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John’s Avatar
John Jan 09 1047 views

How to become a fashion designer?

I want to know about it

Ade’s Avatar
Ade Jan 09 2257 views

What is one class that can help me understand financial planning?

I am a freshman in high school. One of my favorite classes is English and world cultures, when I go to college I am thinking about taking business classes so that I could run my own business. I just wanted to know what I could do for college.

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Jan 08 572 views

What was the most beneficial experience you had before starting a graduate-level program?

I am applying for Summer research opportunities to prepare for graduate school. I was wondering if there were any other programs or opportunities that would help me prepare?

Kaleb’s Avatar
Kaleb Jan 08 899 views

how would i progress fast on my career? what if i wanna live in another country with this career? how often will i be exposed to hights?

so i wanna move to utah after im done with apprenticeship and other states, eventually norway, i wanna progress the career ladder and become get a masters in electrical, i dont necessarily do well with hights but i will do then but how would i get over it?

Cesar’s Avatar
Cesar Jan 08 692 views

Would appreciate the Help, have until Friday to submit Form, whether I decide to take Statistics next year.

I'm a Junior in HS, I've taken; Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 (Doubled up in math). Currently taking Pre-Calc, Physics and Intro to Computer Science. I am planning to take AP Calc, AP Physics and AP Computer Science, next year. Should I take Statistics Senior year too and, Is there any...

jaylynn’s Avatar
jaylynn Jan 08 1316 views

what is hard about college?

what hard about college? why should I go to college

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Jan 08 776 views

What is a labor and delivery nurse?

Do labor and delivery nurses have to deal
With bad smells

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Jan 08 1146 views

How can I choose the course to study at my higher level of studies?

I am an highschool student, I keep on cracking jokes, doing some songs to my friends and also younger children,they do laugh and enjoy my company.

Melin’s Avatar
Melin Jan 08 821 views

How do I start little in my career of k-pop ?

Ive taken Michelle Marrota s advice.So how do i start little in kpop .I have a few ideas,first of all me and my friends have a k-pop group called high up and it consist of 5 of my friends who like k-pop i have 53 friends in total but only 5 of them like k-pop.I just wrote a song called LOL...

Shyanne’s Avatar
Shyanne Jan 08 569 views

As a 10th grader how could I reach a goal if my school can't help me?

How would I as a 10th grade student achieve me becoming a doctor l. I've always dreamed of being a doctor but my school doesn't have any classes we're we are learning that kind of stuff is there like a after school thing anywhere that I could sign up ?

sam’s Avatar
sam Jan 08 860 views

how to sign up for college?

how to sign up for college? I when to go to college but I do not know what to do and I do not know how to sing up for college can you help me

Tom’s Avatar
Tom Jan 08 1031 views

Should I go to college or get a job after graduation?

Is it better to go to school after high school or to immediately get a job when i graduate from highschool? I want to be a mechanic when I get older and i dont know.

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Jan 08 2222 views

Is a Business Major a good fit?

Hi, I am a junior in High school looking at graduating with an Associate's and hoping to nail down a major. I previously thought about psychology or creative writing but they don't feel like the right fit. I really enjoy writing and want to find a job I can be creative with. I also want a...

praewa’s Avatar
praewa Jan 07 495 views

what should i do with my future ?

I graduated from high school in Thailand and moved to Germany almost two years ago I studied German for about 6-7 months. now I do ausbildung as a dentist's assistant. Ausbildung is a vocational training program in Germany. I've been doing it for 5 months now. The problem is that the language...

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jan 07 450 views

What course should I choose at higher level of study ?

I love doing jokes to friends🫣,story telling and even involving friends in discussion about trendy issues. However have never thought how I can't turn it to career choice .

Renata’s Avatar
Renata Jan 07 407 views

What are somethings that I must do after my 18th birthday?

There are certain things that I know I should do like getting a credit card, but what other things and how can I accoplish them?

Alejandra’s Avatar
Alejandra Jan 06 1029 views

Where should I start if I want to earn money by selling my art?

I'm a 19 year old high school graduate, I love to create art, I'm a self taught artist. I'm saving up money to be able to pay for college, but what I earn is not enough. I want to sell my art but don't know where to start.

