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Ella’s Avatar
Ella Oct 16, 2017 1032 views

Do certain schools look better when applying to medical school?

Like what do people from some schools have a better chance of getting into med school as others?
#medschool #medicine #medical-school #doctor #nursing #college-selection

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 13, 2017 1497 views

With a degree in Musical Theatre, what jobs have people gone on to pursue?

I am applying to Musical Theatre programs across the country, but am not sure that I want to pursue the life of a performer. What else can I do? #musical-theatre #career-path #music #college #college-major #musical

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 13, 2017 1079 views

Getting a BFA v. BA in Musical Theatre?

I am applying to both types of programs for college and was wondering what people like and don't like about each program.
#musical-theatre #BFA #BA #fine-art #fine-arts #arts #art #degrees #theatre #college

Gus’s Avatar
Gus Oct 12, 2017 979 views

How can I play many different styles of music?

I am a musician that is into many different styles of music and I play a few different instruments as well, so I wanted to see if anyone had any advice on the paths I could take. Sorry for the lack of specificity.

#music #music-production #music-industry #music-producer #instrumentation

Lucie’s Avatar
Lucie Oct 12, 2017 1075 views

How does an academic major in college affect job opportunities in the music field?

Hi, I'm a senior in High School. I would like to pursue music as a career, but it is hard for me to find a major that has what I am looking for or one that I can afford/qualify for. My alternative is to apply to either the same college as my preferred program or a cheaper college as an...

Gus’s Avatar
Gus Oct 12, 2017 1174 views

As someone who plans on majoring in music performance in college, what should I minor or double major in?

I am well aware of the fact that its going to be a struggle once I get into the world as a musician, so I am exploring other options to do in addition to music performance. Ideally, I would like to do something that is somehow connected to music, like audio engineering etc, but I wanted to see...

August’s Avatar
August Oct 12, 2017 1171 views

I like writing, filming, critiquing and writing reviews on movies, what job should I pursue?

I love writing stories and making videos. I love watching movies and reviewing them. I want to pursue something that allows me to work with movies but I've never taken an official film course in high school and will be starting college next year. What are some careers I can look at? I don't...

Kieta’s Avatar
Kieta Oct 12, 2017 1205 views

Exploring interests in college, how do I choose classes?

I'm a high school senior who has interest in multiple fields for college. One thing I'm looking at is engineering school. I know a lot of colleges have separate GEs or core requirements for engineering majors but I would still like to explore other subjects such as foreign language and...

Lucie’s Avatar
Lucie Oct 12, 2017 1166 views

How do I prepare for a more general music career?

Hi, I'm a senior in high school who wants to pursue music as a career. But most of the majors and programs I find are very specific and would not allow me to explore all the facets of music that would help me find my niche and strengths/weaknesses. How should I approach the college process so...

milo’s Avatar
milo Oct 12, 2017 1236 views

What are some good monologues for college auditions?

I am in the process of preparing to audition for school. #theatre #musical-theatre #college #auditions #theater #school

Osiris ’s Avatar
Osiris Oct 12, 2017 931 views

Is it possible to do medical school in Cuba?

I want to be a surgeon and want to see if it would be possible to go to Cuba for medical school. My only concern is if I would be able to transfer these credits to make sure I can do my residency and work in the United States afterward. #surgeon #medicalschool- #medical-school #residency...

milo’s Avatar
milo Oct 12, 2017 966 views

Do most colleges help theater majors find connections when they graduate?

I am interested in pursuing musical theater/ acting in college. #theatre #musical-theatre #theater #acting #musical #college #networking #connections

Phoebe ’s Avatar
Phoebe Oct 12, 2017 890 views

What are possible careers for a person who majored in Behavioral Neuroscience?

I am interested in how the brain works, and specifically why it causes people to act the way they do. I want to work with people with special needs, but wonder if this is a plausible career. I am also interested in research, maybe also related to special needs. #neuroscience...

Kieta’s Avatar
Kieta Oct 12, 2017 921 views

How to prepare for a bioengineering major?

I'm a senior in high school who is interested in majoring in biomedical engineering. I attend an art school that is a little low on resources for students interested in STEM. I have taken all the math and science offered by my school but still don't really prepared for college level math and...

Osiris ’s Avatar
Osiris Oct 12, 2017 761 views

How much does the undergrad college you go to affect what medical school you get into?

I am a senior in high school and am getting ready to apply to undergrad. I want to be a surgeon and know that I will have to apply to medical school once I am done with undergrad. I want to go to a smaller college/less known college because they are less expensive but I do not know if they...

Lilli’s Avatar
Lilli Oct 12, 2017 1061 views

After a 5 year architecture undergrad program should I go to graduate school?

