 16, 2018 466 views

Teaching Credential Advantages

What type of volunteer or experience should students have to help them get into teaching credential programs?

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Mar 16, 2018 746 views

How can I be taken more seriously as a striving women engineer?

I have been studying to become a geological engineer and recently was accepted to a very prestigious engineering university. The only problem is many classmates and teachers have told me that because I am a girl I will struggle to find work in my field and should look into something else....

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Mar 16, 2018 1014 views

How did you know your major was right for you?

I recently chose my major for college but I've been having some second thoughts. I don't have any close family members who went to college and it would be really great to hear from someone who has experience how exactly you knew you'd made the right decision when choosing your major. #major...

Ronald’s Avatar
Ronald Mar 11, 2018 434 views

Why am I not offered a promotion to management?

After having a career as a programmer and business analyst leading teams and projects for over 20 years, why am I always overlooked for a promotion to management, though I've expressed interest? #notpromoted #howtobecomeamanager #needadegree

Callie’s Avatar
Callie Mar 05, 2018 1836 views

Backup Plan In Case My Dream Job Doesn't Work Out?

My backup plan is to work in computer sciences if my animating career doesn't work out. Are there any better jobs that would work with me?

#Art #animation #career #career-counseling #job

Callie’s Avatar
Callie Mar 05, 2018 2153 views

Is Competition In The Animation Field Low or High?

I don't know much about the competition level of animation and I'd love to learn more.

#art #animation

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Feb 07, 2018 839 views

Should I take summer programs or go to Community Colleges to earn some credits?

Most of the schools that I've applied to offer summer programs that have classes and they offer college credit. Should I do that or should I just go to the CC nearby and then move for the school year? #college #Summer #Puzzled

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Feb 01, 2018 719 views

Should I only focus on the cost of schools or look at what they can provide me?

I've been accepted to some colleges and I am stuck in deciding where to go. Some are kinda pricey and I don't know whether to keep it safe and go to a low cost school or take the risk and go to the more risky schools.
#senior #college #stuck

cassandra’s Avatar
cassandra Jan 31, 2018 740 views

Can I study to become not only someone who raises animals, but also someone to help people who need addiction therapy?

I change my mind about a lot of things including my career, but I don't want to be limited on what I plan to do in my future.#future #careers #NOlimits

cassandra’s Avatar
cassandra Jan 31, 2018 1262 views

What can I do to help stop my procrastination?

I procrastinate alot and its a very bad habit, what will help me to be on task?#badstudent #procrastination #tryingtodobetter #personal-development #time-management

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Jan 24, 2018 677 views

What academic benefits do scholar athletes receive ?

I am looking into the recruitment process and want to know more about the things offered under this status. #scholar-athletes #sports #collegiate-athlete

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Jan 24, 2018 859 views

Is it better to dorm or rent an apartment near the campus?

I'm curious to find out which option provides the most benefits and is relatively cheaper in the long run. #apartment #dorm

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Jan 24, 2018 751 views

What steps should I take when writing my college essays?

Is there anything specific I should or should’t do when writing my college essay? What are the most common mistakes others make and how can they be fixed? Should I show my teachers for help? #essay #college-essay

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Jan 24, 2018 595 views

Do colleges find taking AP classes in high school more impressive than taking actual college classes?

I am currently a junior at a middle college high school and was curious as to if that sets me apart from others. Would colleges prefer that I took AP classes over college classes or vice versa? Do they even care at all? #college #classes

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Jan 22, 2018 842 views

What should I expect in College?

I am a HS senior and I've been accepted to some of the colleges that I applied to. The one thing that is bothering me is that I don't know what to do once I choose the school I'll spend for another 4 years. #Any #tips #thanks #college

Jene’s Avatar
Jene Jan 22, 2018 505 views

What can I do during my undergrad to ensure my spot in a DPT program?

I would like to make sure I show the admissions committee of a DPT program that I'm deeply passionate about becoming a Pediatric Physical Therapist. #KinesiologyPre-PT

Jene’s Avatar
Jene Jan 22, 2018 545 views

What is the best way to manage a full undergrad schedule without getting overwhelmed the first year?