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Jan 07 715 views

How do you recommend making friends in college?

I'm starting college in a few months and I've unfortunately been friendless throughout high school. This has mainly been due to social anxiety and lack of social skills.

Melin’s Avatar
Melin Jan 07 1343 views

How can I convince my parents to let me be a kpop idol ?

Im obsessed with k-pop and im planning to audition on J.Y.P entertainment for dance and rap maybe visuals.But the problem is my parents.They kinda want me to be a doctor instead because that was my dream job 2 years ago,I wouldnt have said that i was only 8 and i didnt even know k-pop that...

kyilynni’s Avatar
kyilynni Jan 06 1144 views

What hbcu should I go to?

My name is Kyilynni and I am in 10th grade. I wanted to get another opinion on what college I should go to. I want to strictly go to a HBCU because I feel like I would get a better experience going to one.

Lily’s Avatar
Lily Jan 05 887 views

I have to take fine arts at my school, but which should I choose if I want to be a doctor? Does it matter at all?

My school has a fine arts requirement to graduate. I would like to become a doctor and am not very interested in art. What genre of classes are best for my situation? My school offers choir, band, orchestra, theatre arts, visual arts, dance, technical theatre, and art history at various levels...

Lily’s Avatar
Lily Jan 05 636 views

How do you find friends who will be a good influence on you in high school?

I know a lot of people at my school and I'm unsure of how to weed out the ones who won't be great influences on me down the road. And once I figure out which ones I want to keep as friends, how do I respectfully distance myself from the ones I don't want to be friends with? Or should I try to...

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Jan 05 372 views

How should I improve acting/vocals for school musicals/plays?

I'm a middle/high school student who's interested in participating in plays and musicals for my school. I've only been in two in the past and have gotten side/background characters and a narrator. I don't have much experience in acting and I am a self-taught singer. What are some good ways to...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 05 2222 views

How do you find a lifelong career that you will love and be passionate about?

I'm still young, in my early twenties asking for advice or helpful insight on finding the right path for me. I'm currently enrolled in a Jobcorps Center and am pursuing Pharmacy technician and or other trade work training. I have several small interests that I enjoy but none that I feel...

Summer’s Avatar
Summer Jan 05 1369 views

Should I major in Sociology and minor in psychology or the other way around?

I am set on majoring in Sociology, but I would like to hear the opinions of others as well, in order to gain some more insight. I would like to work in the mental-health field, but also go on to do work with UNICEF and or other humanitarian organizations. I want a job where I can really connect...

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jan 05 676 views

How do I know if pursuing medical school is right for me?

I’m a sophomore in high school, and I’m beginning dual enrollment classes. I’m trying to figure out what I’d like to do in the future so I can gear my electives towards that. I have an interest in medicine, specifically surgery, and I think I could be good in it, but I’m just not sure if I’m...

Joyce’s Avatar
Joyce Jan 05 563 views

Is pharmacy time consuming?

I want to pursue a career in pharmacy but I don't want to spend the majority of my time working.

Summer’s Avatar
Summer Jan 05 3898 views

Can you get an associate's degree in one subject and a bachelor's in another?

I am an aspiring LCSW in sophomore year. I am taking my associates in college this year, but I don't know if I should major in Psychology and English or Sociology and English (I have to take a college class for English, but It was also recommended that I take another dual college class as...

Selina’s Avatar
Selina Jan 04 797 views

How can i stop myself from procrastinating?

I seriously need help I need tips or something like that because it's gotten to the point where I'm so backed up on work it's getting kind of hard to keep up

Adrianna’s Avatar
Adrianna Jan 04 1314 views

What would be a good art school to go to for animation in the United States?

What would be a good art school to go to for animation in the United States?

sophie’s Avatar
sophie Jan 04 737 views

What do you need to major in to become a psychiatrist?

I've wanted to become a psychiatrist for a while now but I don't know how I would start. Would it be something like premed?

Lola’s Avatar
Lola Jan 04 581 views

What collage would you want to attend for writing movies and shows?

