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James Constantine Frangos’s Avatar

James Constantine Frangos

Consultant Dietitian & Software Developer since 1972 => Nutrition Education => Health & Longevity => Self-Actualization.
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
5875 Answers
4403172 Reads
3772 Karma


Civic Duty
perla’s Avatar
perla Jun 08 634 views

which is the most popular job search site?

job search site tips

Meranda’s Avatar
Meranda Jun 08 643 views

What Career Opportunities Are Available with a BA/BS in Criminal Justice ?

I've always wanted to pursue this path, but I'm worried I'm in over my head. I've job shadowed dispatchers and probation officers this year in southern Ohio, and they're hoping I'll come back. Am I making the right choice?

Nayeli’s Avatar
Nayeli Jun 08 508 views

Can you help me identify a career that suits me ?

I am exploring the ways that my skills and values align. I value achievement, communication , and adventure and my strongest skills are related to working with people. These include social/ hosting, selling, and promoting. Can you help me identify careers where both the values and these skills...

David’s Avatar
David Jun 08 775 views

I have several skills related to ideas. These include conceptual ability, design, improve. Can you help me identify careers that value these skills?

I want to find a job that fits my interests.

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Jun 08 721 views

What would be some potential careers for someone interested in mechanical engineering?

I am interested in mechanical engineering and am planning to major in it. I value challenges, problem solving, and creating positive change. I am relatively skilled at utilizing digital software and tools.

Mariaelena’s Avatar
Mariaelena Jun 08 833 views

I am exploring the ways that my skills and values align. I value achievement, commitment, and independence and my strongest skills are related to technology; these included listening, computer, and organizing. Can you help me identify careers where both the values and these skills align ?

I just graduated high school and plan to go to community college for two years and then transfer to Cal State LA

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Jun 08 559 views

I am exploring the ways that my skills and my values align. I value family work and balance and my strongest skills are related to working with people; these include oral communication written communication and collaboration. Can you help me identify careers where both the values and these skills align ?

Balance is possibly the weakest of the three values but the other two are incredibly important to me as a person.

Jaime’s Avatar
Jaime Jun 08 409 views

I really value financial, achievement, and belonging. What jobs or career paths align with these values?

I really like sports

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Jun 08 742 views

Private companies or government jobs?

Best ways to make money right out of college for a welder or business owner. Work for private companies or county/city? I’ll be taking over my dad’s landscaping business as well any advice on that? Thank you

Ellen’s Avatar
Ellen Jun 07 441 views

Which career

What career do you think is the best for me? I want to be a doctor but which kind of doctor should I be? I like helping people, and I'm vegan.

Hasan’s Avatar
Hasan Jun 07 1118 views

How can I, a marine engineer officer, transition from my current sea-based role to a shore-based career I am particularly interested in finding a remote job and would appreciate advice on which industries might be a good fit for my skills and experience.?

I have tried digital marketing, project management but cant figure out what is better for me. these fields or others.

Domingo’s Avatar
Domingo Jun 07 1455 views

How far would an Associates in Pre-engineering get me towards becoming an Automotive Engineer?

I am currently in Job Corps with high hopes to become something in the Automotive/Mechanical field.

ashton’s Avatar
ashton Nov 21, 2023 522 views

I have a list of questions for electricians.

What education or training is required? Are there any schools in central Ohio that offers programs to train for this job. Is the training offered by the employer? How long does it take to complete the required training for this job? What personality traits are helpful in this job? What...

Anesia’s Avatar
Anesia Jun 06 2054 views

What are typical things that happen as an electrician?

What are typical trouble-shoots during a job? How does talking with a client go?
Tools typically needed on a job. Any useful tips for this field.

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Jun 06 2742 views

How do I identify a fulfilling career?

With the numerous career options how can on find a fulfilling one.

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Dec 13, 2022 741 views

How many years of training do you need to start as a electritian?

I am a job corps student.

Anesia’s Avatar
Anesia Jun 06 2386 views

What is the Union typically looking for in an electrician?

Is it difficult for people to get work who just got out of the required courses for this job? What effective strategies are there that I could help to get a position in this field of work? Would being in a union at first and then self-employing work best?

James’s Avatar
James May 18, 2016 1157 views

Is it hard to juggle sports and school? Has being in a sport affected your grades?

Going to be a student-athlete #student-athletes #athletics #sports #career #career-counseling

Ramon’s Avatar
Ramon May 15, 2016 2031 views

What are the differences between a club and an intramural sport in regards to their social aspects?

I've heard that a person can meet just as many people through both a club or an intramural sport. But which of these two would result in better recommendations concerning job possibilities, personal connections, etc. (question is directed towards college clubs and intramural sports) #counselor...

Eunice’s Avatar
Eunice Jun 06 1535 views

How do I get a job in sports

I will graduate with my master's in mental health counseling and would love a job in a university/college setting where I work with student-athletes. I want to know where can I find opportunities to work in sports.

Joey’s Avatar
Joey Oct 04, 2019 772 views

What skills are required for your position on a daily basis ?

I am a senior at Brennan High School Interested in going into the business field. #business #entrepreneur #business-management #marketing #management

Jen’s Avatar
Jen Jun 01 2042 views

How do I be successful in the Business Major ?

I took a few gap years and need help getting back into the groove of university. What are some tips to help me stay focused in getting my 4 year degree?

Tobiloba’s Avatar
Tobiloba Jun 07, 2023 517 views

When is the best time to apply for a scholarship as a graduate ?

As a Petroleum Engineer what kind of fully funded schorlarships can I get into?

- I am financially on the low end and cannot afford furthering my education by my self, what programs out there can help me.

- I graduated top of my class.