I'm asking this question because I want to be make sure I don't fall behind my first year in college while acclimating to college life. #KinesiologyPre-PT

Charles’s Avatar
Charles Jan 21, 2018 666 views

How do I decide what avenue of computer science I want to pursue?

I am a high school senior planning on majoring in computer science in college. However, there are an overwhelming amount of different computer science paths to take. If I am unsure about my computer science path will there be enough time in college for me to switch between computer science...

Charles’s Avatar
Charles Jan 21, 2018 858 views

What are some tips to navigating a computer science career?

I am high school senior and I plan on pursuing a degree in computer science. I hope to find a job as a computer programmer after college. What are some tips and things I should try to do in order to increase my chances of getting a job after graduating? #computer-science

Cosette’s Avatar
Cosette Jan 20, 2018 687 views

How can I get a scholarship?

I have applied to SO MANY SCHOLARSHIPS and I've gotten nothing in return. And I write really well, because my AP Lang teacher told me I have really good writing, that's above my age. But even when looking at scholarships, it's always for specific areas or only for seniors (I'm in 11th grade.)...

karina’s Avatar
karina Jan 20, 2018 579 views

Is becoming a lawyer harder for an undocumented person that wants to reach government levels?

I'm asking due to the fact it includes laws, and there's discrimination.

karina’s Avatar
karina Jan 20, 2018 515 views

Is majoring in Criminology going to help me in law school?

I want to expand my knowledge on what a human brain does, but law is fighting against the injustice. I still see myself being a criminal defense attorney but is criminology a good start? #law #fightinjustice

James’s Avatar
James Jan 20, 2018 672 views

If you fail to get into medical school, what is an alternative that you can turn to.

I have heard that medical school is a extremely rigorous on top of being difficult to get into in the first place. #medicine

James’s Avatar
James Jan 20, 2018 642 views

Do UC schools have a lot of impacted classes?

I have heard it is difficult to get the classes you need/want in the UC because of crowding. #college

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Jan 18, 2018 736 views

Where should I look for scholarships?

I've been looking since last year to hopefully prepare for when I go off to college.
But, every website that I've been on have really been a hit and miss and almost nothing is for me. #helpme #needfunds #collegeisexpensive #college #financial-aid #scholarships

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Jan 18, 2018 1059 views

Why is it that we have to complete all four years of high school?

I already have more than enough credits and I've taken all the necessary classes to graduate. So why?
#done #ijustwannagotocollege #high-school #graduation #courses

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jan 18, 2018 492 views

How to balance college, a social life and part time job?

I recently finished my first semester at Cal State Fullerton and found it difficult to manage new rigorous courses and still manage to stay active in our school's RSA meetings(it is like student government and I type up what happens at all our meetings). Recently, I have (luckily) acquired a...

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jan 18, 2018 1477 views

What are some techniques to become a better studier?

I recently finished my first semester at Cal State Fullerton and I strive to do better this upcoming spring semester, but I need new ways to study. My old ways didn't get me as far as they did in high school. I am open to about anything. Thanks!

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jan 18, 2018 944 views

How do I start combining two majors I love into something beneficial for the public?

I am currently double majoring in dance and psychology at Cal State Fullerton. Later on I want to combine the two to become a child psychologist who incorporates dance into the therapy of children. I don't know where to start and I am hopeful someone will give me some ideas. Thank you :)...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 17, 2018 1133 views

How old were you when you got your first stable job?

Im still a student but will enter the real world soon. What was it like for you to transition from school to work? What were the hardest things to get used to? What are the best parts of starting work? What advice would you give your past self if you could? #real-world #first-job #jobs...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 17, 2018 571 views

Why did you decide to go to the college that you did?

I'm not sure where I want to go yet and wanted to know how others had made thair decision.


Nicola’s Avatar
Nicola Jan 17, 2018 900 views

Which IT discipline is best if you're weak in math?

#technology #math #information-technology

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Jan 17, 2018 757 views

How do I find internships (eventually a career) in a different city?

I’ve live in Southern California my entire life and I really want to move to another city after I graduate, but I’ll need a job. What are some tips on getting an internship/career in a city that’s farther away?

