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Jaquan’s Avatar
Jaquan Apr 15, 2018 610 views

Where is the best place to look for internships in college?

I plan on majoring in architecture and within architecture, you must intern at a firm for at least two years in order to earn your license and began working for a firm or start your own. #architecture

Jaquan’s Avatar
Jaquan Apr 15, 2018 557 views

What is the best way to manage time and stray from procrastination?

I am asking this question because I am one who has poor time management. I also suffer from laziness and procrastination, thus causing me to perform mediocrely rather than brilliantly. This also makes me afraid of college due to the responsibility of self-discipline and time management. #stressed

Marc Angelo’s Avatar
Marc Angelo Apr 09, 2018 700 views

Do I need to attend a top college and have a high GPA in order to be successful in the medical field?

I am currently in high school and pursuing microbiology and medicine. I am unsure as to whether or not it is worth it to stress over grades. #medicine #microbiology #biology #science #microscopy #college #college-admissions

Joi’s Avatar
Joi Apr 05, 2018 879 views

How much student loans can I take with a mechanical engineering starting salary

I am a mechanical engineering sophomore and I recently learned my parent can only contribute about 5% of my college finances. What is an affordable, realistic amount I can take out in student loans so I don't drown in student debt? For more information, I live in New Jersey and my dream job...

Joi’s Avatar
Joi Apr 05, 2018 1029 views

What steps can I take to make college affordable?

I am a current college student in my sophomore year. I recently learned that my parent will only be able to contribute about 5% of my college education. What are some steps I can take to make college more affordable? I am already working as a co-op and saving as much as I can. I would prefer...

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Apr 03, 2018 1492 views

Is computer science really that high demand?

Everyone always says that computer science is a quickly growing field. However, does this mean I should pursue computer science and be guaranteed job security? #job #security

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Apr 03, 2018 578 views

How do I know what's my passion?

I know it's not enough to like doing something, so how do I know if a class or activity is something that I will love doing for the rest of my life? #job #job-search

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Apr 03, 2018 749 views

How do I start to learn how to program?

Computer science is important in all jobs and aspects of life, but I don't know where to start when it comes to learning how to program. #computer-science #computer-programming

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Apr 03, 2018 923 views

How do you start getting involved in research in college if you have never done it before?

As an aspiring physicist or astrophysicist, I know that research is a central part of the job. However, I have never been involved in research in high school and want to pursue it in college. #science #physics #research

Dagmawit’s Avatar
Dagmawit Mar 31, 2018 937 views

What are three qualities that a successful instructional designer must have?

I aspire to become an instructional designer.
#instructional-design #education

Dagmawit’s Avatar
Dagmawit Mar 31, 2018 2162 views

How will the field of education be affected by data science?

I am asking this because I am interested in becoming an instructional designer. #education #data-science #analytics

Gillian’s Avatar
Gillian Mar 28, 2018 1043 views

What does a computer engineer do?

What does a computer engineer do? What are the career options for a computer engineer? What does a day in the life of a computer engineer entail? #engineering #women-in-tech #women-in-stem #computer-engineering #stem #girls-in-stem #girls-who-code #computer-software #computer-hardware...

Marc Angelo’s Avatar
Marc Angelo Mar 27, 2018 776 views

What is "A Day in the Life" like for a microbiologist?

So far I have done a project on antibiotic resistance and won a prize for doing so. I would like to know what daily life is like and what qualifications I have to have?
I am planning on going into this is into the future. #biology #microbiology #science #bacteria-culture #medicine

Kyra’s Avatar
Kyra Mar 27, 2018 2160 views

Are you more likely to do better in a class if you create a study group?

The past two years in #college I have done everything in my classes alone and I have done pretty well, but on the other hand, my brother does nothing alone. He studies with his friends, he exchanges numbers with the people in his classes and he always has study groups at our house. I'm curious...

Kyra’s Avatar
Kyra Mar 27, 2018 744 views

What is it like to transfer to a school out of state?

I went to Middlesex Community College in New Jersey for my first two years of college and I will be transferring out of state to St. John's University in the fall. I've lived at home my whole life and this will be my first time away from my family and I am curious to know how it will be....

James’s Avatar
James Mar 24, 2018 453 views

How will the knowlege I gain in college help me to shape the future of the world

I've always wanted to do something greater in life to help people; weather if it's from the kindness of my heart or the brilliance of my brain. #changethewrold

James’s Avatar
James Mar 24, 2018 830 views

How is the future technology going to change how we live our day to day lives

Technology has always interested me. How people used to live their lives without the benefit of modern-day technology has always fascinated me. There is always a way to create something to improve the quality of life. I want to invent something that will help improve the quality of life for...

Harris’s Avatar
Harris Mar 22, 2018 895 views

What is it like for a neurologist during their shift?