I've been writing movies and shows my whole life. Starting from the age of 5 I've been writing movies and shows dreaming I would share them maybe to the world someday. When I write it all comes from my imagination and sometimes I'm inspired by someone big like Stephen King.

Ellerie’s Avatar
Ellerie Jan 04 796 views

How do you decide what career to pursue? (Nursing, LA, Art)

(I'm currently in community college trying to better my gpa and explore topics) I'm interested in topics like sustainability, design, and health research, but I'm more of a creative person(drawing, painting, writing, singing). For my careers, I've been going between being a landscape architect...

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jan 03 636 views

Best way to be successful ?

Find something in college that interests you and go for it.

a’s Avatar
a Jan 03 550 views

what is a career within biology illustration

What is a career with illustration and biology

Mananya’s Avatar
Mananya Jan 03 1289 views

Where can I find online high school student internships for CS ?

Where can I find economically feasible internships(online) for high school students which are computer science oriented, which teach new stuff alongside helping me enhance my soft skills.

Leane’s Avatar
Leane Jan 03 980 views

How do you choose which path to take after finishing your B.A.?

I'm currently in my senior year of a Bachelor's degree in Performing Arts (creative writing minor). I've always wanted to do lots of different jobs and I'm still not sure about what I want to do after graduating! I'm thinking of becoming a writer (screenwriter, poet, songwriter). Maybe I should...

Damilola’s Avatar
Damilola Dec 29, 2023 1095 views

How do I get a good course preference ?

Course preference

Dani’s Avatar
Dani Dec 29, 2023 1380 views

How do i find a part time job as a business owner and being a college student?

How do i find a part time job as a business owner and being a college student?

Ping’s Avatar
Ping Dec 28, 2023 911 views

Why is it hard to get full guidance about career value?

I can't get full information about choosing career

Laa’s Avatar
Laa Jul 28, 2023 752 views

How should I start my resume?

Next year I want to get my first job and I'm stuck on how I should start my resume.

Margaret’s Avatar
Margaret Dec 24, 2023 859 views

What did your pathway to become a wholesaler look like How did you expand your business? ?

I am in high school and have my own print on demand shop. However, I have goals to one day have a commercial business or to become a wholesaler. If anyone has done either of these how did you go about doing it? What did your pathway look like?

Ryley’s Avatar
Ryley Dec 28, 2023 1245 views

Are new grad nurses prepared to know how to work in their environment?

Im a senior in high school and want to go into nursing. Today, for the first time, with no previous experiences, I shadowed an ICU nurse. It was a cool experience but scary with how much knowledge of machines, technology and charting you have to know how to work? I was truly wondering if any...

Jaylin’s Avatar
Jaylin Dec 26, 2023 786 views

I am in the 10th grade, I'm majoring in the medical professions field in high school.

I am in the 10th grade, I'm majoring in the medical professions field in highschool, I'm at a 2.6 GPA, taking 3 AP classes and 1 honor class. What is some advice you could give me to improve my GPA? In the future, I strive to be a neurosurgeon but I'm afraid my grades are going to prevent me...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Feb 13, 2023 297 views

Where can find good classes on nutritional business?

I am becoming a nutrition coach and would like to take some nutritional business classes

Daynah’s Avatar
Daynah Dec 27, 2023 520 views

how can I be very productive in college to be a kindergarten teacher?

Basically what are some struggles that i should be aware of in college and getting into the career

Charley’s Avatar
Charley Dec 27, 2023 1190 views

Should I be an architect?

I really want to be an architect but I’ve heard a lot of bad things about it. I really like buildings and designing cool ones but I am debating if I should just chose a different career to do. I am 13 and I enjoy doing art, i like literature, and history but I do not like math or science. I’ve...

Stephen’s Avatar
Stephen Dec 26, 2023 543 views

What are some tips and tricks to get through senior year ?

need some help

melissa’s Avatar
melissa Dec 26, 2023 585 views

how can i become more than a CNA right after high school?

I love helping the elder and i really want to become a nurse assistant.

Maggie’s Avatar
Maggie Dec 26, 2023 1071 views

What colleges are good to study psychology at?

What are good, and realistically affordable colleges to major in psychology and to also take astronomy courses. I'm currently in 8th grade but really want to start planning ahead.