#internship #career-change

Nicola’s Avatar
Nicola Jan 17, 2018 720 views

What IT discipline is the most lucrative?

Full stack, date science, just to name a couple. Which discipline is the most lucrative and makes you the most hire-able as a boot-camp graduate with no professional experience?

ALVIN’s Avatar
ALVIN Jan 17, 2018 670 views

How do you know you chose the right college?

I want to pick colleges that are to my liking, but not so sure where to start.

ALVIN’s Avatar
ALVIN Jan 17, 2018 766 views

Is it better to get a GED at an undergrad then transfer?

I want to start planning my future for the better!! :)
#school-counseling #school #graduation #career-planning #college #SchoolIsLife

Paula’s Avatar
Paula Jan 17, 2018 698 views

Do extracurriculars really matter in high school and does it look better to take college classes rather than AP courses?

My school does not offer many extracurriculars and does not have any AP classes but there are college classes provided. #college #high-school-classes #classes #extracurriculars #high-school

Paula’s Avatar
Paula Jan 17, 2018 611 views

When choosing a university to attend, does it affect the chance of getting into medical school or increase/decrease your chance of working in the medical field?

I want to be a doctor and people always question what university I would like to attend but I do not know how to choose one or two. #university #decision #medical-field #doctor #idk #help

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin Jan 17, 2018 682 views

Which colleges focus more on academics and make learning fun?

I would like to know this because I dont want to go to a boring school and have no fun while studying my major. #college #education #higher-education #college-teaching #university-teaching

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin Jan 16, 2018 1702 views

What is the best college to go to to major in psychology

I would like to know the best place for me to go to to further my education and get my dream job.#psychology #college #college-admissions

Van’s Avatar
Van Jan 16, 2018 815 views

What are some tips for budgeting?

I already kinda have a way to track my spending but I would like to hear what other people do to keep themselves accountable. #finance #financial-planning #budgeting #savings

Van’s Avatar
Van Jan 16, 2018 728 views

What career options/examples are there for someone pursuing Public Health Policy as a major?

I feel like my field is very vague and broad so I want to ground myself in a better understanding of what I can do in my field. #publichealth

Odalis’s Avatar
Odalis Jan 16, 2018 567 views

Which are the best ways to get scholarships

I want to not pay too much for college and want to find scholarship #scholarships #college #teaching

Odalis’s Avatar
Odalis Jan 16, 2018 1348 views

Which are the best schools for an education major

I asking because want to know my options for when I start applying for colleges #college #teaching

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Jan 16, 2018 1176 views

What are the defining factors colleges look for when applying to college?

When looking at colleges, they show the GPA and SAT scores that are required and that’s all. Some will say they look for how involved you are in school and your community. I just want a clear statement of what most colleges want to see from me. #applying #requirements-management #college...

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Jan 16, 2018 486 views

If you are awarded a scholarship, are you able to obtain the money before admitted to a school?


When looking at colleges and scholarships, it sometimes says that you will receive the money once you are admitted into the school. I am not sure whether this applies to all scholarships or just the ones the colleges offer?

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 16, 2018 907 views

Can someone explain how much each person in a business earns?

I'm a new college student and unfamiliar with the business world. I'm curious about how much money a business would need to generate in order to have x amount of employees. I'm also wondering about what percentage each person of the hierarchy would earn. For businesses such as restaurants, I...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 16, 2018 949 views

Making money while attending college

I'm starting college soon so I wanted to know what are some ways to generate some money while attending(besides the obvious part time job). I don't want to miss any opportunities by not asking and hope to widen my perspective on what can be done. Thank you #college #college-job...

Ivanna-Paula’s Avatar
Ivanna-Paula Jan 16, 2018 683 views

How do I know which General Ed Classes to take?

I am applying for a psychology major and I want to finish my general ed as quickly as possible #collegebound #psychology #college

Ari’s Avatar
Ari Jan 16, 2018 625 views

Does it matter for medical schools to find school you graduated from?

I think it’s a really important question for medical students, since they have to maintain a really high GPA.
#medicine #medical-school #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #graduate-school

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