So far I have learned that neurologists can be called in on their break, need to be ready at all times, can switch between multiple patients throughout the day, and that neurologists and neurosurgeons can go hand-in-hand during operations. #neurology #a-day-in-the-life #neurologist #medicine...

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Mar 20, 2018 780 views

What's the best way to approach student loans?

As we are all gonna graduate with a pile of loans, what's the best way to approach them? Is it best to consolidate all loans or pay them one company at a time? #loans #college #debt #financial-planning #college-advice

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Mar 20, 2018 678 views

As a theatre major, what do you do post graduation?

I'm studying acting, and unfortunately the odds of success after graduation can be hit or miss. What the heck do I do after I graduate? Their are many questions on how to obtain a manager, agent, publicist, lawyer. And which one is the most important. It is so easy to be taken advantage of....

katelyn’s Avatar
katelyn Mar 20, 2018 760 views

how can i become a computer programmer

I'm asking because im curious
#computer-programming #programming #computer #career

jill’s Avatar
jill Mar 20, 2018 838 views

What's the best culinary school?

I'm going to college in a few years and I want to know the best college.

#chefs #college #culinary #college-advice

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Mar 20, 2018 760 views

How are you mentally preparing to leave home for College?

For most of us, we know where we are headed coming fall of 2018. I am moving 5 hours away from home. I would like to know, how do you feel about leaving home and what are you doing to prepare for that move?


Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Mar 20, 2018 1085 views

What is the best way you prepare for your AP Exams?

AP Exams are coming up and as we all know, if we get either a 3, 4 or 5, we get those college credits. Paying $100 or so per exam is better than paying close to $800-$1000 for those classes in college. So, my question to you is how to do you prepare for your AP Exam? How does your teacher...

John’s Avatar
John Mar 20, 2018 564 views

What is the better choice that will save me money and probably make me make more money in the future, Mechanical Engineering or Trade School to Automotive Technology?

Which one will be cheaper and which one will make me more money in the future. I have seen people make six figures with no college degree and they save a lot of money. #mechanical-engineering #trade-school

Kalvin’s Avatar
Kalvin Mar 20, 2018 929 views

How to get in a cooking business?

#restaurants #cooking

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Mar 19, 2018 1805 views

What is the best approach to find low competition scholarships?

I have noticed that there are literally thousands of scholarship programs out there and there are hundreds that most students would be qualified to apply to. However, I, like most people, don’t have the time or the energy to apply towards hundreds of scholarships in a year, so I need advice on...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Mar 19, 2018 1109 views

How does one choose the best career path for oneself?

I would like to know what are the most important factors when considering the best career path for oneself. I realize money is obviously important, however what about work-life balance, intrinsic and extrinsic awards, the speed of career progression, the type of education required to pursue the...

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Mar 14, 2018 780 views

How do I go about creating my own Company in the Engineering Industry?

Being enrolled in the Drexel Co-op program has given me the incites that I am grateful for experiencing before I enter the workforce. As I near the end of my last Co-op, I have realized that a 9am-5pm job is not for me. Being self employed has always been a dream of mine. #leadership...

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Mar 14, 2018 562 views

How do I find sponsors for maintaining a mobile application?

Over the past few years, coding has become a great passion of mine. As I became more familiar with coding languages, I soon pushed my skills to the next level. To help solve my financial discrepancies, I sought out to create a mobile application to pay for my tuition. I am currently in the mid...

Madelyn’s Avatar
Madelyn Mar 05, 2018 767 views

What happens right after college graduation?

In the summer after I will graduate college, what happens? Will I have a job to start that summer? Will I start with internships? What happens if I don't have either? #jobs #internships #after-college

Madelyn’s Avatar
Madelyn Mar 05, 2018 700 views

How can I afford college if I don't have anyone to help me get loans?

Both of my parents have very bad credit due to my father going to jail multiple times. Because of this, I am worried that I won't be able to get loans for college. I have no one to cosign for me and I can only get around $5500 through the federal government. #financial-aid #college #loans...

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Mar 03, 2018 499 views

Do you have any regrets about your major?

Since so many people, myself included, change majors while at university, it's probably safe to assume that some people simply settled for a major because they got tired of changing. Others might have just been stubbornly committed to a major for the sake of getting a degree. Do any of you feel...

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Mar 03, 2018 801 views

How hard is it to get a career in marketing that isn't sales?

I'm considering a career in marketing because I'm fascinated by the relationship between consumers and the market. However, I'm not keen on working a commission based sales job, which is what a lot of people tell me what a marketing degree leads to.


Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Feb 20, 2018 1215 views

Part-time jobs besides food service or retail?

I'm a college sophomore, psychology major, looking to have a more productive summer than last year (I volunteered once a week with the public library.) An internship or summer research program is my preference, but if not, I may need to resort to part-time work. I enjoyed my time at the library...