I like the idea of going to a B.Arch program but I also would like to go to grad school. Would you recommend continuing to get a architecture masters after a B.Arch or is that a waste of money and time. And if it is advisable to get a masters in architecture after a B.Arch then should I work in...

Dylan’s Avatar
Dylan Oct 12, 2017 1064 views

What if I don't want to go to college, can I still be successful?

I have read on various websites that I do not need to waste time and money on college if I want to start screenwriting so I cam curious to know is it fine to skip college and get started

#screenwriting #writer #writing #college

ian’s Avatar
ian Oct 12, 2017 2058 views

What programming languages must you know for IT management or software engineer?

I know a couple languages, mostly high level but I was wondering If I have to learn C or C++ or ABC . I know python, bootstrap, html, css, java script, learning ruby and rails, and I am learning php and sql. #software-engineering #technology #web-development #computer-software #software...

Ella’s Avatar
Ella Oct 12, 2017 864 views

What is the process for getting and working in a surgical residency?

#medicine #surgery #residence-life #residency #doctor

Dylan’s Avatar
Dylan Oct 12, 2017 872 views

What can I do to start my career?

I want to become a writer for Netflix, and I want to know the steps it takes to achieve my dream

#netflix #writer #screenwriting #film #film-production #television #television-production

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Oct 12, 2017 1299 views

What major should I study to do pre-med and become a child psychiatrist?

What is a good college major to eventually be a child psychiatrist?
#child-psychiatrist #medical-practice #child-development #working-with-children

amy’s Avatar
amy Oct 12, 2017 1063 views

What should I prepare for the first day of college?

Wondering about college life, #college-advice #college #college-bound #school #higher-education

Lily’s Avatar
Lily Oct 12, 2017 832 views

What should I major in for Pre-Med

I want to be a doctor, but I am getting mixed answers to what I should major in. First I heard Biology, but then I heard that this is too generic and I should major in a humanity. If I majored in a humanity what would look best to medical schools? I am interested in Philosophy, but am worried...

ian’s Avatar
ian Oct 12, 2017 1063 views

What classes do you have to take for pre-law?

#Law #Lawyer I want to become a lawyer when I graduate and was wondering while I am thinking about colleges. #college #college-major #college-majors #law-practice

lily’s Avatar
lily Oct 12, 2017 854 views

Is it extremely difficult to major in Civil Engineering?

I just wanna know what to expect in college. #civil-engineering #college #college-major #engineering #engineer

amy’s Avatar
amy Oct 12, 2017 837 views

What should my schedule be as a freshman in college to best utilize my resources?

I am currently a senior, and wondering about college classes. #college-advice #college-admissions #college #student-counseling #freshmen #classes

Paw’s Avatar
Paw Sep 01, 2017 855 views

Hi! What specific things (about college, housing, life, etc.) should we know before to college? What courses are we required to take to be able to major in nursing (to become a registered nurse)? What are your tips for thriving in college?

HI!!! College can obviously be overwhelming, especially for people who's family members never went to college before (and they get a lot of pressure from their family to succeed!). How do you keep calm while still doing great academically? Also, I'm really passionate about learning how the...

Wendy’s Avatar
Wendy Sep 01, 2017 1284 views

How would you go about studying for an accelerated nursing program?

I will be starting an accelerated nursing program (1 year program) in November and was looking for any tips or advice to help me succeed. Since this is an accelerated program, I am not sure if my normal study habits will suffice. Nursing programs are normally 2-3 years, so my program will be...

tiara’s Avatar
tiara Sep 01, 2017 634 views

Becoming an anesthesiologist?

I would like to attend med school and become an anesthesiologist. How long will I be in med school and how difficult is it? How much time will it take between going to med school and becoming an anesthesiologist?


Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Sep 01, 2017 3094 views

I'm a graphic designer, but I can't draw. Will this hurt me?

I'm a graphic designer (think layouts, typography graphics, and aesthetic designs) but I've never been able to draw. Seeing as that's a big part of designing, will this hurt me in a real world setting? Might be important to note that I do actually also have a background in photography, so I...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Sep 01, 2017 846 views

What can I do with a PHD in Mathematics

Its what I plan on pursuing in college #math

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Sep 01, 2017 898 views

How can you know if it's the right decision to take a gap year before college?

I have been considering taking a gap year before I start college, however, at the same time I feel ready to begin college life. I researched and talk to others but didn't really receive any great advice. How can you make this decision? #travel #maturity #hardchoice #college #college-advice...

Angelica’s Avatar
Angelica Sep 01, 2017 688 views

Will my ethnicity be a factor when applying to scholarships that are not African-American / Black Exclusive

My sophmore year teach showed us a video that essentially said that more white students are chosen for scholarships and it showed a person that helps with the scholarship process and said that this is true and if that only applies to a predominantly white should oppose to a school that is...