Eshita’s Avatar
Eshita Jun 03 857 views

What are some scholarships available that I can apply to as a upcoming junior in highschool?

I am going to be a junior this upcoming school year and I know some of the colleges I am considering will not give me a lot of financial aid. I want to find a few scholarships I can apply to and start saving up the money so I can use it for college. Any suggestions?

Dereck’s Avatar
Dereck Jun 26, 2021 932 views

What courses/classes in High School should I take to help gain skills for my interest in business?

Hi, I'm a 10th grader and my interest is both aviation and business. I want to start gaining skills that would help me out in business. I've always been interested in business, leadership, problem-solving, making ideas come to life, being creative and working with other people as a team to...

Thane’s Avatar
Thane Jan 25 956 views

How do I find a career/major I am interested in?

I am struggling to find a career to go to college for, any suggestions?

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Apr 19, 2023 763 views

When did you feel like you had a solid direction in life? Career-wise. Or generally??

When did you feel like you had a solid direction in life? Career-wise. Or generally?

Mark’s Avatar
Mark Feb 12 2001 views

What is the best Business career path to choose?

I’m stuck on which career i should go for.

Domingo’s Avatar
Domingo Jun 05 1254 views

What degree would be best for the Automotive Engineering industry?

car and automotive related fields, engineering hobby.

Tabitha’s Avatar
Tabitha May 25, 2014 15924 views

Is accounting a good career for someone who doesn't particularly like talking with alot of people?

I need to find a good career and I don't really like being around people all that much. I feel like if I brushed up on my math, I could do a good job in this field. #accounting #accountant

Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha Oct 21, 2012 1998 views

What skills must you have to become an accountant ?

I'm a sophomore in high school. #accounting #accountant

Brillith’s Avatar
Brillith Jun 05 3637 views

Is it unethical to list my degree as a business administration degree if I completed a concentration in Marketing ?

I recently graduated with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration in marketing I was pushed by family and counselors to graduate with the degree since I was practically close to graduating and I wish I had withdrawn my grad application all together. I do not want to list marketing as my...

Kira’s Avatar
Kira Apr 21, 2022 1154 views

How do I start studying mortuary science on my own?

To all professional morticians out there, do you have any tips as to how I can study and research mortuary sciences? I'm unsure where to begin.

Rylee’s Avatar
Rylee Dec 04, 2023 945 views

How would I go about developing a career in mortuary science?

I've been looking into colleges, but any additional help or info is appreciated.

nicole’s Avatar
nicole Mar 06, 2023 1341 views

where do I start if I plan to become an embalmer?

I am a 14 almost 15 year old high school freshman

Crystal’s Avatar
Crystal Jan 13 1165 views

For those who majored in mortuary science, what is something to keep in mind?

I am currently a junior but I would like to prepare as best as I can since I've decided long ago what I would study.

andrew’s Avatar
andrew Jun 05 2523 views

what ? can i do to become best in computer science

In addition anyone who can guide me on the best career after school

Grace’s Avatar
Grace May 21 544 views

What is the best way to become certain of my career choice and college pursuit early on?

I am unsure whether I want to be a forensic medical examiner or a crime scene investigator, and I need advice on how to pick what's right for me.

anna’s Avatar
anna Jun 17, 2023 1009 views

What do colleges look for in your college transcripts?

I’m in 11th grade and starting to apply to colleges.

Annie’s Avatar
Annie Jun 04 1207 views

What are the best schools in Florida for introverted students who study hard?

I want a school that has a pretty good reputation. I want good instructors and a school that is in a safe area.

Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine May 21 2419 views

What is it like to work with special needs children and how do I deal with it?

I am interested in considering the idea of working with youth who have special needs. But I don't interact with children very often so I only really know how people around my age with special needs, such as autism, act. I'm aware that because they are children, their temper and behavioral...

Frosario13NFTEBOSS’s Avatar
Frosario13NFTEBOSS Jan 19, 2012 3043 views

How did you come up with your entrepreneurship idea?

Entrepreneurship is one of the first careers that comes up to m mind. I'm having trouble coming up with ideas #business #entrepreneurship

Gbenga’s Avatar
Gbenga Jun 04 1749 views



Juliana’s Avatar
Juliana Mar 05, 2019 749 views

What does a virus actually do to a phone or computer?

How does it affect the hardware?
#technology #computer-hardware #computer #information-technology #computer-engineering

Salvador’s Avatar
Salvador Oct 19, 2016 2551 views

What does it take to become a Hardware Engineer at Intel?

I want to know what it takes to become a Computer Engineer at Intel because I really like tinkering with computers and I have always loved building things so why not design them? #computer #tech #computer-hardware

Long’s Avatar
Long Jan 19 731 views

What job should I do this?

What should I do as a computer Engineer major?

Sai’s Avatar
Sai Apr 16, 2016 7081 views

what is system hardware

i want be a hardware engineer #computer #computer-hardware #hardware-engineer

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Jun 03, 2022 839 views

What steps did you take to get to your position today?

I have graduated high school in 2015, but have struggled to get into the trades of my choice. I want to know what you did in order to get into your trade, as well as any advice that you could give if you were to do anything differently. Also, just to specify further, I am interested in two...

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Jun 03, 2022 704 views

How long does it take for someone to learn all of the skills needed for your trade?

I know how long an associate's degree and bachelor's degree takes but what about any other certifications or prerequisites are there that i can obtain? How long do they take, any what do I need to do before hand to get them done?

Joan’s Avatar
Joan Nov 08, 2019 1576 views

Is working as a hardware engineer a stable job? What is your monthly income?

#hardwareengineer #hardware #computers #computer-hardware #engineer #engineering