Joi’s Avatar
Joi Jan 23, 2018 820 views

Getting over fear of taking the initiative

I'm currently in an internship and I'm being constantly told to take the initiative. What are some tips to doing this? Also, consciously, I know that I am here to learn, that mistakes will happen and that I'm not going to get hated for asking too many questions. But whenever I am supposed to...

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Jan 23, 2018 1200 views

Best ways to manage time in college?

I'm a current college sophomore, and I never feel like I have enough time in the day. I want to do well in my classes, but when I study it's very time consuming. This wasn't so bad before, but now that I'm trying to get more involved around campus and applying for internships I've got a lot...

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Jan 23, 2018 8123 views

Best way to earn 150 credits to take the CPA Exam?

I'm currently a sophomore at Rutgers Business School majoring in accounting and want to know what would be the best way to earn those credits. Should I double major, get my masters, minor in a few things, or do something else entirely? I'm planning on doing auditing for the big 4, but I'm open...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Jan 23, 2018 757 views

as a civil engineer, what is considered an efficient work path for the engineer?

I am pursuing the area of civil engineering and I am simply worried for my future since I do not have everything structured yet. I have a few plans for my future, but I want to be as efficient as possible in my workplace. Therefore, how can I make myself an efficient civil engineer?...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Jan 23, 2018 879 views

How will automation impact the engineering field?

I am exploring in the area of engineering and I am very afraid that automation will result in the unemployment of many laborers in the near future. Therefore, I am asking for an educated guess on the extent that automation will impact not only the working class, but specifically our beloved...

Joi’s Avatar
Joi Jan 23, 2018 990 views

What is the best way to stay in contact with co-workers after an internship?

I currently have an internship in Ohio but my school and permanent address is in New Jersey. The people here are good people and might help me in the future. I want to maintain some contact so the opportunity doesn't disappear. What is the best way to maintain contact even when I get busier in...

Joi’s Avatar
Joi Jan 21, 2018 844 views

Know what your dream job is?

As a mechanical engineer, I know that I have many options for my career choice. But I am also worried that I won't be able to find a job that I enjoy. What are the best ways or what are the right questions to ask to find out if I like a job or not? #enginnering #happiness...

Ayokunnumi’s Avatar
Ayokunnumi Jan 20, 2018 1659 views

Is Organic Chemistry a hard course in college?

I'm thinking about going into pharmacy.

Ayokunnumi’s Avatar
Ayokunnumi Jan 20, 2018 551 views

Is it possible that I could spend a day in a profession, so I know what I could be dealing with in the future?

I don't want to get into a profession where I don't like the environment I'm working in. I rather know what it feels like before I enter the profession.

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Jan 19, 2018 935 views

How to balance technical work with management at a large company?

I have noticed when applying to large companies (nationals or multinationals for example) that it seems you cannot both be involved in technical work (deep mathematics, physics, or engineering) and have a role in management. It seems that the two branch off rather early and because I like the...

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Jan 19, 2018 839 views

What is the most rewarding part of being a structural engineer?

This is my major and I'll be graduating soon. One of the reasons I originally chose this was because I always liked math and physics, but I wanted to make sure I could use those skills to help people, but lately I've seen this field as more of putting up high rises and luxury condos for people...

Jeancarlo’s Avatar
Jeancarlo Jan 17, 2018 905 views

What is a skill or quality most people overlook when it comes to interviewing that is actually vitally important?

As a college student, the transition to the workforce is happening really soon. Since I will have to do many interviews, what soft skill or quality should I make sure I have in order to make myself as hirable as possible? #interviews #jobs #computer-science #professional-development #stem...

Jeancarlo’s Avatar
Jeancarlo Jan 17, 2018 1621 views

How should a computer science major keep up with the constant changes in the field and with technology itself ?

I'm a computer science major and I constantly hear about new strategies, programming languages, and technologies that are supposed to be the next big thing. It would be impossible to keep up with all of them, but, in order to stay up to date, how do I tell which new thing is the best to invest...

Fathima’s Avatar
Fathima Jan 17, 2018 887 views

What should I expect when it comes to sexism and racism in the STEM field, because I know it's quite pervasive in the US?

I'm South Asian, muslim, and a woman, and so far I've not experienced a lot of sexist or racist treatment, but I expect I'll run into it eventually. Is there any ideology I should keep in mind, or any resources I should look into?

#racism #sexism #biology #biotechnology #women-in-stem

Fathima’s Avatar
Fathima Jan 17, 2018 751 views

How do I blend visual art and writing skill with my biotechnology degree for a career?

Ever since I was a kid, I was constantly stuck between wanting to be an artist, a writer, or a scientist. There must be some way to have all these things in my life, but I'm not really sure since I want to be a microbiologist or parasitologist. #biology #biotechnology #molecular-biology...

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