Francine’s Avatar
Francine Sep 01, 2017 646 views

How do I put my best into my college and how do I grow with my college?

The reason why I am asking this is because I want to give my best to the college that I am in and I want to take my privilege at my college. I will value my time and effort being at my college because we are learning and growing together. Not only that, I am representing my college and I should...

Aleena’s Avatar
Aleena Sep 01, 2017 906 views

How can I become an activist in my community/school?

I want to be more engaged in my school and community but more specifically in my field of study. I am a poly sci major minoring in environmental studies and want to eventually work for a non-profit organization. I've tried applying online but living in San Francisco makes it difficult to make...

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Sep 01, 2017 853 views

What are top schools for business majors?

I am interested in obtaining my degree in business with a focus on accounting and I need a school that is both affordable and beneficial for this career. #accounting #business #college-major

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Aug 18, 2017 1052 views

Should I get a Mac or a PC for college if I am majoring in architecture?

This fall I will be a freshman majoring in architecture at Cal Poly SLO. My dream is to become an architect and I really want to make the most of this college experience. I am trying to decide whether I should get a Macbook of some kind of a Windows laptop. The students I have spoken with who...

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jul 07, 2017 1012 views

Do you still have to take the SAT even if your going to community college?

I feel like I already know the answer to this but I just want to ask the community and get some trustworthy feedback. # SAT #community college #college

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jul 07, 2017 3618 views

Best career for someone who loves the film industry but doesn't want to be involved in directly making the movies?

I absolutely love all things movies! I think the industry is very interesting but I also know its hard to get into to. Im not particularly interested in being a director,producer etc. I just want a career that will get me close to the work that goes on behind the scenes helping to put these...

Julianna ’s Avatar
Julianna May 30, 2017 6139 views

What's better? Being an Obstetrician/Gynecologist or a Pediatrician?

I am currently a Freshman in High School and I am having a little trouble deciding what kind of doctor I want to be, so I want to know the pros and cons of both. #babies #toddlers #career-details

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon May 30, 2017 1507 views

How do you focus and manage your time wisely?

It's very hard to focus, even though it's quiet. I easily get bored. It's also hard to manage your time. I always procrastinate. #studying-tips #focusing #procrastination

Brady ’s Avatar
Brady May 30, 2017 971 views

what is it like being a race car driver

I have always loved cars and the way they work #cars

Nitya’s Avatar
Nitya May 30, 2017 1618 views

How to get a job in writing online?

I'm a freshman (9th grade) in high school, and since summer is coming, I wanted to get a job. I'm having a bit of trouble trying to find jobs that don't require a degree and such. Update: With your guys' advice, I've decided to enter some writing contests and hope for exposure and maybe some...

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail May 30, 2017 1149 views

How can I find a summer job or internship relevant to my career path?

I'm a junior in high school and am interested in science but keep getting rejected from summer jobs that build leadership skills by teaching younger students science. I also have not found relevant internships, and I'm afraid of getting rejected once I do because of the competition from other...

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan May 30, 2017 1200 views

What is the cheapest and easiest method to become an airline pilot

I'm currently a junior in high school and plan to attend a 4-year university to get my bachelors in computer science. I know that most major airlines require at least a 4-year degree, but it doesn't matter what they major in. I could go to a more popular aviation school such as Embry-Riddle...

Destiny’s Avatar
Destiny May 30, 2017 1023 views

Which are the best courses to take if I am aiming to become an ER nurse?

I am a junior in high school and I am having trouble finding which path I should take to increase my chances of going into the career I want to pursue. I know that I want to go to nursing school but I also know that this career is very competitive. Which courses should I take to guide me...

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony May 30, 2017 1263 views

Are there any good colleges for learning business ?

I am a 11 grade student in American high school, and I am looking for a good college to studying my majors for business works and marketing. Any ideas? #business #marketing

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah May 30, 2017 824 views

Are there any good programs for primary education in any schools near me?

My sister-in-law is a primary grade teacher and she said she loves it. I have gained a heavy interest in this field, but I would like to get started on figuring out where this major is more heavily taught, and where I would get the better teachings for this topic. #primary-education

Edzel’s Avatar
Edzel May 30, 2017 1244 views

What If the career I want to pursue isn't very successful?

I like dancing and acting, but I know that to be successful in that career, it's a one in a million chance. I would love to just be apart of that world, either editing or filming the whole thing. But I don't know what college to go and am pretty unsure of going on to pursue it. #film #dancing...

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin May 30, 2017 1109 views

What can I do to improve my chances at entering a decent college?

I'm in the 11th Grade and I am unsure about which college I can get into. The college I'm looking for is one that is known to most people and has many available majors, but does not require the highest of grades(B-C area). Another thing I wonder is if the college can provide the necessary...

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